Economy GOP back to Inflation worries. "Hyperinflation" (Update: 2022 Inflation Highest in 40 Years)

Can someone explain to me like I'm 5 what stagflation is vs inflation?
Can someone explain to me like I'm 5 what stagflation is vs inflation?

stagflation is inflation while also having reduced economic output. For instance, with inflation, with the economy growing, they can raise interest rates and slow down the economy accordingly, reducing inflation that way, as people would be buying less with higher interest rates.

However, stagflation with inflation occurring at the same time economic output is reduced, they simply can't just raise interest rates to slowdown the economy because the economy is already slow and/or even shrinking (which they say it is now). It shows the problem is much more systemic. In this case, it is systemic with smaller energy supply not just in the US, but around the world, among other things that are primary drivers of inflation like fertilizers, smart chips, etc.
So CPI numbers are out, and contrary to what many had thought, that it would likely start to decline, inflation has... you guessed it, much higher than expected, reached a new 40+ year high, now 9.1%

Here is a breakdown of individual components, some of which aren't factored into CPI like gas, oil, groceries, etc



I hope everyone is getting a big raise ASAP

damn, you beat me by literally 5 seconds lmao
So CPI numbers are out, and contrary to what many had thought, that it would likely start to decline, inflation has... you guessed it, much higher than expected, reached a new 40+ year high, now 9.1%

Here is a breakdown of individual components, some of which aren't factored into CPI like gas, oil, groceries, etc

damn, you beat me by literally 5 seconds lmao

Robert is my name and inflation doomsaying is my game.

Let me repeat, “experts” don’t know shit. Government and banks are the enemy of the people. Keynesian economics is the biggest threat to our society.
Just from my own POV, I really noticed the increase in my energy bill for May-June. God damn. Hopefully lord Desanti will use the record budget surplus he just annouced to help control energy prices, now that summer is here and we using more and more AC

Robert is my name and inflation doomsaying is my game.

Let me repeat, “experts” don’t know shit. Government and banks are the enemy of the people. Keynesian economics is the biggest threat to our society.

100% agree. I felt I posted a pretty good rant on this in a different thread, though I even cited this thread lol. Long post(s), but feel they detail your exact point, as they are aimed at the "expert economists" and such.

I love the deflection's to Trump. Here's the deal folks, Trump was fact checked every which way by the media, on pretty much every issue, along with things being twisted to the negative at every oppertunity, and/or if not making up completely fake hit pieces, with democrats, FBI, etc colluding with media to spread these fake stories.

This isn't about Biden the way the left makes everything about Trump. This is about the democrat/uniparty establishment being completely found out by the average person, and how they are incompetent and/or outright malicious and corrupt. That is why I said in the OP, that there will be no fact checkers, etc calling these outright lies. Imagine if trump had, lmao

Fact is there have been multiple threads on here, including the ongoing GOP back to inflation worries thread, where a number of us have been able to see this happening in real time, calling it out for over a year now, and accurately predict its course. That the inflation is not transitory, the lockdowns are not working, the job numbers actually suck, continuing the print money is causing this, etc.

How did NONE of these financial experts and/or people in government like Fed chair Powell or Sec Yellen? Every single one said BEST economy every pretty much (just like most secure election, right?)

Just look at bloomberg from just a few months ago

Jim Cramer and CNBC's mantra.


The first two, both financial outlets, generally trusted, and all the mainstream media, like Reuters, touted similar stuff for over a year. But almost daily, there has been bad economic news for almost that same time. Just from today, even more awful news about the economy. Walmart and Target both had terrible numbers a few weeks ago which was a big headline, but now that things are accelerating worse, they are now having to reduce their estimates even more. These are signs of an awful economy

And what is even more amusing is now that you have CNN, MSNBC, ABC, all of them desperately trying to explain democrat's terrible poll numbers and Biden's historically low (lower than Trumps), approval rating, highlighting things like the economy in one segment... then close their show with a segment on how it is dangerous and a death to democracy that people are getting involved in politics and trying to vote democrats out. That is literally the democratic process. When people are fed up with a party, in this case, the democrats, they get involved and vote them out.

They not only hate the average American for trying to get involved in politics and trying too.. wait for it.. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Even worse, they also think the average person is so stupid and that they can keep them from seeing what is right in front of them at the grocery store, the gas pump, their bank accounts, local small businesses closed, etc.

These same idiots last month were like "inflation is down .2%, that means it is easing, no need to worry y'all, next month it won't go up again, shows the Biden economy is finally starting to work".

well, they were wrong again, as it now is higher than it was before, highest it has been in over 40 years at 8.6%.

again, just a month ago, these experts that get paid to follow this shit said it has likely peaked cause of one .2% dip? Powell, Yellen, all the MSNBC and CNBC circ jerked about it.... Lol, these people are either retarded or knowingly misleading people.

So CPI numbers are out, and contrary to what many had thought, that it would likely start to decline, inflation has... you guessed it, much higher than expected, reached a new 40+ year high, now 9.1%

Here is a breakdown of individual components, some of which aren't factored into CPI like gas, oil, groceries, etc

damn, you beat me by literally 5 seconds lmao

Freaking Putin bro !! Doubling peoples rent . I’m glad we are printing money in record numbers and giving Ukraine that money
Lol, "Biden has such a tremendous economy that we need a severe recession to cool things off!" Cool things off, as the economy is shrinking, not growing.

These people are such fucking idiots.

Freaking Putin bro !! Doubling peoples rent . I’m glad we are printing money in record numbers and giving Ukraine that money

Oh look, the EU is facing a severe recession also! The EU and US having severe recessions is really going to show Putin and Russia how mean and evil they are, and how much orange man being in their pockets won't save them meow! Orange Man gone, Adults are back!! <45>

*cue video of ze Germans laughing at Trump for saying they shouldn't rely on Russia for energy*
Lol, "Biden has such a tremendous economy that we need a severe recession to cool things off!" Cool things off, as the economy is shrinking, not growing.

These people are such fucking idiots.

Oh look, the EU is facing a severe recession also! The EU and US having severe recessions is really going to show Putin and Russia how mean and evil they are, and how much orange man being in their pockets won't save them meow! Orange Man gone, Adults are back!! <45>

*cue video of ze Germans laughing at Trump for saying they shouldn't rely on Russia for energy*

The euro va dollar is so weak right now .. they set themselves for failing like trump said and we are failing ourselves. Sad to see, EU is what happens when you go for optics only and not solid planning
The euro va dollar is so weak right now .. they set themselves for failing like trump said and we are failing ourselves. Sad to see, EU is what happens when you go for optics only and not solid planning

hopefully it is a lesson to world leaders, for them not to listen to a mentally challenged, temper tantrum throwing child for important policy. HOPEFULLY