Free Cheese!

I liked it because someone asked me to. Now I have un-liked because someone asked me to. If I get asked to re-like it, I'll be damned if not just going to do that, too. I don't want to rock the boat.
So many douche bags on that list.
I've been defending cheese and saying for him to make threads anyways but now I'm gonna like it just for this crybaby thread

Sorry @Cheese I hope you make threads anyways, I will still like your OPs and post in them
Cheese must be silenced, no matter the cost!
Cheese can just PM Fedorgasm to start threads for him. Simple fix.
I came into this thread expecting free cheese and am sorely disappointed
He can still post right and not start threads?

I'll stick to my "like" playas. He was the one that challenged the other dude. Gotta pay his dues.

What you guys should do is do another bet. 100 likes on a post and he can start threads again. I'll like that too.
I liked it because someone asked me to. Now I have un-liked because someone asked me to. If I get asked to re-like it, I'll be damned if not just going to do that, too. I don't want to rock the boat.
Go re-like that post you unliked
Nothing's stopping @Cheese from making threads now. It's not like a mod is gonna ban him. This is a random internet forum of strangers. That "man of your word" shit means nothing here especially when no one on the forum cares for the person who told Cheese to stop making threads.
Dammit, man! Can't you see we're going to be here all day?

Screwtape, go back and unlike the post that you liked, unliked, then liked again...
Alrighty then. But my mom's yelling down the stairs that the mac and cheese is ready so I have to log off and set the dinner table.
I came into this thread expecting free cheese and am sorely disappointed

I only Liked RichardHarrow's post because I find "Stop making threads" comments to be funny.

I rescinded my like, and I also led the charge with my poll yesterday. @Cheese was at 90 votes last I checked, and that was for the "Keep making threads" option.
I could pardon @Cheese ... but I'm afraid I'd disappoint my followers...YOURE TEARING ME APART!
Idk who cheese is and i dont even remember liking a post about stopping his threads. With that said ill go unlike
I'm gonna go like it just cause of this thread. A spite like.
there was a poll that asked if cheese should make threads that was 75 for yes and 35 D-bags said no... that poll should override the little bet with someone no one has ever heard of.

make your threads cheese... or write them up and PM me and I will post them