German Politician licks public toilet bowl, sports shitler mustache in videos

If you've never heard about the germans reputation as scheiss aficionados, you've never lived in or outside of Germany. Are you an alien?
I think this is one of those things Americans are convinced of, while in reality it simply doesn't exist. I can tell you that Germans are not more obsessed with shit than any other nation.
It’s a fairly common stereotype about Germans. Scheiße Videos were a punchline back in the day.

Edit: also, I’m American, so they haven’t.
America is Germany 2. Most common ethnicity is german in the USA. 1 more vote and you'd be speaking German now with me. That's like the stereotype of Americans being fat and stupid. Not knowing where any country is. Thinking Europe is a country.
America is Germany 2. Most common ethnicity is german in the USA. 1 more vote and you'd be speaking German now with me. That's like the stereotype of Americans being fat and stupid. Not knowing where any country is. Thinking Europe is a country.
Yes, those are common stereotypes that I’ve heard before. Just like Germans and poop porn.