Rumored Greg Hardy currently works at Walmart (UPDATE: DOES NOT WORK AT WALMART)

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Damn...Hardy was an ex nfl player isnt it ? and a decent HW, not the most ugly out there, could had took a payday out there at bellator.
I doubt he’s broke, most likely just working to fill time and not training as much so has more free time to fill and not enough work expertise to get a better paying job.

Some people just like to be doing something, who knows though.
Most of the people screaming about NFL money don’t know anything about how the NFL works. His first 4 years in the league he was on a late round rookie contract roughly 600k a year.

He only had 1 year where he was able to cash on his performance and was franchised for 13 mil for one year

He explains here

I appreciate you posting this - no sarcasm.
I didn't click on the video because I don't want to support this sh;tty person, but from the run-on sentence in the description it seems like it's some kind of comedy / tv show skit?
I appreciate you posting this - no sarcasm.
I didn't click on the video because I don't want to support this sh;tty person, but from the run-on sentence in the description it seems like it's some kind of comedy / tv show skit?
Yeah not fan of the man either but it was joke essentially.
He only went to Walmart to pick up his new inhaler
Yeah not fan of the man either but it was joke essentially.
It's interesting the more I think about it - he posts about working in Walmart as either some sort of joke (even though it's an honest job and there's nothing wrong with it) and/or to elicit a reaction (which seems to have worked as people either flock to his defense or gloat in what they perceive to be his fall from the top).

In doing so, he continues to get the attention he craves (and maybe gets ad/sponsor revenue) and makes me ask the question - who's the villain? The domestic abuser ex-NFL player who stayed semi-famous because of Dana, or the anonymous people on the internet who took the bait and apparently equate working at Walmart with being on the bottom of society?
So people believe everything they hear these days? Never mind it's always been the case.
he's basically wearing a USPS uniform, maybe he needs two jobs now <2>

They actually pay pretty well.
And Jon Jones never hit a female.

Walmart is better for him then fighting
He's athletic but started late and is not the type of fighter where the trade of between damage taken and money will pay of. He should not fight anymore.

Maybe he'll learn a better job then Walmart.

He's not the only one working at Walmart and similar jobs, I respect it, he's working for himself.
Remember a fighter by the name of TJ Grant? He earned himself a title shot against bendo, got a nasty concussion in training and never returned. Got a job for mining company in Canada and apparently does ok finance wise.

Why work in the Walmart when its more lucrative to work outside of the Walmart?
It's interesting the more I think about it - he posts about working in Walmart as either some sort of joke (even though it's an honest job and there's nothing wrong with it) and/or to elicit a reaction (which seems to have worked as people either flock to his defense or gloat in what they perceive to be his fall from the top).

In doing so, he continues to get the attention he craves (and maybe gets ad/sponsor revenue) and makes me ask the question - who's the villain? The domestic abuser ex-NFL player who stayed semi-famous because of Dana, or the anonymous people on the internet who took the bait and apparently equate working at Walmart with being on the bottom of society?
Good analysis of the situation. I do agree him essentially making fun off lower paid but important jobs ain't cool when i think about it at all but as you said it's Greg Hardy he is not a good guy overall but i can give him credit for looking for ways into different careers in this instance he was talking about marketing or something. He can't be athlete forever so best to look to invest etc. Do i think he is broke no but he probably knows he messed he up his NFL career so lost massive earning potential and he won't be able to make decent paydays in MMA if he keeps losing.

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