Social Fox News Hasn't Tweeted in a Month


Gold Belt
Sep 26, 2016
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What's up with that? They used to tweet all day everyday. They scared of something. This was their last tweet about trump taking another L
I guess it still has to do with this?
Fox’s silence reportedly stems from a protest held last week outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home by a group called Smash Racism D.C. Protesters spray-painted an anarchy symbol on Carlson’s driveway and knocked on (but didn’t break down) his door, frightening his wife, who was home alone. According to the Daily Caller, the Smash Racism Twitter account — among others — had posted Carlson’s home address somewhere around the time of the protest.

Carlson’s address is, like many people’s, a matter of public record, but Twitter’s rule against posting “private information” extends (as it should) to “private residences, personal home addresses, or other locations that are considered private.” Nevertheless, when the “Daily Caller News Foundation” and Fox News reported to Twitter that Carlson’s personal home address had been published to the platform, they were apparently told to “open a ticket,” and the tweets remained up. (They have since been taken down.)

While the experience of reporting a tweet in clear violation of Twitter’s stated rules and being politely told to fuck off is a familiar one to many individual users of the social network, it was an insult too grave for Fox News. Hence: silence.
They have a 24 hour network. Why would they need to tweet?

Now everyone else needs to follow suit
Would have to say it makes Fox News one of the few intelligent media outlets right now.

Social media is killing the industry. Now if only they would get their heads out of their asses and work at increasing ad revenue so they can stop using click-bait and outrage to get views so Journalism can come back.
They realized Twitter is useless and does nothing for the world.
No need, they probably realized Trump will retweet whatever they say anyway.
Good for Fox News. That is a worthy position. I'll tell you who tweets like a motherfucker... Jim Acosta. That pathetic asshole tweets and likes and retweet every anti-Trump thing he can find. It's pathetic that he's a "White House Reporter".
Would have to say it makes Fox News one of the few intelligent media outlets right now.

Social media is killing the industry. Now if only they would get their heads out of their asses and work at increasing ad revenue so they can stop using click-bait and outrage to get views so Journalism can come back.

Actually media outlets have taken a different, more intelligent approach then the one you're suggesting. Instead of competing directly with social media they have decided to work alongside the government to censor, throttle, deplatform, and outright ban their competition on social media. Why compete with something when you can just take it over? Youtube for example is slowly turning back into TV with the same media outlets force feeding us the same corporate dominated content we all hated and left to begin with.

You know, it's ok to move on from things like twatter. Remember MySpace? Yeah.. Even in these days things go bye-bye.
Good for Fox News. That is a worthy position. I'll tell you who tweets like a motherfucker... Jim Acosta. That pathetic asshole tweets and likes and retweet every anti-Trump thing he can find. It's pathetic that he's a "White House Reporter".

as opposed to the guy who lives in the white house. he isnt on twitter all the time