Crime Gang rape of a tourist in India highlights its struggle to curb sexual violence against women


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Jan 17, 2010
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Updated 9:30 AM BRT, March 5, 2024

NEW DELHI (AP) — The woman in the Instagram video appeared shaken. Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal.

“Something happened to us that we wouldn’t wish on anyone,” she said in Spanish, with captions in English. Her husband then said: “We were assaulted in the tent. We were beaten. They put a knife to our necks and she was raped by seven guys.”

In the video that has since been deleted, the woman said the assault on her and her Spanish partner — both travel bloggers — took place in a forest late Friday in eastern Jharkhand state’s Dumka district where they were camping on their way to neighboring Nepal.
The couple, who had been documenting their trip for more than 200,000 followers on an Instagram account, were found by a police patrol van which took them to a hospital, where the woman told the doctor she had been raped.

Police in Jharkhand confirmed the incident and arrested three men over the weekend. On Monday, police said they were searching for four more suspects.
The Associated Press generally doesn’t identify victims of sexual assault.

The case triggered a nationwide outcry over one of India’s rampant problems: a decades-long struggle to curb rising sexual violence against women.

Reports of horrific sexual assaults on women have become familiar in India, where police recorded 31,516 rape cases in 2022, a 20% increase from 2021, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.

The real figure is believed to be far higher due to the stigma surrounding sexual violence and victims’ lack of faith in police. Women’s rights activists say the problem is particularly acute in rural areas, where victims of sexual assault are sometimes shamed by the community and families worry about their social standing.

“Often, the victims are victimized further with insults, and it makes it very difficult for them to report the crime to the police. In such cases, women think it is best to keep quiet,” said Mariam Dhawale, a women’s rights activist and general secretary of the All India Democratic Women’s Association.

Rape and sexual violence have been under the spotlight since the brutal 2012 gang rape and killing of a 23-year-old student on a New Delhi bus. The attack galvanized massive protests and inspired lawmakers to order the creation of fast-track courts dedicated to rape cases and stiffen penalties.

The rape law was amended in 2013, criminalizing stalking and voyeurism and lowering the age at which a person can be tried as an adult from 18 to 16.

Despite stringent laws, rights activists say the government is still not doing enough to protect women and punish attackers.

“Often, investigations in rape cases are messed up by the police and timely evidence is not collected. These cases get dragged on without any convictions and the culprits walk free,” Dhawale said. She said convictions remain rare and cases often remain stuck for years in India’s clogged criminal justice system.

In the last few years, the conviction rate in rape cases has hovered below 30%, according to several government reports.

High-profile rape cases involving foreign visitors have drawn international attention to the issue. In 2022, a British tourist was raped in front of her partner in Goa. Earlier this year, an Indian-American woman said she was raped at a hotel in New Delhi.

In January, the Supreme Court restored life sentences for 11 Hindu men who raped a Muslim woman during deadly religious rioting two decades ago. They had been released in 2022, when they were garlanded with flowers by their families and a lawmaker from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party.

Last year, female wrestlers demonstrated against the head of the wrestling federation, accusing him of repeatedly groping women. After months of protests, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, an influential lawmaker from Modi’s party, was charged in court with stalking, harassment and intimidation. Singh has denied the accusations.

Dhwale said even though high-profile rape cases get media attention, a culture of downplaying sexual harassment and violence against women remains prevalent in India.

“We are continuously on the road to protest, sometimes to get a single case registered. It shouldn’t be like that,” she said.
Horrible story . Poor woman poor bloke. Don't know how to feel about the.... I'll call it naivety.

We have read many absurd comments, saying that we brought it on ourselves by coming to India, or by camping, that nothing has happened to us,” Fernanda said in an update on Monday.

We mean that this can happen to anyone, to your daughter, sister, your mother, and in any country in the world. Nobody is free, this has already happened many times in Spain, Brazil and America. So don’t talk nonsense that it’s because we are in India.”

well... yes it can.. but theres a probability reality that you are ignoring
India is quite rapey and Trudeau brought in millions of mostly young Indian males into Canada in the past 5 years.

There has already been some incidents in Canada. Expect it to get worse.
Yeah, this is about Trudeau. Right. Fuck off.

What a shitshow.

Where are the doofuses who actually believed the USA has a bigger rape issue than India and that India is a safer country due to "homogeneity."


Something else to keep in mind: Marital rape is still not illegal in India.
I get where you're coming from given how full of stupid the threads get around here at election time, but somehow you inserting that gif just makes the issue seem all the more sad to me.
I get where you're coming from given how full of stupid the threads get around here at election time, but somehow you inserting that gif just makes the issue seem all the more sad to me.

If that makes the issue more sad to you then I can't do anything about that. People need to pull their heads out of their asses on these issues and understand the actual problems instead of parroting nonsense just to reinforce their flawed beliefs.

There are countless unreported cases that no one will ever hear about. Women are assaulted, tortured and's very sad.
Updated 9:30 AM BRT, March 5, 2024

NEW DELHI (AP) — The woman in the Instagram video appeared shaken. Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal.

“Something happened to us that we wouldn’t wish on anyone,” she said in Spanish, with captions in English. Her husband then said: “We were assaulted in the tent. We were beaten. They put a knife to our necks and she was raped by seven guys.”

In the video that has since been deleted, the woman said the assault on her and her Spanish partner — both travel bloggers — took place in a forest late Friday in eastern Jharkhand state’s Dumka district where they were camping on their way to neighboring Nepal.
The couple, who had been documenting their trip for more than 200,000 followers on an Instagram account, were found by a police patrol van which took them to a hospital, where the woman told the doctor she had been raped.

Police in Jharkhand confirmed the incident and arrested three men over the weekend. On Monday, police said they were searching for four more suspects.
The Associated Press generally doesn’t identify victims of sexual assault.

The case triggered a nationwide outcry over one of India’s rampant problems: a decades-long struggle to curb rising sexual violence against women.

Reports of horrific sexual assaults on women have become familiar in India, where police recorded 31,516 rape cases in 2022, a 20% increase from 2021, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.

The real figure is believed to be far higher due to the stigma surrounding sexual violence and victims’ lack of faith in police. Women’s rights activists say the problem is particularly acute in rural areas, where victims of sexual assault are sometimes shamed by the community and families worry about their social standing.

“Often, the victims are victimized further with insults, and it makes it very difficult for them to report the crime to the police. In such cases, women think it is best to keep quiet,” said Mariam Dhawale, a women’s rights activist and general secretary of the All India Democratic Women’s Association.

Rape and sexual violence have been under the spotlight since the brutal 2012 gang rape and killing of a 23-year-old student on a New Delhi bus. The attack galvanized massive protests and inspired lawmakers to order the creation of fast-track courts dedicated to rape cases and stiffen penalties.

The rape law was amended in 2013, criminalizing stalking and voyeurism and lowering the age at which a person can be tried as an adult from 18 to 16.

Despite stringent laws, rights activists say the government is still not doing enough to protect women and punish attackers.

“Often, investigations in rape cases are messed up by the police and timely evidence is not collected. These cases get dragged on without any convictions and the culprits walk free,” Dhawale said. She said convictions remain rare and cases often remain stuck for years in India’s clogged criminal justice system.

In the last few years, the conviction rate in rape cases has hovered below 30%, according to several government reports.

High-profile rape cases involving foreign visitors have drawn international attention to the issue. In 2022, a British tourist was raped in front of her partner in Goa. Earlier this year, an Indian-American woman said she was raped at a hotel in New Delhi.

In January, the Supreme Court restored life sentences for 11 Hindu men who raped a Muslim woman during deadly religious rioting two decades ago. They had been released in 2022, when they were garlanded with flowers by their families and a lawmaker from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party.

Last year, female wrestlers demonstrated against the head of the wrestling federation, accusing him of repeatedly groping women. After months of protests, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, an influential lawmaker from Modi’s party, was charged in court with stalking, harassment and intimidation. Singh has denied the accusations.

Dhwale said even though high-profile rape cases get media attention, a culture of downplaying sexual harassment and violence against women remains prevalent in India.

“We are continuously on the road to protest, sometimes to get a single case registered. It shouldn’t be like that,” she said.
Where's the AI generated Lego dioramas?
People need to realize much of the world is still very unsafe, especially for women. If you are a woman traveling in third world countries you should be paying armed guards to accompany you and if you are in a Muslim country wear your hair in a ponytail and show zero skin besides your face and your hands, even if its extremely hot outside. Even taking those precautious though its not perfectly safe as there was a woman traveling in Egypt who was raped by the bodyguard she hired to protect her from rapists.

As much as it feels tiresome to bring Trudeau into this the poster isnt wrong. I grew up around Mississauga as I have family from there and it was consider a city of rich White snobs 20 years ago, now its full of condos full of recent immigrants and has very high crime. The whole east side of it is a dilapidated ghetto, the northwest neighbourhoods are mostly Pakistani now. Far from the only place like this but its one I saw change right before my eyes.
What a shitshow.

Where are the doofuses who actually believed the USA has a bigger rape issue than India and that India is a safer country due to "homogeneity."


Something else to keep in mind: Marital rape is still not illegal in India.

That would be pretty funny because India is far from homogeneous. There are over 500 different languages spoken in India, dozens of ethnic groups, third largest Muslim population in the world, etc.
India has a bad rep for gang rapes...

Some very bad ones... That bus gang rape where the girl died sprung to mind. I think they hung several of the rapists for that one.

In India’s Gang Rape Culture, All Women Are Victims​

But there is no escaping India’s rape culture; sexual terrorism is treated as the norm. Society and government institutions often excuse and protect men from the consequences of their sexual violence. Women are blamed for being assaulted and are expected to sacrifice freedom and opportunity in exchange for personal safety. This culture contaminates public life — in movies and television; in bedrooms, where female sexual consent is unknown; in the locker room talk from which young boys learn the language of rape. India’s favorite profanities are about having sex with women without their consent.

It is the specific horror of gang rape that weighs most heavily on Indian women that I know. You may have heard of the many gruesome cases of women being gang-raped, disemboweled and left for dead. When an incident rises to national attention, the kettle of outrage boils over, and women sometimes stage protests, but it passes quickly. All Indian women are victims, each one traumatized, angry, betrayed, exhausted. Many of us think about gang rape more than we care to admit.

In 2011 a woman was raped every 20 minutes in India, according to government data. The pace quickened to about every 16 minutes by 2021, when more than 31,000 rapes were reported, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. In 2021, 2,200 gang rapes were reported to authorities.

But those grotesque numbers tell only part of the story: 77 percent of Indian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence never tell anyone, according to one study. Prosecutions are rare.
Indian men may face persecution because they are Muslims, Dalits (untouchables) or ethnic minorities or for daring to challenge the corrupt powers that be. Indian women suffer because they are women. Soldiers need to believe that war won’t kill them, that only bad luck will; Indian women need to believe the same about rape, to trust that we will come back to the barracks safe each night, to be able to function at all.
Reports of violence against women in India have risen steadily over the decades, with some researchers citing a growing willingness by victims to come forward. Each rape desensitizes and prepares society to accept the next one, the evil becoming banal.

Gang rape is used as a weapon, particularly against lower castes and Muslims. The first instance that women my age remember was in 1980, when Phoolan Devi, a lower-caste teenager who had fallen in with a criminal gang, said she was abducted and repeatedly raped by a group of upper-caste attackers. She later came back with members of her gang and they killed 22 mostly upper-caste men. It was a rare instance of a brutalized woman extracting revenge. Her rape might never have made headlines without that bloody retribution.
That would be pretty funny because India is far from homogeneous. There are over 500 different languages spoken in India, dozens of ethnic groups, third largest Muslim population in the world, etc.

Indeed. Unfortunately, their idea of "homogeneity" is...well, humorous.
India is a complete fucking shithole. Rape is apparently part of the culture and it has received quite a bit of coverage the last few years. Find those responsible and make an elephant fuck them in the ass and then gore the fuck out of them. If an elephant refuses or is not available, attach a large device on a vehicle and ram the point home.
India has a bad rep for gang rapes...

Some very bad ones... That bus gang rape where the girl died sprung to mind. I think they hung several of the rapists for that one.

In India’s Gang Rape Culture, All Women Are Victims​

But there is no escaping India’s rape culture; sexual terrorism is treated as the norm. Society and government institutions often excuse and protect men from the consequences of their sexual violence. Women are blamed for being assaulted and are expected to sacrifice freedom and opportunity in exchange for personal safety. This culture contaminates public life — in movies and television; in bedrooms, where female sexual consent is unknown; in the locker room talk from which young boys learn the language of rape. India’s favorite profanities are about having sex with women without their consent.

It is the specific horror of gang rape that weighs most heavily on Indian women that I know. You may have heard of the many gruesome cases of women being gang-raped, disemboweled and left for dead. When an incident rises to national attention, the kettle of outrage boils over, and women sometimes stage protests, but it passes quickly. All Indian women are victims, each one traumatized, angry, betrayed, exhausted. Many of us think about gang rape more than we care to admit.

In 2011 a woman was raped every 20 minutes in India, according to government data. The pace quickened to about every 16 minutes by 2021, when more than 31,000 rapes were reported, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. In 2021, 2,200 gang rapes were reported to authorities.

But those grotesque numbers tell only part of the story: 77 percent of Indian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence never tell anyone, according to one study. Prosecutions are rare.
Indian men may face persecution because they are Muslims, Dalits (untouchables) or ethnic minorities or for daring to challenge the corrupt powers that be. Indian women suffer because they are women. Soldiers need to believe that war won’t kill them, that only bad luck will; Indian women need to believe the same about rape, to trust that we will come back to the barracks safe each night, to be able to function at all.
Reports of violence against women in India have risen steadily over the decades, with some researchers citing a growing willingness by victims to come forward. Each rape desensitizes and prepares society to accept the next one, the evil becoming banal.

Gang rape is used as a weapon, particularly against lower castes and Muslims. The first instance that women my age remember was in 1980, when Phoolan Devi, a lower-caste teenager who had fallen in with a criminal gang, said she was abducted and repeatedly raped by a group of upper-caste attackers. She later came back with members of her gang and they killed 22 mostly upper-caste men. It was a rare instance of a brutalized woman extracting revenge. Her rape might never have made headlines without that bloody retribution.

Sorry, hanging is too good for them. As I said in my post, I want them fucked by a bull elephant and if one is not willing or available, fix an object to a vehicle (even a rickshaw) and ram the point home. Rapists need to die via internal blunt force trauma
What a shitshow.

Where are the doofuses who actually believed the USA has a bigger rape issue than India and that India is a safer country due to "homogeneity."


Something else to keep in mind: Marital rape is still not illegal in India.
Cultures aren't equal. Some are obviously trash. It's not an issue of homogeneity.
India is the worst country i've ever been to, and i've been to a bunch of countries in Africa, which outside of poverty aren't really dangerous.
it's a hellscape, and you often come across stories like this, of dumbass westerners believing all the eat pray love bullshit and getting raped and killed when they get there.
India has a bad rep for gang rapes...

Some very bad ones... That bus gang rape where the girl died sprung to mind. I think they hung several of the rapists for that one.

In India’s Gang Rape Culture, All Women Are Victims​

But there is no escaping India’s rape culture; sexual terrorism is treated as the norm. Society and government institutions often excuse and protect men from the consequences of their sexual violence. Women are blamed for being assaulted and are expected to sacrifice freedom and opportunity in exchange for personal safety. This culture contaminates public life — in movies and television; in bedrooms, where female sexual consent is unknown; in the locker room talk from which young boys learn the language of rape. India’s favorite profanities are about having sex with women without their consent.

It is the specific horror of gang rape that weighs most heavily on Indian women that I know. You may have heard of the many gruesome cases of women being gang-raped, disemboweled and left for dead. When an incident rises to national attention, the kettle of outrage boils over, and women sometimes stage protests, but it passes quickly. All Indian women are victims, each one traumatized, angry, betrayed, exhausted. Many of us think about gang rape more than we care to admit.

In 2011 a woman was raped every 20 minutes in India, according to government data. The pace quickened to about every 16 minutes by 2021, when more than 31,000 rapes were reported, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. In 2021, 2,200 gang rapes were reported to authorities.

But those grotesque numbers tell only part of the story: 77 percent of Indian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence never tell anyone, according to one study. Prosecutions are rare.
Indian men may face persecution because they are Muslims, Dalits (untouchables) or ethnic minorities or for daring to challenge the corrupt powers that be. Indian women suffer because they are women. Soldiers need to believe that war won’t kill them, that only bad luck will; Indian women need to believe the same about rape, to trust that we will come back to the barracks safe each night, to be able to function at all.
Reports of violence against women in India have risen steadily over the decades, with some researchers citing a growing willingness by victims to come forward. Each rape desensitizes and prepares society to accept the next one, the evil becoming banal.

Gang rape is used as a weapon, particularly against lower castes and Muslims. The first instance that women my age remember was in 1980, when Phoolan Devi, a lower-caste teenager who had fallen in with a criminal gang, said she was abducted and repeatedly raped by a group of upper-caste attackers. She later came back with members of her gang and they killed 22 mostly upper-caste men. It was a rare instance of a brutalized woman extracting revenge. Her rape might never have made headlines without that bloody retribution.

Yes they certainly have a problem

A 13-year-old girl told the police she had been gang-raped. Then a police officer allegedly raped her
India is the worst country i've ever been to, and i've been to a bunch of countries in Africa, which outside of poverty aren't really dangerous.
it's a hellscape, and you often come across stories like this, of dumbass westerners believing all the eat pray love bullshit and getting raped and killed when they get there.

Did you get food poisoning? Every single person I know who has been got violently ill for a time while over there