Girls got it so easy


Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Nov 2, 2018
Reaction score
First there were guys paying girls to play videogames and now they are paying the girls to watch them sleep


More power to 'em. If I could make bank streaming myself sleeping I'd do it too

Don't hate the player, hate the game moment
Well the highest paid YouTuber in the world is a guy who plays video games.

But anyway, if lonely neckbeards want to donate their hard earned money to hot gamer girls in the hopes they’ll say their name, then so be it.
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"Good Looking" Girls have it easy. If you're a fatty or got a busted face I'd have to disagree.
Who the fuck would want to watch that for free?
I prefer peering into windows to watch women sleep this just isn’t the same.

More power to 'em. If I could make bank streaming myself sleeping I'd do it too

Don't hate the player, hate the game moment

I know that the market is supposed to let money go wherever it goes...

But this shit is ridiculous. Mother fuckers could fund health care or something and they're paying to watch a bitch sleep.
I know that the market is supposed to let money go wherever it goes...

But this shit is ridiculous. Mother fuckers could fund health care or something and they're paying to watch a bitch sleep.
So strange to me. I wonder if I've ever walked past these dudes, lol
They do have it easy in many ways. But also, they bleed from their pussies for an entire quarter of their adult lives, not counting menopause and after. That shit would suck. An entire quarter of your life for like 40 years. No thanks. I’m not taking that deal even if I can make shitloads of money by letting people watch me sleep.
Literally nothing worse than being born an ugly chick

At least ugly dudes can get mad pussy if they put their heads down and work hard for money
imagine the absolute lonely losers paying for this