Grizzly Bears live catching Salmon.

Beasts in action just wanting some food. Looks like a Salmon run just showed up!
Ever watch "unedited footage of a bear"? Check that out...
Very few animals scarier than a full grown brown bear. Absolute power houses that can run super fast and climb trees. No thank you....
LOL, Elephant seal is like fuck yo car, what you gonna do?

Now that you brought up seals have you ever seen a Leopard seal? They get 10-15 feet long and are true carnivorous predators. A large Leopard seal has almost nothing to fear from anything in the ocean. There are few predators that would try to fuck with it.

Check out the mouth on this one when she opens up. This one is 13 feet long.

What kind of fucking balls do these cameramen have?! You couldn't pay me a million bucks to swim in the water with one of those giant seal fucks holy shit
What kind of fucking balls do these cameramen have?! You couldn't pay me a million bucks to swim in the water with one of those giant seal fucks holy shit

Yea lol, a leopard seal is a serious predator. It could easily take your arm off in a flash.
currently one of the biggest grizzlies ive ever seen chowing down
Leopard seals weigh up to 1,300 pounds and are more like race cars, much higher speed and agility but while still being huge animals. That's why I said, they are a true carnivorous predator. Up to 1,300 pounds, can swim 24mph, and can shred anything that it bites with its massive jaws. The mouth reminds me of a dog. It would be like getting attacked by a 10 foot long pit bull that weighs a thousand pounds.

Orcas occasionally feed on them.
Orcas occasionally feed on them.

Well, I mean, yea, Orcas also occasionally kill Great White sharks. Killer Whales are pretty much the king of the ocean. I was just saying that Leopard seals aren't no joke. Most creatures would steer a wide path.
We’re back in bulk season boys. Bears are waking up. Salmon are arriving . Enjoy
Thanks for the link. My wife and I are watching this right now!
The beasts are waking up one by one to get as fat as possible.
you guys are missing out! there is a bunch of bears in action right now. Record number of Salmon coming through the river this year.