Gym idiots

Had a trio of 3 younger fellas working out at my gym that would all grab 45 lb plates in each hand and walk laps around the gym in single file line together, the layout of the gym is a little weird so these guys were walking all up in everybody's way. It was getting annoying I'm on the shoulder press machine and these idiots walking right in front of me mid-set. I got off the machine after one set and acted like I didn't see them and stood right in their way and stopped them, after that they started doing smaller circles and did their best to stay away from whatever I was on. What the fuck could this workout possibly do for you? And why not find another way to do this outdoors somehow instead of in the gym in the middle of everybody?
Pretending they're rolling wheelbarrows around? A load of concrete with a flat tire in a muddy yard will humble your cardio.
I shadow box or use the bag as pre work out warm up, post work out warm down or sometimes even between sets. I am not sure whats people problem with that. I am in the gym willing to work on my strength, but can use the time to work some on my technique too. And no it is not a show off, but if I do not feel thursty or tired after a set, there is nothing left for me to do. I usually go with a budy and help him if he does some heavy lift, but this is mostly 3-4 sets.

it's self awareness. you lack it. i use numerous gyms in my network and there is always one idiot in the free weights area craving attention by shadowboxing in a crowded area with high schoolers, old women etc..

if you want to hit the heavy bag, then make that part of your workout away from everyone else, but do not shadow box where normal people are trying to work out.

people aren't going to think your tough and you aren't going to make any mma friends because you flail your arms in the mirror after a bench press. it's sheer fuckin stupidity.
just make sure you bring a good potato salad...
I've been going to a local gym for four months and although it's not big or a busy place, I have yet to see someone use the squat rack for squats. Maybe I'm the only one who does.
Had a trio of 3 younger fellas working out at my gym that would all grab 45 lb plates in each hand and walk laps around the gym in single file line together, the layout of the gym is a little weird so these guys were walking all up in everybody's way. It was getting annoying I'm on the shoulder press machine and these idiots walking right in front of me mid-set. I got off the machine after one set and acted like I didn't see them and stood right in their way and stopped them, after that they started doing smaller circles and did their best to stay away from whatever I was on. What the fuck could this workout possibly do for you? And why not find another way to do this outdoors somehow instead of in the gym in the middle of everybody?

Grip strength+?
Had a trio of 3 younger fellas working out at my gym that would all grab 45 lb plates in each hand and walk laps around the gym in single file line together, the layout of the gym is a little weird so these guys were walking all up in everybody's way. It was getting annoying I'm on the shoulder press machine and these idiots walking right in front of me mid-set. I got off the machine after one set and acted like I didn't see them and stood right in their way and stopped them, after that they started doing smaller circles and did their best to stay away from whatever I was on. What the fuck could this workout possibly do for you? And why not find another way to do this outdoors somehow instead of in the gym in the middle of everybody?
Haha I do stuff like this all the time with kettlebells, dumbells or plates. I stay out of peoples way though. Those "farmers walks" will do more for most people than using the shoulder press machine.
Read any of dan Johns books or watch strongman.
Had a trio of 3 younger fellas working out at my gym that would all grab 45 lb plates in each hand and walk laps around the gym in single file line together, the layout of the gym is a little weird so these guys were walking all up in everybody's way. It was getting annoying I'm on the shoulder press machine and these idiots walking right in front of me mid-set. I got off the machine after one set and acted like I didn't see them and stood right in their way and stopped them, after that they started doing smaller circles and did their best to stay away from whatever I was on. What the fuck could this workout possibly do for you? And why not find another way to do this outdoors somehow instead of in the gym in the middle of everybody?

I`m sorry to tell you this but basically this just shows that you are frustrated in some way.
Ok, three little puny dickheads running around the gym in single file line together like a couple of homos doing something that I get the same workout with when doing heavy 250-275 lb shrugs, whatever muscles that drill is working I'm working those same muscles way better than what a 45 lb plate in each hand could do, not to mention I'm not being a pain in the ass for everyone else trying to work out in the process. If you seen the gym and what these guys were doing you would see that this was not the place for what they were doing. Them boys got a long way to go to get the kind of body I got. I think maybe ya'll do to. Edit: Since I posted that I actually haven't even seen these kids in the gym anymore.
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Ok, three little puny dickheads running around the gym in single file line together like a couple of homos doing something that I get the same workout with when doing heavy 250-275 lb shrugs, whatever muscles that drill is working I'm working those same muscles way better than what a 45 lb plate in each hand could do, not to mention I'm not being a pain in the ass for everyone else trying to work out in the process. If you seen the gym and what these guys were doing you would see that this was not the place for what they were doing. Them boys got a long way to go to get the kind of body I got. I think maybe ya'll do to. Edit: Since I posted that I actually haven't even seen these kids in the gym anymore.
They may have been in people's way which is rude....but farmers walks are legit whether you want to admit it or not.
This morning

One girl at the treadmills strips down to a track suit that looks like a one piece bikini. I am like WTF and I honestly couldn't help but look for a second. She acts like I am harassing her.
I look in the general vicinity of a girl. She acts like I am harassing her.
I walk by a woman keeping my head down but I glance at her feet to make sure that I do not run into her in between machines. She makes a stuck up sound with her voice and acts like I am harassing her.
Two other girls are staring at me like "Why don't I go over to talk to them?"

I'm just there to lift and get out. In 20+ years in the gym, I have never struck up a conversation with a girl while lifting. They think that it is all about them. I am not in the mood to listen to some feminist rant b/c I happened to look in a girl's general direction. The girls were all average


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Saw this dude at the gym, sumo pulling with his lower back instead of his legs. Shoulders were over the bar and shoulders rose faster than his hips. Couldn't budge near his 1rm on conventional deadlifts despite sumos being "easier."

Wait a minute.

I train at home.

That was me.

I don't really see the problem with Shadow boxing. I do it when I'm alone in the aerobics room full of mirrors. I really would like to focus on my technique out of boredom between sets in the free weight area, but I really don't want some fucking self righteous, stuck up, douchebag to roll his eyes when I do it. It goes both ways.
I used to train in a gym where there was this one guy, gay af, that trained shirtless while wearing a really short vale tudo shorts. It was hard not to look when he was deadlifting. lol :oops:
Ok, three little puny dickheads running around the gym in single file line together like a couple of homos doing something that I get the same workout with when doing heavy 250-275 lb shrugs, whatever muscles that drill is working I'm working those same muscles way better than what a 45 lb plate in each hand could do, not to mention I'm not being a pain in the ass for everyone else trying to work out in the process. If you seen the gym and what these guys were doing you would see that this was not the place for what they were doing. Them boys got a long way to go to get the kind of body I got. I think maybe ya'll do to. Edit: Since I posted that I actually haven't even seen these kids in the gym anymore.

Hate to say it man, but you are the one that sounds like a gym idiot. I get that they got in people's way, but farmer walks are pretty damn legit. Maybe if you picked 2 100lbs dumbbells and tried it yourself for a couple of sets you'd actually see why, instead of being a classic meathead. If they didn't work, strongmen probably wouldn't be using them as a program staple.
Hate to say it man, but you are the one that sounds like a gym idiot. I get that they got in people's way, but farmer walks are pretty damn legit. Maybe if you picked 2 100lbs dumbbells and tried it yourself for a couple of sets you'd actually see why, instead of being a classic meathead. If they didn't work, strongmen probably wouldn't be using them as a program staple.

Can somebody show me where I said farmer walks were not legit? If that's what works for you that's cool, I'm really happy for you, just don't expect me to jump around to stay out of you and your butt buddies ways when you're power walking around an already cramped gym together, others in the gym acting all intimidated trying to tip toe and stay out of their way while their racking weights or moving from station to station or changing machines, "oh shit, here they come again". If I block your path and stop you like a couple of ants and you don't like it we can all take it right outside for a big fucking royal rumble for all I care. I'll farmer walk your asses right back to slip and fall school. 100%
Can somebody show me where I said farmer walks were not legit? If that's what works for you that's cool, I'm really happy for you, just don't expect me to jump around to stay out of you and your butt buddies ways when you're power walking around an already cramped gym together, others in the gym acting all intimidated trying to tip toe and stay out of their way while their racking weights or moving from station to station or changing machines, "oh shit, here they come again". If I block your path and stop you like a couple of ants and you don't like it we can all take it right outside for a big fucking royal rumble for all I care. I'll farmer walk your asses right back to slip and fall school. 100%

What the fuck could this workout possibly do for you?

Ok, three little puny dickheads running around the gym in single file line together like a couple of homos doing something that I get the same workout with when doing heavy 250-275 lb shrugs, whatever muscles that drill is working I'm working those same muscles way better than what a 45 lb plate in each hand could do.

You have asked what could this workout possibly do for you and saying how shrugging some heavier weight would do you better, which is not true at all, as they are pretty damn different movesets, where only similarities are that both are hitting your traps. Why not use both? Also, I'm usually having the reverse problem. I am doing farmer walks, and there has to be that guy that just gets in front of you typing on his phone, while you are on a track specifically made for farmer walks, walking lunges and whatnot. All in all, I guess we can agree that there are some pretty damn annoying shits in every public gym.
Gotta confess, pulled a major kook move at the gym today...

I'd gotten a little out of my normal workout routine for a couple weeks because I'd been busy with work... I was benching, doing my 3 set max (I thought), and on the last set, came up short.

I'd never had that happen before, felt like such a dumbass.
Last weekend I rolled Code 3 to a medical aid at 24 Hour Fitness. All we got was "weights fell on a teen and he is unconscious." My partner and I roll over there, find the kid laying there getting attended by trainers. He has no obvious injuries except two large bruises on the inside of his forearms.

Gym staff tells us his buddy was squatting and dropped the weight off his shoulders and our friend on the floor tried to catch it while also in mid squat by sticking his arms out. Bar landed on his forearms, hit him in the thighs right above the knees. He then fell over and passed out. Kid was like a buck twenty.

He got brought out by medics on a gurney.

Only highlight was we did get the paramedic to ask him "Bro, do you even lift?"
Can somebody show me where I said farmer walks were not legit? If that's what works for you that's cool, I'm really happy for you, just don't expect me to jump around to stay out of you and your butt buddies ways when you're power walking around an already cramped gym together, others in the gym acting all intimidated trying to tip toe and stay out of their way while their racking weights or moving from station to station or changing machines, "oh shit, here they come again". If I block your path and stop you like a couple of ants and you don't like it we can all take it right outside for a big fucking royal rumble for all I care. I'll farmer walk your asses right back to slip and fall school. 100%

All good mate. Just a misunderstanding. I could get why you might be annoyed, but I would rather 3 blokes doing farmers walks than super setting curls and kipping pullups in the only squat rack.
The way you made it sound was like you couldn't work out what they would do it for and we explained.

It sounds like they moved somewhere else as soon as they realised they were in your way, so at least they weren't clueless.

I do alot of overhead carries and I have people set right up under where I am doing my walk while I am mid set. I place my towel and all that down somewhere and come back and find a curl bar right where I was. They then stare at me like I am an idiot even though there is other spots they can set up throughout the gym.

Thank god I do most of my training at home now haha.