Got Into A Huge Fight In BJJ Class - Was I Wrong? **Updated

the biggest thing i understand at the end of your asshattery, is that i am so thankful i train at my gym and not yours. i'd say you put the capitol D in douchbag, but you make the whole word capitols.
Somebody using legit techniques harder does not permit you to do things that aren't allowed. This was your ego controlling you.
Yes, please please please for the love of God give up jiu-jitsu.

Look, you don't SLAM someone in jiu-jitsu unless you clearly have permission to and the guy knows it's coming. It sounds like he may have breached some etiquette, but when you speared him and slammed him you completely crossed the line. Seriously. Guys like you, who bring tons of ego into the equation, are the worst pain in the ass to train with.

I agree. He comes off as pretty cocky anyways. Look at his sig.

Kickboxing/Wrestling Specialist - BJJ Blue Belt

lmao...sure kid. Give up BJJ and take up anger management. If you speared me I would have stepped on your gums.
First, I was in his guard, beginning to pass. I placed my knee in his inner thigh and as I was doing so, I placed my forearm across his throat and pressed down very hard. I could see his face turn red. (I only did this to send out a message to let him know, if he wants to continue at this pace, I will match it and then some.) As I was about to pass he sweeped the leg I had under my knee and caught me in a triangle.

So I'm training and I'm in this guys guard. I can't pass so I use my forearm smash his throat. I ended up triangled. Am I a dick?

Second, we started again. I could tell he began to get even rougher and more aggressive, and I didn't have a problem doing the same. I ended up in his guard again, and this time I was passing in different manner when he caught me in an armbar. I then grabbed his belt with my free arm, stood up, and drove his neck down pretty hard onto the mat. I could hear him grunt....he let go of the armbar, I passed extremly fast into his side mount pulled off a kimora.

In the next match I get caught in an armbar and instead of trying a legit escape I spike the guy on his head and neck, while he is dazed I sink in a quick kimora. Am I a dick?

We began again for the third time, this time he didn't clap my hand (something that is done prior to rolling, which shows that you are ready to roll, and also shows respect). That is when I had enough of his attitude. I turned up the pace and I basically speared him (we were starting on the ground...on our knees). As I speared him, I drove my shoulder into his face and flattened him out. He began to crawl backwords off the mat, while I was in his guard. I wasn't having any of it. I lifted him up and I basically power-bombed him on the mat, I could see his head ricochet off the mat...

Next I decide not to bother getting caught by a guy who is better than me so I spear tackle him, land in his guard and then powerbomb him hard. Am I a dick?

Btw the answer is You're a complete asshole. :mad:
Sounds like you were being an asshole.. powerbombing him? YOU took it to the next level - I'd be PISSED if somebody POWERBOMBED me in training. WTF dude?
I'm calling work. There's no way you 1) drop your forearm into his throat, 2) drop him on his neck to escape an armbar and 3) powerbomb him while in his GUARD and seriously question if you're the one at fault.
Lots of drama over this. If I was your training partner, I wouldn't even bother with the escalation. I'd just send you to dream world.


*stares at mirror*
So I'm training and I'm in this guys guard. I can't pass so I use my forearm smash his throat. I ended up triangled. Am I a dick?

In the next match I get caught in an armbar and instead of trying a legit escape I spike the guy on his head and neck, while he is dazed I sink in a quick kimora. Am I a dick?

Next I decide not to bother getting caught by a guy who is better than me so I spear tackle him, land in his guard and then powerbomb him hard. Am I a dick?

Btw the answer is You're a complete asshole. :mad:

lol nice cliffnotes.
Judging strictly from the facts that you posted, you are the guilty party. You don't shove your forearm into someone's throat just cause you don't like the "pace".
You don't slam out of an armbar just because he misrepresented that he wanted to go "light". And you sure as hell don't powerbomb someone for any of the perceived slights that you have suffered.
I assume by 'shoving the forearm into the throat', he is talking about the thrust choke. I've had higher belts use it on me quite a few times. It's a legit move, and nothing to get upset over. It's very risky for sure, but if you know what you are doing, it can be a good way to get someone to open the guard or react in a way that is to your advantage.
That instructor should have kicked you out for that. The other guy probably too. Find an amateur MMA org to that out of your system.
If that would have happened at my school, I would have escorted your ass out of the building by the scruff of your neck, and I am not real sure how gentle I would have been about it. There is no place for that kind of garbage on the mats. None.

You are exactly what gives a lot of the newer grappling generation a bad name.

Once again - and I find myself saying this often - I have to wonder where in the flying fuck the instructors are when stuff like this happens. When there are live matches going on at my school, I, or another qualified instructor, am always there monitoring things. This situation would have, and SHOULD have, been ended much earlier than it was. You're an idiot and your instructor is irresponsible.
i would have kicked you out for that. that is totally uncalled for and counter productive to a positive learning environment. probably need to do a little growing up before taking part in any combat activity.
You should be banned from that school.

If you ever train at another school, don't ever tell the instructor that you ever did anything like that if you want to be allowed there. And never do it again.
ps. someone with no ego issue, wouldn't have a screen name - ABS OF STEEL