Game of Thrones S08E01 Discussion Thread: Break The Walls Down (No Spoilers/Leaks)

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The Umber boy was creepy...
I wonder what Bronn will do. Cersei offers him stuff, but Tyrion reminded him last season that he will double any offer.
The Umber boy was creepy...
I wonder what Bronn will do. Cersei offers him stuff, but Tyrion reminded him last season that he will double any offer.

He won't betray them, and it is just a plot aspect to create confusion/suspense, but eventually reunite him with his buddies for the final battle. Jaime is going to end up killing Cersei.

I just rewatched the episode tho, and still feel it sucked. Tyrion's dialogue in the opening scene really set the tone of mediocrity. He and Varys had such great dialogue all throughout the first 4-5 seasons. Now it is reduce to simply "no balls". It was fine to up until Varys asked him what gives Tyrion the right to say sych things, but when he replies simply "because you have no balls", I knew the rest of the episode would be meh.

In the past, after dialogue build up like that, he would say something very insightful about plot development, or about world development, but nope, just "because you have no balls". That is very lazy writing.

The only decent scene was Sansa saying that she used to think Tyrion was the most clever person in the world.

The worst scene in the entire series is Jon Snow and Dany riding the Dragons. It was like Twilight mixed with Aladin (I can show you the world scene). Maybe one of the worst scenes in any major TV series.

They have dropped the ball really hard the last 2 seasons, maybe more so than any other show in history. Only potentially great shows that have dropped the ball harder are the last 2 seasons of LOST, and the last season of HEROES (after salvaging the show in the 3rd season and setting up an epic 4th season).
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Based on the odds of certain death they were facing it’s laughable the northmen are that disgruntled at Jon bringing them massive reinforcements in exchange for his fealty.

Arya saying Sansa is the smartest person she knows ... gtfo of here. A person that smart wouldn’t be a jealous petty cunt or trusted littlefinger into selling her off to get raped.

Would like to see more interaction with Jon and other characters .. putting Gendry to task with the dragonglass or talking to the Hound/Jorah/Tyrion.... fuck putting one of these cuck lords in their fucking place. Or in a place of unloyal scum go see your most loyal boy out there Ghost!

Nah just have him clinging to Dany like a smitten 13 year old.
Was meh at best. I get it was a set up episode but only 6 episodes in this last season
Tyrion's dialogue in the opening scene really set the tone of mediocrity. He and Varys had such great dialogue all throughout the first 4-5 seasons. Now it is reduce to simply "no balls". It was fine to up until Varys asked him what gives Tyrion the right to say sych things, but when he replies simply "because you have no balls", I knew the rest of the episode would be meh.

In the past, after dialogue build up like that, he would say something very insightful about plot development, or about world development, but nope, just "because you have no balls". That is very lazy writing.

That was so bad. It's not something Tyrion would even make fun of someone for, it's not in his character at all. Maybe Bronn or The Hound would say it, but it didn't fit Tyrion. It would be like Varys making fun of Tyrion back, & saying 'That's cuz ur short. Lol.' It's just not them.

The Tyrion dialogue definitely fell off a cliff after GRRM stopped being the writer of his words. Ever since the show writers ran out of GRRM material, Tyrion has pretty much just been like 'Uh... Hm. Uh... did I mention I drink wine?'
Shitty way for sam to find out about his fam. Thats ripping off the bandaid lol
Bran going to save Jaime in the inquisition next week?
Too many teleportations. They just want to get it done asap. The show deserves another season.

The writers and the actors don't wanna do it. It's grueling work. They've been doing it for 8 years, they all wanna go off and do something new. Gonna have to wait for the books to come out (LOL) for the story to be fully fleshed out.
That was so bad. It's not something Tyrion would even make fun of someone for, it's not even in his character at all. Maybe Bronn or The Hound would say it, but it didn't fit Tyrion. It would be like Varys making fun of Tyrion back, & saying 'That's cuz ur short. Lol.' It's just not them.

The Tyrion dialogue definitely fell off a cliff after GRRM stopped being the writer of his words. Ever since the show writers ran out of GRRM material, Tyrion has pretty much just been like 'Uh... Hm. Uh... did I mention I drink wine?'

100%, and everything has fallen off since they ran out of material.

What pissed me off more than the "Aladdin" scene, was the after episode clip of D&D explaining their directing. These two come across as a textbook definition of the Bill Burr usage of the word F*****, especially David Benioff. First, how much time does he put into that hair? Second, how much do both he and "D.B" spend rehearsing what they are going to say, to appear more dramatic (and insightful).

More importantly, fuck them. They were given one of the more fleshed out fantasy worlds, that was already widely well received by the general public (which is VERY hard to do). Only "universes" this well received are LOTR and Starwars. Most of it was already fucking written. They only had to write a conclusion, and they have failed miserably.

Those 2 are some of the most pretentious cock suckers in TV history.
Jon riding a dragon for the first time was utterly and completely ruined. What a dumb scene. Should've been a big surprise thing for a major battle or something, not just jumping on its back and let's go have some private time.

I think this is foreshadow as proof he is Targaryen. Even that look the dragon gave him I feel shows the dragons know.
Bran going to save Jaime in the inquisition next week?

Bran's a cyborg now, he doesn't really give a fuck, so it'll be hard for everyone else to be too salty about it.

Plus he knows it was meant to happen. Him fucking Hodor up was meant to be, so that means he had to be pushed out of the tower after he caught Jaime beating those sisterly cheeks.
100%, and everything has fallen off since they ran out of material.

What pissed me off more than the "Aladdin" scene, was the after episode clip of D&D explaining their directing. These two come across as a textbook definition of the Bill Burr usage of the word F*****, especially David Benioff. First, how much time does he put into that hair? Second, how much do both he and "D.B" spend rehearsing what they are going to say, to appear more dramatic (and insightful).

More importantly, fuck them. They were given one of the more fleshed out fantasy worlds, that was already widely well received by the general public (which is VERY hard to do). Only "universes" this well received are LOTR and Starwars. Most of it was already fucking written. They only had to write a conclusion, and they have failed miserably.

Those 2 are some of the most pretentious cock suckers in TV history.

GRRM purposefully, by his own admission, made ASOIAF so complex, and large, so it couldn't be adapted. So I really can't be too mad at D&D for speeding through it. The show can't go for 10 seasons. Not the way they film, and not with this new generation of actors. Nobody wants to do sitcoms, or NCIS, whatever the fuck it's called.
Bran's a cyborg now, he doesn't really give a fuck, so it'll be hard for everyone else to be too salty about it.

Plus he knows it was meant to happen. Him fucking Hodor up was meant to be, so that means he had to be pushed out of the tower after he caught Jaime beating those sisterly cheeks.

Dany’s going to shit on him for killing her dad, then Bran’s going to put the annoying bitch in her place.
I did almost lose my shit when D&D were talking about the Tower of Joy fight. They really sounded like they had no fucking idea what they were talking about. Like no clue at all, about who Ned was.
I was expecting Jon and Dany to inadvertently spot the army of the dead while riding the dragons, kind of disappointed the scene didn’t play out that way.

Overall I thought it was a decent premiere and I’m still hyped as fuck for the rest of the season, but man oh man, I thought the actor who played Euron was especially bad tonight, the delivery was really off putting.

The Dragons looking at Jon suspiciously while he was making out with aunt seemed kind of weird too. Are the writers trying to allude to the audience that the dragons understand the moralities of incest?

The dragon was loving it

Dragon is a perv voyeur. But with no female dragons to bang do we blame them?

Epic shoop would be to take that Dragon watching scene but add the head nod like this

Ahh feels good,everything is going how i predicted
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