Social Google Gemini refuses to show pictures of white people.

What you're describing is a completely useless piece of software if it cannot understand the spirit of the question, especially such a simple one.

You think that's long winded and wishy washy, try asking it anything about religion.
You think that's long winded and wishy washy, try asking it anything about religion.
meanwhile it looks like X's chatbot is more straightforward

You think that's long winded and wishy washy, try asking it anything about religion.
It’s all programmed. It’s not intelligence , it’s pre programmed answered. Along the lines of a PLC, like what runs the street lights. It runs off of, If, Then. Using the term artificial intelligence is asinine.
Funny how reverse racism is acceptable.
meanwhile it looks like X's chatbot is more straightforward

Different prompt, but it certainly makes a difference if you target brevity.

Is George Washington white or black?

While there have been some recent discussions about potential non-European ancestry in George Washington's family tree, based on the available historical and genealogical information, it's safe to say that George Washington was predominantly of European descent.

Here's a summary of why:

  • Genealogy: Extensive research on Washington's family tree has traced his lineage back to the 12th century in North East England (with an 11th-century progenitor in Scotland).
  • Historical context: During the time period when Washington's ancestors arrived in the New World, the vast majority of colonists in what would become the United States were of British or Western European descent.
  • President's own words: Interestingly, George Washington himself expressed little interest in his genealogy, stating in a letter that he had "paid very little attention" to the subject.
While speculations about potential non-European ancestry exist, none are conclusively supported by evidence. Therefore, it's more accurate to describe George Washington as primarily of European descent based on the historical and genealogical information available.

It's important to remember that using racial categories like "white" or "black" to describe historical figures can be problematic due to the complex and evolving nature of racial identities. Instead, focusing on specific ancestral backgrounds and historical contexts provides a more nuanced understanding.
Different prompt, but it certainly makes a difference if you target brevity.

Is George Washington white or black?

While there have been some recent discussions about potential non-European ancestry in George Washington's family tree, based on the available historical and genealogical information, it's safe to say that George Washington was predominantly of European descent.

Here's a summary of why:

  • Genealogy: Extensive research on Washington's family tree has traced his lineage back to the 12th century in North East England (with an 11th-century progenitor in Scotland).
  • Historical context: During the time period when Washington's ancestors arrived in the New World, the vast majority of colonists in what would become the United States were of British or Western European descent.
  • President's own words: Interestingly, George Washington himself expressed little interest in his genealogy, stating in a letter that he had "paid very little attention" to the subject.
While speculations about potential non-European ancestry exist, none are conclusively supported by evidence. Therefore, it's more accurate to describe George Washington as primarily of European descent based on the historical and genealogical information available.

It's important to remember that using racial categories like "white" or "black" to describe historical figures can be problematic due to the complex and evolving nature of racial identities. Instead, focusing on specific ancestral backgrounds and historical contexts provides a more nuanced understanding.
it's still not as direct and still inserts ideological prompts nobody needs.
epic fail from google.
It’s all programmed. It’s not intelligence , it’s pre programmed answered. Along the lines of a PLC, like what runs the street lights. It runs off of, If, Then. Using the term artificial intelligence is asinine.
Ah no. It's just another pretrained transformer model. Google's T5.

If you're not sure how they work, this breaks it down pretty well (if you can code there's more nuts and bolts descriptions to check out):

Keep in mind the reliance on parallelisation and large amounts of training data is how transformer models gain functionality. Hence why filtering out a subset to reduce bias is limiting.
As for how "intelligent" they are, well intelligence is hard to meaningfully define regardless.
Ah no. It's just another pretrained transformer model. Google's T5.

If you're not sure how they work, this breaks it down pretty well (if you can code there's more nuts and bolts descriptions to check out):

Keep in mind the reliance on parallelisation and large amounts of training data is how transformer models gain functionality. Hence why filtering out a subset to reduce bias is limiting.
As for how "intelligent" they are, well intelligence is hard to meaningfully define regardless.

Google AI is programmed using a variety of programming languages and frameworks, depending on the specific application and task at hand. Some common languages and frameworks used in developing Google AI technologies include:

  1. Python: Python is widely used in machine learning and artificial intelligence development due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, which are commonly used for deep learning tasks.
  2. TensorFlow: TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, which provides tools and libraries for building and deploying machine learning models. It is often used for tasks such as neural networks, natural language processing, and image recognition.
  3. PyTorch: PyTorch is another popular open-source machine learning framework that is widely used in research and development. It is known for its dynamic computational graph and ease of use, particularly for prototyping and experimentation.
  4. C++: Google AI also utilizes C++ for performance-critical components and systems where high efficiency and low-level control are required.
  5. Java: Java is used in various Google AI applications, particularly for backend services, infrastructure, and large-scale distributed systems.
  6. Go: Go (or Golang) is a programming language developed by Google, which is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and suitability for concurrent programming. It is used in various Google AI projects and infrastructure components.
These are just a few examples, and Google AI engineers may use other languages and tools depending on the specific requirements and goals of their projects. Additionally, Google AI makes extensive use of cloud computing platforms such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to scale and deploy AI solutions.
Ah no. It's just another pretrained transformer model. Google's T5.

If you're not sure how they work, this breaks it down pretty well (if you can code there's more nuts and bolts descriptions to check out):

Keep in mind the reliance on parallelisation and large amounts of training data is how transformer models gain functionality. Hence why filtering out a subset to reduce bias is limiting.
As for how "intelligent" they are, well intelligence is hard to meaningfully define regardless.

As far as intelligence, this is DOS
yeah right, cause this is what it was about when they asked if Washington was white. not properly identifying a historical person. kinda of like the police does when they take you in. funny how they don't write "we don't know the race of the person because race is a social construct and we cannot use such irrelevant characteristics such as APPEARANCE to identify this person". come on now.
Washington was red haired and the left hates gingers with a passion.
Google AI is programmed using a variety of programming languages and frameworks, depending on the specific application and task at hand. Some common languages and frameworks used in developing Google AI technologies include:

  1. Python: Python is widely used in machine learning and artificial intelligence development due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, which are commonly used for deep learning tasks.
  2. TensorFlow: TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, which provides tools and libraries for building and deploying machine learning models. It is often used for tasks such as neural networks, natural language processing, and image recognition.
  3. PyTorch: PyTorch is another popular open-source machine learning framework that is widely used in research and development. It is known for its dynamic computational graph and ease of use, particularly for prototyping and experimentation.
  4. C++: Google AI also utilizes C++ for performance-critical components and systems where high efficiency and low-level control are required.
  5. Java: Java is used in various Google AI applications, particularly for backend services, infrastructure, and large-scale distributed systems.
  6. Go: Go (or Golang) is a programming language developed by Google, which is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and suitability for concurrent programming. It is used in various Google AI projects and infrastructure components.
These are just a few examples, and Google AI engineers may use other languages and tools depending on the specific requirements and goals of their projects. Additionally, Google AI makes extensive use of cloud computing platforms such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to scale and deploy AI solutions.

I'm not sure what the point of this cut and paste is.
Transformers are software architecture, employing an encoder-decoder design pattern, it's not a language like Python or a framework like Pytorch.
The point of describing how transformers work is that it's not just a bunch of preprogrammed responses matched to conditionals (if, then statements).
I'm not sure what the point of this cut and paste is.
Transformers are software architecture, employing an encoder-decoder design pattern, it's not a language like Python or a framework like Pytorch.
The point of describing how transformers work is that it's not just a bunch of preprogrammed responses matched to conditionals (if, then statements).
Yea it's the combination I was adding the other parts. The NLP models get trained it's not a direct programmed response, but human input is involved.

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