News Gable Steveson turns down UFC's pathetic offer for WWE contract

"After putting the world of combat sports and sports entertainment on alert Olympic champion Gable Steveson has decided to join Vince McMahon’s WWE on a multiyear deal (per ESPN’s Mike Coppinger).

After winning gold in Tokyo, in impressive fashion, the freestyle wrestling sent feelers out to both McMahon and UFC President Dana White. According to Marc Raimondi of ESPN Steveson was given an offer by the UFC.

Raimondi’s sources claim the UFC wanted Steveson to gain MMA experience on the regional circuit before appearing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, the show where fighters compete for White’s attention for the chance to earn an entry level UFC contract.

It’s not that surprising that Steveson opted to turn down the chance to make a guaranteed $10,000 per fight with the UFC. Financial details on Steveson’s deal with the WWE have not been released, though they are expected to include compensation that is dramatically higher than an entry level UFC contract.

Of course, a WWE career also does not include getting punched in the face (for real). Though, it should be noted, wrestlers are subject to many of the same problems MMA fighters encounter, with high rates of injury, lack of collective bargaining and adverse health conditions that exist long after their days in the ring or cage are over."

UFC made him no real offer. Pretty much said get some experience first and based off that then they offer him a deal. Really doubt they where gonna give him a basic entry level contract. Thats a lie.

He has a name and is a Heavyweight. Guy would have gotten a solid paycheck. Look at what they paid Greg Hardy
Why are people curious about what generational talent and premier combat sports athlete can do ina division notorious for lacking quality wrestlers?

Right? If the UFC wants real prospects, pay the prospects. If they bust, they bust. If they are great then you have a true athlete at the highest level and legitimized the sport even more.

Some people are just in it for the entertainment so they are fine with having talent good enough to not look like bums and put on good fights.

I watch for the sport and would like to see the pinnacle of human possibilities.
"After putting the world of combat sports and sports entertainment on alert Olympic champion Gable Steveson has decided to join Vince McMahon’s WWE on a multiyear deal (per ESPN’s Mike Coppinger).

After winning gold in Tokyo, in impressive fashion, the freestyle wrestling sent feelers out to both McMahon and UFC President Dana White. According to Marc Raimondi of ESPN Steveson was given an offer by the UFC.

Raimondi’s sources claim the UFC wanted Steveson to gain MMA experience on the regional circuit before appearing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, the show where fighters compete for White’s attention for the chance to earn an entry level UFC contract.

It’s not that surprising that Steveson opted to turn down the chance to make a guaranteed $10,000 per fight with the UFC. Financial details on Steveson’s deal with the WWE have not been released, though they are expected to include compensation that is dramatically higher than an entry level UFC contract.

Of course, a WWE career also does not include getting punched in the face (for real). Though, it should be noted, wrestlers are subject to many of the same problems MMA fighters encounter, with high rates of injury, lack of collective bargaining and adverse health conditions that exist long after their days in the ring or cage are over."

Right? If the UFC wants real prospects, pay the prospects. If they bust, they bust. If they are great then you have a truly athlete at the highest level and legitimized the sport even more.
1. It would be cheap and the UFC could cut anytime he loses
2. They signed Greg Hardy to a developmental deal so apparently the UFC thinks Gable is a worst prospect.
Zero experience
And? Weigh it against the upside and the cost of paying a guy a monthly stipend to fight on the regional. I don't think you understand how rare of a talent Gable is. What UFC wrestler's credentials do you think are better than his, past or present?

Do you consider him a worse prospect than Greg Hardy?
Even Brock had like 1 or 2 fights before coming to UFC. Let him go get some fans and make some WWE money. He'll just be that much bigger of a draw when he steps over the line.
Is he even training MMA? I don't want another Pico, let him train mma for a year, made his debut in the minor leagues and after a couple of wins let him go to the UFC
"After putting the world of combat sports and sports entertainment on alert Olympic champion Gable Steveson has decided to join Vince McMahon’s WWE on a multiyear deal (per ESPN’s Mike Coppinger).

After winning gold in Tokyo, in impressive fashion, the freestyle wrestling sent feelers out to both McMahon and UFC President Dana White. According to Marc Raimondi of ESPN Steveson was given an offer by the UFC.

Raimondi’s sources claim the UFC wanted Steveson to gain MMA experience on the regional circuit before appearing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, the show where fighters compete for White’s attention for the chance to earn an entry level UFC contract.

It’s not that surprising that Steveson opted to turn down the chance to make a guaranteed $10,000 per fight with the UFC. Financial details on Steveson’s deal with the WWE have not been released, though they are expected to include compensation that is dramatically higher than an entry level UFC contract.

Of course, a WWE career also does not include getting punched in the face (for real). Though, it should be noted, wrestlers are subject to many of the same problems MMA fighters encounter, with high rates of injury, lack of collective bargaining and adverse health conditions that exist long after their days in the ring or cage are over."

The UFC doesn't invest in and develop prospects that have never fought, that has never been their business model. Anyone could have seen this coming.
"After putting the world of combat sports and sports entertainment on alert Olympic champion Gable Steveson has decided to join Vince McMahon’s WWE on a multiyear deal (per ESPN’s Mike Coppinger).

After winning gold in Tokyo, in impressive fashion, the freestyle wrestling sent feelers out to both McMahon and UFC President Dana White. According to Marc Raimondi of ESPN Steveson was given an offer by the UFC.

Raimondi’s sources claim the UFC wanted Steveson to gain MMA experience on the regional circuit before appearing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, the show where fighters compete for White’s attention for the chance to earn an entry level UFC contract.

It’s not that surprising that Steveson opted to turn down the chance to make a guaranteed $10,000 per fight with the UFC. Financial details on Steveson’s deal with the WWE have not been released, though they are expected to include compensation that is dramatically higher than an entry level UFC contract.

Of course, a WWE career also does not include getting punched in the face (for real). Though, it should be noted, wrestlers are subject to many of the same problems MMA fighters encounter, with high rates of injury, lack of collective bargaining and adverse health conditions that exist long after their days in the ring or cage are over."

Chill bro. All three parties were aware that this was the smart and correct move. For everybody.

Gable trains more and improves his skill set, WWE gets a star right now, Gable increases his star power and fighting ability, ufc gets a more complete and more famous fighter down the line.

It’s mutually beneficial for everybody involved to go this route. The only person who probably suffered is gable in negotiations with the WWE, who could use this obvious career path to let Gable know he doesn’t have any leverage if he tried to pit them against the ufc.

He is making a good business decision. The UFC didn't want to offer him some substantial money, and they wouldn't be the best direction to go anyway. The quick and sure way to big money was the WWE; that path offers far fewer uncertainties and variables. And while that is hard on the body too, it isn't quite as bad as really taking the beatings in the head.

He actually can spin his Olympic fame into a certain amount of leverage in negotiations. Especially if he takes well to the "show" appeal of the WWE; we will see if white trash likes him.
Even Brock had like 1 or 2 fights before coming to UFC. Let him go get some fans and make some WWE money. He'll just be that much bigger of a draw when he steps over the line.
UFC can always have him fight bums like they do with the colored hair guy

they simply dont think he's worth the investment. The guy is certainly an interesting concept, but at the end of the day, he's a wrestler, he might be boring.
1. It would be cheap and the UFC could cut anytime he loses
2. They signed Greg Hardy to a developmental deal so apparently the UFC thinks Gable is a worst prospect.

And? Weigh it against the upside and the cost of paying a guy a monthly stipend to fight on the regional. I don't think you understand how rare of a talent Gable is. What UFC wrestler's credentials do you think are better than his, past or present?

Do you consider him a worse prospect than Greg Hardy?
Okay financial fan.. What exactly should the UFC have offered this 0-0 fighter? A guy with no name outside of people that actually give a damn about amateur wrestling (pretty much nobody..Because face it, if he was from anywhere but the US. And it wasn’t an Olympic year. None of you would give a fuck).

Give me some real numbers here. You’re all about the financials. Dazzle us with the offer the UFC should have made to the guy. Don’t even worry about the fact he may not have ever actually considered REAL fighting.
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Yes, he has zero experience
But ironically I could see him beating up Francis Ngannou in fight. Just with his wrestling.
That's the difference between him and all the other zero experience examples. The Dana whites contender shit is a slap in the face offer. Dude is huge right now in the sports world. This is why the ufc is a c level sports organization. They have an opportunity like that and they throw 10k/10k at him. Lol what a joke
Yes, he has zero experience
But ironically I could see him beating up Francis Ngannou in fight. Just with his wrestling.
That's the difference between him and all the other zero experience examples. The Dana whites contender shit is a slap in the face offer. Dude is huge right now in the sports world. This is why the ufc is a c level sports organization. They have an opportunity like that and they throw 10k/10k at him. Lol what a joke
Best post I've seen so far. Finally somebody understands.
This is why the talent pool remains poor.

Nah I think it weeds out the guys who aren’t serious, like Gable Steveson. Anthony Cassar is a legit d1 heavyweight who wants to go into mma.
He's a prospect. If the UFC wants to reap the possible future benefits while expecting him to mature as a fighter in regional circuits they would need to pay him a base salary while he develops his skills. It's just like any other sport. Not all prospects pan out, but orgs and teams take a calculated risk with them which comes at a financial cost. UFC does not want to accept this cost however. Can't be cheap with such things.

And there is no upside for him with this deal. He can make top money now in WWE and switch over to MMA in the next 5-10 years, barring any serious injuries. The level of talent in MMA is pretty low where a few years of training for an elite athlete is enough to crack the top echelon or even win the title, much like Dan Cormier.