Funniest scrambled fighter name ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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If you change the first letter of a fighter name / lastname , who would have the most awkward name ?
For example ,

Juinton Qackson , Han Denderson , or Mimi Januwa .

Also, some like Jon Jones for instance, are imune to this scramble.
If you change the first letter of a fighter name / lastname , who would have the most awkward name ?
For example ,

Juinton Qackson , Han Denderson , or Mimi Januwa .

Also, some like Jon Jones for instance, are imune to this scramble.

Monor Cuckgregor
If you change the first letter of a fighter name / lastname , who would have the most awkward name ?
For example ,

Juinton Qackson , Han Denderson , or Mimi Januwa .

Also, some like Jon Jones for instance, are imune to this scramble.

Nose Ramajunas
Jon Jones
Brian Bowles
Tai Tuivasa
Holly Holm..

..wait what?
If you change the first letter of a fighter name / lastname , who would have the most awkward name ?
For example ,

Juinton Qackson , Han Denderson , or Mimi Januwa .

Also, some like Jon Jones for instance, are imune to this scramble.

Also, you reminded me of this gem:
