Opinion Green Energy Sucks

Yes there are a bunch of places in Australia with atrocious grids because it's a shit place in the middle of nowhere. One of the rare spots that is remote developing world conditions but also has a rich nation to support it. Tesla has been using it as a marketing proof of concept for years thanks to the favourable conditions.
At its core it's really nothing groundbreaking beyond existing solar tech paired with existing battery tech, which is hardly proprietary. Generac and other companies have "powerwalls", but complete idiots on the internet wouldn't know the first thing about it beyond parroting some Elon Musk tweet.
The green deal kool aid corruption lovers hate to ignore pesky facts like the environment they're pretending to be saving when it comes to practical use of solar and batteries. We should be looking to reduce overall consumption and form effective grids, not pretend solar panels are saving the world or are just free energy for the world. Which again, none of these industrial leaders give an actual shit about because consumption and profits are still their main drive, not telling people to use less, not have kids, save money etc...
Instead it's "hey are you rich enough to buy a house? how about some free taxpayer money! how about some financing? Build build build buy buy buy"
Why would you tell people not to have kids?
Why would you tell people not to have kids?
That's not evenly remotely what I said.
I said the goal of globally-scaled businesses is mass expansion of the human population to drive valuation when left unchecked, which belies the climate/quality of life/biodiversity and green narrative, which are values I actually support.
Kids are essential to progressing the human race. Cheering on total expansion such that birth rate is higher than death rates purely to make money at the expense of other things? Not so much.
I might post later but near 100% here rhave no understanding on the cost of generation and why it is moving the direction it is. Battery storage is getting cheap enough for arbitrage and to be used as peaker units. Nuclear is is way too expensive. Natural gas is beating everything but solar and wind are projected to compete with it in 15-20 years. As is, wind and solar do supply cheap energy in good locations and only gets beat by natural gas. Coal is as dead as nuclear as well.
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Yes there are a bunch of places in Australia with atrocious grids because it's a shit place in the middle of nowhere. One of the rare spots that is remote developing world conditions but also has a rich nation to support it. Tesla has been using it as a marketing proof of concept for years thanks to the favourable conditions.
At its core it's really nothing groundbreaking beyond existing solar tech paired with existing battery tech, which is hardly proprietary. Generac and other companies have "powerwalls", but complete idiots on the internet wouldn't know the first thing about it beyond parroting some Elon Musk tweet.
The green deal kool aid corruption lovers hate to ignore pesky facts like the environment they're pretending to be saving when it comes to practical use of solar and batteries. We should be looking to reduce overall consumption and form effective grids, not pretend solar panels are saving the world or are just free energy for the world. Which again, none of these industrial leaders give an actual shit about because consumption and profits are still their main drive, not telling people to use less, not have kids, save money etc...
Instead it's "hey are you rich enough to buy a house? how about some free taxpayer money! how about some financing? Build build build buy buy buy"

Haha @Ruprecht you living in a shit place in the middle of nowhere?
Haha @Ruprecht you living in a shit place in the middle of nowhere?

Hah! Well it wouldn't be the least charitable description I've heard of Adelaide. Usually only cop that from Melbournians and Sydneysiders though, not yanks.
Science deniers pass the green new deal !!

We have a lot of windfarms here too, doesn't seem to be a lot cooler at all.
We're just all around fucked no matter what at this point.
Science deniers pass the green new deal !!

Cheapest generation in Germany is utility PV solar.
Germany emits about half (9Tons) as much per capita as America (16Tons).
German energy prices increased steadily from $19.5 per kWh, to 28.8 in the 7 years prior to 2013, since then growth has slowed significantly raising to 30.2 in 2019. Ie 50% in 7 years then 5% in 6 years.
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 they went hard on solar Install, roughly 10x installed per year on prior years.
After installing heaps of cheap solar things got cheaper.

Sorry this is not in tweet form but happy to supply support for any claim above.
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Hah! Well it wouldn't be the least charitable description I've heard of Adelaide. Usually only cop that from Melbournians and Sydneysiders though, not yanks.

Haha @Ruprecht you living in a shit place in the middle of nowhere?

I mean it's literally a show piece.
Bro idiots like Unilad, Buzzfeed, or really any company will be like "WOW CLIKC HERE TO READ ABOUT ELON MUSK SAVING THE FUCKING WOORLD WITH THIS NEW TECH. LOOK AT AUSTRALIA" but the details are so elementary it's comical.
"Saved the country tens of millions!" (uhhh okay, but just makes it more equal to other grids because of someone nebulous "regulation cost" unique to some shoddy area)
"The facility powers rural South Australia, whose population density falls between Wyoming and Alaska, the two least dense U.S. states"

"The Neoen-owned Hornsdale Power Reserve is literally a facility full of Tesla PowerPacks that receives and stores energy from nearby wind and solar farms."

"The dedicated battery farm can power 30,000 homes for up to an hour, which relieves the burden on the grid during hot summer days when failure is most likely." (and still pricier than most places in the entire world)

So yeah, these are not things remotely close to applying to the modern mass-global humanity of 7 billion people or even the 3 billion or so in developed metro areas. Again the goal is to get enough rubes to just go with "well let's just sell everyone on the idea that they should buy Tesla's rebadged asian-subcontracted solar and battery packs and have the gov pay for it" to the benefit of upperclass property/building owners.

Most products on the market today are about greenbacks, not a green planet.
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I don’t know if I’ll get to see it but people underestimate what the air would be like with no gasoline powered cars.
I’m all about green energy, but a world without gas powered travel is a looong way off. People like their road trips and rv’s and boats and airplanes. And nobody with a family wants to stop every 200 miles for an hour to fill up.
It's because you live in a shithole country, with a worse infrastructure then most African countries.
It has nothing to do with green or other energy, its the infrastructure.
We've been having a ton of rolling power outages this year, never has it been this bad.

I cant count how many power outages I've had these few months since covid, probably a dozen by now. How the hell am I suppose to work from home when the power keeps cutting out?

We have programs here to let the electric company disable our AC, I dont even use AC and rely on fans for the sake of the community. Useless.

During this heatwave, we have terribly stagnant air, and the wind energy simply is not producing shit when we need it most. Fires arent helping with the solar production either. One of the outages fried the PC board on my fridge...... samsung fridges suck ass, fuse didnt even trip.

What kind of comunist state are you in if the power company can turn of your AC?

WTF? Specially during summer?

Really a utility company can now dictate what appliances you turn on?
We've been having a ton of rolling power outages this year, never has it been this bad.

I cant count how many power outages I've had these few months since covid, probably a dozen by now. How the hell am I suppose to work from home when the power keeps cutting out?

We have programs here to let the electric company disable our AC, I dont even use AC and rely on fans for the sake of the community. Useless.

During this heatwave, we have terribly stagnant air, and the wind energy simply is not producing shit when we need it most. Fires arent helping with the solar production either. One of the outages fried the PC board on my fridge...... samsung fridges suck ass, fuse didnt even trip.
LOL@buying a "smart" fridge
you might as well throw your money out
wait....do you post to sherdog from your fridge?
What kind of comunist state are you in if the power company can turn of your AC?

WTF? Specially during summer?

Really a utility company can now dictate what appliances you turn on?
if you've bought one of these "smart" thermostats recently, they offer rebates and agree if you agree (which are really good), you can have to go to your power company and register the device. If you read the fine print, they let you know, that they can shut down the unit as they feel necessary. They also send out alerts from time to time, and if you read one of they're FAQ's on why you're AC is not running, they let you know that you signed up for that program <Lmaoo>

they dont arbitrarily turn off your AC, they've been offering rebates (you can go to our local home depot/lowes to see these advertisements) for many many months. I believe it was 100-300 depending on state, and it pays off for the smart thermostat (can seem tempting), which is really slick btw. Love being able to control the device from my bed... not handing my keys over to the utility company.
No blackouts here. OC is the goat.
Solar panels are more than adequate to cover energy needs here. Even if you run your AC all day. The best part is that energy companies here will pay you for putting energy back into the grid during low consumption periods of the year.

People's electric bills have gone down from $300 to $20 a month with paid off panels in the summer.
if you've bought one of these "smart" thermostats recently, they offer rebates and agree if you agree (which are really good), you can have to go to your power company and register the device. If you read the fine print, they let you know, that they can shut down the unit as they feel necessary. They also send out alerts from time to time, and if you read one of they're FAQ's on why you're AC is not running, they let you know that you signed up for that program <Lmaoo>

they dont arbitrarily turn off your AC, they've been offering rebates (you can go to our local home depot/lowes to see these advertisements) for many many months. I believe it was 100-300 depending on state, and it pays off for the smart thermostat (can seem tempting), which is really slick btw. Love being able to control the device from my bed... not handing my keys over to the utility company.

Oh I see its optional then if you want to allow the power corp to access the AC and get a rebate.

Ok gotcha im some countries they have a low tech version for their rebates like you agree to limit the number and tonnage of the AC on your business or you only use inverter types or only operate it in certain hours.

My concern is how long until the echo-Nazis start to legislate that this programa be mandatory?

I can see Socialist countries like Venezuala and Cuba implementing thst soon heck they may just prohibit selling Window or small cab AC units to residential areas.

Not too long ago former Philippine President Aquino ennacted an EO to mandate Malls and Hotels to limit the use of their ACs. as a solution to a power crisis because his idiot cronnies in the power sector did not build enough power plants citing environmental concerns about coal And some of his retarded suporters even came up with the idea of requiring a license to buy an AC to limit its use in residential areas.
We've been having a ton of rolling power outages this year, never has it been this bad.

I cant count how many power outages I've had these few months since covid, probably a dozen by now. How the hell am I suppose to work from home when the power keeps cutting out?

We have programs here to let the electric company disable our AC, I dont even use AC and rely on fans for the sake of the community. Useless.

During this heatwave, we have terribly stagnant air, and the wind energy simply is not producing shit when we need it most. Fires arent helping with the solar production either. One of the outages fried the PC board on my fridge...... samsung fridges suck ass, fuse didnt even trip.

have you tried moving to a first world country....well, there is only one, and that one being America???