Gen Z don't want blue collar work

I cannot believe how much they look down on people like me. Now THIS is why I don't want student loan forgiveness. I don't want to pay for the schooling of people who think I'm a lower class of human.

And then you wonder why they hate blue collar work. There it is. Trade schools are designed to destablize colleges more and reinforce the idea that education is meant to get people employed not educated.
Trades are cool, fulfilling, and i respect them a lot but I understand why young people aren't going into them. Shit pay for the first few years, unfairly competitive depending on your region (lots of outsourcing to illegal immigrants nowadays), and of course hard on your body. Plus, nobody wants to work with dumbass boomers anymore.
Trades are cool, fulfilling, and i respect them a lot but I understand why young people aren't going into them. Shit pay for the first few years, unfairly competitive depending on your region (lots of outsourcing to illegal immigrants nowadays), and of course hard on your body. Plus, nobody wants to work with dumbass boomers anymore.

Maybe younger people don't want to work with boomers but it's not nobody. I've learned everything I know from boomers, wouldn't be where I am today without them. There's a whole generation of tradesman who learned their trade from boomers and have no problem with working with or for boomers. To just classify a whole generation of skilled tradesman as " dumbass boomers" is beyond short sighted
There's a lot of misconception about trade salaries. The real money is not shown in the books. Tradespeople make a killing on side jobs. There's a lot of pros. People are hyping up the hard work. Tools these days make the work so much easier and they're getting easier every year.

For example, an AC company will quote you $16k for a new unit and installation. Someone who's doing a side job can come in and give a quote for $8k and they're given the job. The AC only costs $3k, that's $5k tax-free cash for 2 hours worth of work.
I cannot believe how much they look down on people like me. Now THIS is why I don't want student loan forgiveness. I don't want to pay for the schooling of people who think I'm a lower class of human.

No one looks down on you. There are just a lot of blue collar jobs that are not worth it. Others pay extremely well, and companies hate their isn't more competition for them to keep wages down.