GOP Rep says he probably killed hundreds of civilians in Iraq

Volunteering to serive in an army that is an open servant of hostile and exploitative corporate AmeriKKKa and travelling to far off lands to murder and destroy countries and people that don't want you there, all while leaving a trail of destruction and ruin in your wake is the definition of a war criminal. If you are serving in our armed forces, you are literally worse than a rapist, worse that Edmund Kemper or Ted Bundy. Those guys only killed a few dozen people, as a member of the armed forces, you are responsible for the death and destitution of thousands.

I cant wait for the day that all the People of Color (POC) are released from prison and the prisons are then filled with members of our military.
it should get him commended. Like it or not, if you are overseas in the US military, you are committing war crimes and are a tool of the capitalist war machine, and since there is no draft, you are volunteering to do it. That is the definition of a war criminal
Having been around many military individuals when I worked for a highly respectable (omitting names, legal drama) mexican restaurant that operated overseas I can say without a doubt that the us military are bloodthirsty. They talk about the people native to the region as if they were animals and once while cleaning up the tortilla press I witnessed an army private unload his automatic rifle into a soccer ball that a child just wanted to kick with him.
Volunteering to serive in an army that is an open servant of hostile and exploitative corporate AmeriKKKa and travelling to far off lands to murder and destroy countries and people that don't want you there, all while leaving a trail of destruction and ruin in your wake is the definition of a war criminal. If you are serving in our armed forces, you are literally worse than a rapist, worse that Edmund Kemper or Ted Bundy. Those guys only killed a few dozen people, as a member of the armed forces, you are responsible for the death and destitution of thousands.

I cant wait for the day that all the People of Color (POC) are released from prison and the prisons are then filled with members of our military.
Hahaha keep dreaming, idiot.
Dude is a war hero. Collateral damage happens sadly. That is what he is talking about. I am sure he enjoyed killing evil ISIS types. But to act like his comment was happy of collateral damage is just disengenous. Maybe you dislike his other policies. But to volunteer at the age he did and fight so many battles then come back to USA and do public service is huge. Duncan Hunter type brave military men should be president ideally
Having been around many military individuals when I worked for a highly respectable (omitting names, legal drama) mexican restaurant that operated overseas I can say without a doubt that the us military are bloodthirsty. They talk about the people native to the region as if they were animals and once while cleaning up the tortilla press I witnessed an army private unload his automatic rifle into a soccer ball that a child just wanted to kick with him.
stories like this are all too common. With our ameriKKKas military history, the only people that would volunteer to enlist are bloodthirsty monsters that only crazy bloodshed and misery. The world would be a better place if we put all out armed forces in prison and opened our borders to have our military staffed by new immigrants, who are much more in tune and empathetic with the world.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, said he probably killed “hundreds of civilians” while serving as an artillery officer in Fallujah.

His comments were made public Monday on the latest episode of the podcast “Zero Blog Thirty.”

“I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians,” he said. “Probably killed women and children if there were any left in the city when we invaded. So, do I get judged too?”

Hunter recalled this story in response to a question about the actions of Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher who is on trial in San Diego accused of war crimes including shooting at civilians. Gallagher has pleaded not guilty.

During the podcast, Hunter was asked specifically about one of the individuals Gallagher is accused of killing, a teenage ISIS fighter. According to prosecutors, the SEAL stabbed the teen who was brought in for medical treatment.

“I frankly don’t care if he was killed,” Hunter said. “I just don’t care.”

The Congressman added that he has seen photos and videos from the Gallagher case and has talked to other SEALS who served with him who say they don’t believe the charges. Hunter also said Gallagher should be given a break and that the ISIS fighter he is accused of killing was going to die anyway.

Full Article:


Like I’ve said many times before, extremism seems rife in mainstream America. A public representative openly saying he killed women and children and them acting like its wrong for him to get judged.

Talking of extremism, I know a certain portion of Sherbros will come in justify this mainly because the women and child victims are the brown Muslim folk over there and not Europeans or Americans. But those extremists aside, in an actual democratic and just society, would this man not be standing trial for war crimes? We know historically the US hasn’t been averse to either using terrorism, or supporting terrorist-like organisations, to achieve its goals - so is this just par for the course for ordinary Americans? Like killing women and children is fine if its not ours? Did this guys casual admittance even cause an uproar, is he still standing for public office?
He's obviously being a callous POS about it but to be fair his point is that as an artillery officer its almost a certainty that he caused "collateral damage" which is the PC word for "killing innocent people unintentionally" and for better or for worse its more or less accepted by the military and society.

That said, its still a disingenuous argument and he's just reflexively defending Trump's decision and a soldier. Because his example is not comparable. Collateral damage from artillery is one thing but intentionally shooting civilians from a sniper's perch(what Gallagher is accused of) is quite different. If it is indeed true Gallagher should face serious repercussions to say the least.
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stories like this are all too common. With our ameriKKKas military history, the only people that would volunteer to enlist are bloodthirsty monsters that only crazy bloodshed and misery. The world would be a better place if we put all out armed forces in prison and opened our borders to have our military staffed by new immigrants, who are much more in tune and empathetic with the world.
I was actually traumatized and had to attend therapy for months after I ran afoul of a group of military men there. My crime? Working at a mexican restaurant, which was only there to give them the luxury of delicious food. They would regularly call me "White beans" or "Salsa bucket". One day as I was emptying the margarita dispenser I'd had enough and told them to shut up, so in response they beat me and shaved off all of my hair. When I brought this to the commanding officer of these particular men he just laughed it off. I still have nightmares about that day, but with therapy I have begun to finally heal.
Yeah we need to stay out of pointless wars. Just about everybody is on board, and the money can't fool people with false patriotism like they did in can Vietnam era.. They can fool people into thinking backwards for fake personal gain social currency, and into thinking they should pretend to be victims to make their lives easier, but they can't pretend we need to be involved in these conflicts anymore.
Can you explain how what he said was psychopathic? I might be missing it. He wasn't targeting civilians. He seems aware of the ugliness of war and has a grasp of how artillery works.
And yet for some reason he is trying to obfuscate the case against Gallagher by comparing collateral damage to sniping at girls and old men.
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I was actually traumatized and had to attend therapy for months after I ran afoul of a group of military men there. My crime? Working at a mexican restaurant, which was only there to give them the luxury of delicious food. They would regularly call me "White beans" or "Salsa bucket". One day as I was emptying the margarita dispenser I'd had enough and told them to shut up, so in response they beat me and shaved off all of my hair. When I brought this to the commanding officer of these particular men he just laughed it off. I still have nightmares about that day, but with therapy I have begun to finally heal.
I would have tampered with their food if they pulled that type of shit.
And yet for some reason he is trying to obfuscate the case against Gallagher by comparing collateral damage to at sniping girls and old men.
I don't know anything about Gallagher. If he is being accused of directly targeting non-combatants, then I'd agree that comparing it to unintentional killing via artillery is an inapt comparison in the most important way. If a sniper targets non-combatants and kills them for sport or whatever, then it's murder.
This is the same dude who threw his wife under the bus for spending campaign money illegally. Not surprised he said this shit. The dude is a shit bag.

If an other president was in office this shit would be front page news everywhere. The fact that this is now seen as biz as usual is wrong. Politicians now feel they can say/do corrupt and illegal things and think it’s fine because they will get away with it. Just like their Prez.
I was actually traumatized and had to attend therapy for months after I ran afoul of a group of military men there. My crime? Working at a mexican restaurant, which was only there to give them the luxury of delicious food. They would regularly call me "White beans" or "Salsa bucket". One day as I was emptying the margarita dispenser I'd had enough and told them to shut up, so in response they beat me and shaved off all of my hair. When I brought this to the commanding officer of these particular men he just laughed it off. I still have nightmares about that day, but with therapy I have begun to finally heal.
wow, I hope you are able to overcome such a traumatic event. I found that music distracts, but in a way heals as well.

Sometimes when I think about how terrible the ameriKKKa rape machine (army, air force, nazy etc.) is, I just take some small amount of comfort in knowing that we have prisons full of non violent people of color (POC) that will one day be free, and those cells can then be occupied by the real monsters in our society-active and former military members.
What’s most disturbing about that article in the OP is that he thinks that Seal should be gone easy on. Lol I guess that Seamen is above the law. Lol the militants was gonna die any way. Rep. Duncan is judge, jury and executioner lmfao.
Dude is a war hero. Collateral damage happens sadly. That is what he is talking about. I am sure he enjoyed killing evil ISIS types. But to act like his comment was happy of collateral damage is just disengenous. Maybe you dislike his other policies. But to volunteer at the age he did and fight so many battles then come back to USA and do public service is huge. Duncan Hunter type brave military men should be president ideally

And the guy who went to an American hospital to start knifing people?
I would have tampered with their food if they pulled that type of shit.
I wouldn't try this on military members, remember, if you are in the military, you are capable of anything. Military members rape children and kill civilians for fun. If they found out you messed with their food, there is no telling what they would do to you.
Dude is a war hero. Collateral damage happens sadly. That is what he is talking about. I am sure he enjoyed killing evil ISIS types. But to act like his comment was happy of collateral damage is just disengenous. Maybe you dislike his other policies. But to volunteer at the age he did and fight so many battles then come back to USA and do public service is huge. Duncan Hunter type brave military men should be president ideally

Nah he’s human garbage and should be locked up, partly for war crimes and partly for grifting.

Even somebody like you who fetishizes war and the military should should be able to find a better example of a troop. He sucks ass.
Now you understand why private corporations don't want to host all the Nazi bullshit.

Lol nah but since everyone likes to tweet, tweeting is now an inalienable right and the companies should fall under govt control and that's totally consistent with free enterprise