Glory 17: Los Angeles (SPIKE TV) 8pm ET/5pm PT/1am UK (PBP) DISCUSSION

No, didnt look like a knockdown to me either, only caught the tail-end of it, size diff is unreal
Kind of hope the guy who can't make weight loses; I think it's my natural inclination.
Does anyone know when Chris Leben is making his debut?
Somebody tell the brazilian guy that he can kick too!!!

btw that was a slip... not a knock down. Bad call.
A bit sloppy, but entertaining none the less. These guys have like 20 or 30 fights between them so I won't hold the bad technique against them too much.
The first two guys were really technically sound... this one not as much.
Damn, I hope Cro Cop whoops him.
Lol I want Miller to win now. I like a little trash talk