Frank Stallone Calls David Hogg ‘P—y’ and ‘Little B—h'; Twitter Punches Back

One of em. I've seen an awful lot of bad films.

Example, anything with Joe Don Baker

Thoughts on Uwe Boll?

My opinion is he amazingly manages just to be bad, not in any way that's enjoyable.
Thoughts on Uwe Boll?

My opinion is he amazingly manages just to be bad, not in any way that's enjoyable.
He made most of the comic book movies that were disasters. He got to make movies through a tax loophole, and then when that incentive went away, he pretty much stopped making movies.

People talk about him as being a modern day Ed Wood but he's not that interesting. Alone in the Dark and House of the Dead are hilariously bad though.
Franks tough tho...used to see him at wild card all the time. He can give two shits about what a bunch of soy boys think

can someone give me cliffs on why the conservatives hate this kid that survived a shooting. I haven't been paying attention to this story.

they seem to belive he is a nazi.
Yes. A teenager taking on the politically powerful NRA is the opposite idea pussy or coward.

Oh yeah, because the entire media isn't behind him or anything. You can't say a word about this kid. He is untouchable. He is a fuckin coward. He is able to make demands and say whatever he wants with impunity. He is a little brownshirt. I fuckin hate that attitude in anybody.

He is literally a demagogue by definition.
It's weird to point out the guy who expects the DoJ to follow his whims and not the law, the guy who's intent on ending a federal investigation, the guy who fires those he considers disloyal to him and appoints unqualified people to important government positions based on if they praise him, the guy who's filled his office with family, the guy who openly loves despots like Putin, Bin Salman, Duturte, the guy who openly wonders why the USA can't just seize other countries resources using military might, the guy who is using the highest office in America to enrich him, his family and friends, the guy who wants to execute drug dealers despite having worked with major coke dealers (see Joseph Weichselbaum) could be a totalitarian leader in the making?

Sorry, you voted for a narcissist who thinks being the potus makes him a king. Deal with it.

Lol...just gonna stick to it then, Ok.

If i felt as you did. I would move. Seriously. Not a "love it or leave it" BS statement. Why stay in a country with a possible totalitarian? Seems odd to me.
Oh yeah, because the entire media isn't behind him or anything. You can't say a word about this kid. He is untouchable. He is a fuckin coward. He is able to make demands and say whatever he wants with impunity. He is a little brownshirt. I fuckin hate that attitude in anybody.

He is literally a demagogue by definition.

SJWs calling everyone a Nazi made the word lose all meaning.

unless its this kid. then screaming nazi is totally fine and meaningful.
It's also worth noting Frank said "sucker punch". Typical right wingers tactic. Always too scared to fight head on.

Do you want to talk about the knockout game and the political leanings of the individuals playing it?
can someone give me cliffs on why the conservatives hate this kid that survived a shooting. I haven't been paying attention to this story.
Rumor has it he wasn’t even at school the day of the shooting. Plus he’s a douche, the kids were all known to bully the shooter and finally made the sick kid snap. Hogg, not being able to be rational is angry at responsible gun ownership instead of looking at himself and other students as the problem. Lesson learned; don’t be a bully.

Plus if you want people to side with you, might want to use a better representative that doesn’t divide people because he doesn’t know how to control his emotions. Pretty simple really.

Geto Soys

Hogg Can't Be Stopped

Someone please cut and paste Hogg's head onto Bushwick
Do you want to talk about the knockout game and the political leanings of the individuals playing it?
What are their political leanings?
I am not going out on a limb here when I say nobody has any idea what the political persuasion of the perps are because it is very unlikely they even bother to vote or pay attention to anything political.
Lol...just gonna stick to it then, Ok.

If i felt as you did. I would move. Seriously. Not a "love it or leave it" BS statement. Why stay in a country with a possible totalitarian? Seems odd to me.

I have moved back to NZ. Guess what, I know lots of other ex pats and Americans who have also moved here because of Trump. No gun culture, beautiful countryside, one of the safest places on earth if Trump starts a nuclear war and no Republican party are great selling points. Pity the housing market has been so fucked here by neo-liberal BS, but you can't have it all.
I have to give Frank credit for beating the hell out of Geraldo on the old Howard Stern TV show, the only reason he is getting involved in this is to get his name back in the news, sad!
Rumor has it he wasn’t even at school the day of the shooting. Plus he’s a douche, the kids were all known to bully the shooter and finally made the sick kid snap. Hogg, not being able to be rational is angry at responsible gun ownership instead of looking at himself and other students as the problem. Lesson learned; don’t be a bully.

Plus if you want people to side with you, might want to use a better representative that doesn’t divide people because he doesn’t know how to control his emotions. Pretty simple really.

Rumor has it? Pity that dozens of school goers have stated he was at school that day. Right wing lies are getting out of control.

Your rumor came from a misrepresented quote in which he said he grabbed a video camera and biked to school. In context, he was saying the after he got home he went back to school with a video camera.

Why in God's name don't you right wing idiots possess basic research skills? It's mind boggling you seem to easily find every BS obscure conspiracy theory the right shits out yet cant do the basic research to verify it. One would suspect you don't actually give a shit about the truth and instead glom onto anything that confirms your fucked up reality.