International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII


I hit you, you hit me back harder, I rethink.

Nothing wrong with that logic.

This is not that.

I hit you, you murder me in retaliation, then kill my family, destroy my house, slaughter my friends, destroy a bunch of innocents that happen to be around at the time, and then pretend your prolonged spree is defence.
Sounds like you have nothing to live for anymore. May as well pick up a sword and go waste those People you hate so much that ruined your life.
Sounds like you have nothing to live for anymore. May as well pick up a sword and go waste those People you hate so much that ruined your life.

In perpetuity to the end of time, but honestly, it's because the Palestinians are baddies lol

Israel have held the cards for decades.

They need to prove they're human beings not demons.

It's about fucking time, anyway.

I hit you, you hit me back harder, I rethink.

Nothing wrong with that logic.

This is not that.

I hit you, you murder me in retaliation, then kill my family, destroy my house, slaughter my friends, destroy a bunch of innocents that happen to be around at the time, and then pretend your prolonged spree is defence.

"I hit you?"

They murdered, raped, immolated, and kidnapped innocent men, women, children, and babies and destroyed houses as well. What kind of fucking retarded understatement is this?
"I hit you?"

They murdered, raped, immolated, and kidnapped innocent men, women, children, and babies and destroyed houses as well. What kind of fucking retarded understatement is this?

I obviously can't "murder" you, and have you retaliate. You'd be dead.

But yes. Obviously Hamas committed heinous, bottom-of-the-barrel terrorism. I saw the same footage you saw. Blowing up family cars in suburbia with RPGs. Gunning people down in the streets. Executing innocent civilians. Worse.

We know they did, it's not a question.

It's also not a question that the IDF have done exactly the same on a much bigger scale while pretending they're targeting the individuals who did that to their people. Murdering Israelis waving white flags - and getting caught doing it. Murdering kids playing in the street - and getting caught doing it. Getting outsmarted by terrorists into committing atrocities because they can't help themselves.

You must be retarded if you can't accept that the retaliation now far outweighs the original crime.

That wouldn't be a surprise though.
This whole ICC trial is a sham. The head prosecutor of the ICC is a Muslim Pakistani and the dumb bitch who filed it, Amal Clooney, is a Lebanese. Talk about an impartial group of hypocrites trying to flex their nonexistent muscles to the entire world with their retarded and deliberate misinterpretation of the terms "war crimes", "genocide", and "ethnic cleansing."

It's obvious these imbeciles are trying to take advantage of Bibi's unpopularity to convict him for his handling of the ongoing war. But had Yair Lapid or Naftali Bennett still been in charge, would this war have gone any different? Would the ICC still charge them for "war crimes?" Of course they wouldn't. But seems that Israel is doomed to be in a perpetual lose-lose situation anyway whenever it's fighting a defensive war, especially a war that was ignited by one of the most heinous atrocities committed in a single day in modern history.

"They're committing war crimes! It's genocide!" these idiots clamor. Pay no attention to the absurdly low civilian-to-combatant casualties and commendations on efforts the IDF has taken to minimize civilian deaths from West Point experts. No! These naive useful idiots must buy into the victimhood narrative intentionally set up by Hamas so they can live to carry out another heinous attack another day. "Ceasefire now so more Jews can die later!" All of you are fucking idiots.

Fuck the UN and the fuck ICC. I'm glad my country doesn't recognize their jurisdiction here.
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I obviously can't "murder" you, and have you retaliate. You'd be dead.

But yes. Obviously Hamas committed heinous, bottom-of-the-barrel terrorism. I saw the same footage you saw. Blowing up family cars in suburbia with RPGs. Gunning people down in the streets. Executing innocent civilians. Worse.

We know they did, it's not a question.

It's also not a question that the IDF have done exactly the same on a much bigger scale while pretending they're targeting the individuals who did that to their people. Murdering Israelis waving white flags - and getting caught doing it. Murdering kids playing in the street - and getting caught doing it. Getting outsmarted by terrorists into committing atrocities because they can't help themselves.

You must be retarded if you can't accept that the retaliation now far outweighs the original crime.

That wouldn't be a surprise though.

Okay, so you're backtracking and admitting that your "I hit you" statement was wrong.

No need to rationalize what you wrote with this excessive waffling.
This whole ICC trial is a sham. The head prosecutor of the ICC is a Muslim Pakistani and the dumb bitch who filed it, Amal Clooney, is a Lebanese. Talk about an impartial group of hypocrites trying to flex their nonexistent muscles to the entire world with their retarded and deliberate misinterpretation of the terms "war crimes", "genocide", and "ethnic cleansing."

It's obvious these imbeciles are trying to take advantage of Bibi's unpopularity to convict him for his handling of the ongoing war. But had Yair Lapid or Naftali Bennett still been in charge, would this war have gone any different? Would the ICC still charge them for "war crimes?" Of course they would. It seems that Israel is doomed to be in a perpetual lose-lose situation whenever it's fighting a defensive war, especially a war that was ignited by one of the most heinous atrocities committed in a single day in modern history.

"They're committing war crimes! It's genocide!" these idiots clamor. Pay no attention to the absurdly low civilian-to-combatant casualties and commendations regarding efforts the IDF has taken to minimize civilian deaths from West Point experts. No! These naive useful idiots must buy into the victimhood narrative intentionally set up by Hamas so they can live to carry out another heinous attack another day. "Ceasefire now so more Jews can die later!" All of you are fucking idiots.

Fuck the UN and the fuck ICC. I'm glad my country doesn't recognize their jurisdiction here.

Fuck the UN, fuck the ICC.

The level of cope you have to attain to show you've completely lost it.

We wondered how Russian citizens insulated themselves from criticism while supporting Putin.

Well here we have it.
Okay, so you're backtracking and admitting that your "I hit you" statement was wrong.

No need to rationalize what you wrote with this excessive waffling.


You never did understand metaphor, did you? Unless you wanted a zombie corpse to be front and centre of my metaphor.

Hint: the scenario was a fist fight.
Fuck the UN, fuck the ICC.

The level of cope you have to attain to show you've completely lost it.

We wondered how Russian citizens insulated themselves from criticism while supporting Putin.

Well here we have it.

Yeah, fuck the UN for supporting UNRWA, who hired Hamas terrorists and funded Palestinian schools that indoctrinated children to hate and kill Jews. Fuck them for appointing Saudi Arabia as the chair of its Womens Rights Council. They're a bunch of hypocrites.

Fuck the ICC too. Did South Africa say that they would arrest Vladimir Putin had he stepped foot on their soil? Fuck no. They kowtowed to him like little bitches and took a giant shit on the ICC's arrest warrant for him.

You never did understand metaphor, did you? Unless you wanted a zombie corpse to be front and centre of my metaphor.

Hint: the scenario was a fist fight.

What metaphor? It was an analogy, and a retarded one at that. Get your figure of speech literary term right.
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Fuck the ICC too. Did South Africa say that they would arrest Vladimir Putin had he stepped foot on their soil? Fuck no. They kowtowed to him like little bitches and took a giant shit on the ICC's arrest warrant for him.
The south africans lobbied hard for putin not to come to the brics summit that happened after the ICC decision, and he ended up not going. They didn't say they would arrest him but it would have made for an unconformable situation for the south africans if he did come.
The south africans lobbied hard for putin not to come to the brics summit that happened after the ICC decision, and he ended up not going. They didn't say they would arrest him but it would have made for an unconformable situation for the south africans if he did come.

The fact that South Africa said that it wouldn't honor the arrest warrant and the ICC didn't punish them for their attempt at defiance shows how utterly spineless and useless the ICC is.
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The fact that South Africa said that it wouldn't honor the arrest warrant and the ICC didn't punish them for their attempt at defiance shows how utterly spineless and useless the ICC is.
The ICC can't punish anyone, they're just a bunch of lawyers. They depend on the good will of the members. That's basically the point. They can only work if the entire world agrees on punishing murderers.
The ICC can't punish anyone, they're just a bunch of lawyers. They depend on the good will of the members. That's basically the point. They can only work if the entire world agrees on punishing murderers.

If the ICC had a spine, they would have threatened to revoke South Africa's membership. I find it rather hypocritical of them to reach out to the ICC to have them charge Israel for genocide, especially when you consider the fact that a popular politician of theirs was holding public rallies where he chanted "Kill the Boers."
If the ICC had a spine, they would have threatened to revoke South Africa's membership. I find it rather hypocritical of them to reach out to the ICC to have them charge Israel for genocide, especially when you consider the fact that a popular politician of theirs was holding public rallies where he chanted "Kill the Boers."
Again, the ICC is a bunch of lawyers in The Hague. They aren't mandated to revoke memberships. Countries can leave the ICC voluntarily if they no longer care to abide by the precepts of the Rome Statute, which they signed. There are no forcing mechanisms in the ICC, they depend on the voluntary acts of members.
Again, the ICC is a bunch of lawyers in The Hague. They aren't mandated to revoke memberships. Countries can leave the ICC voluntarily if they no longer care to abide by the precepts of the Rome Statute, which they signed. There are no forcing mechanisms in the ICC, they depend on the voluntary acts of members.

So South Africa is free to file a case with the ICC against Israel, but also has the right to defy their arrest warrants. So, again I say that the ICC is a bunch of spineless idiots with no real jurisdiction over anybody.

The trial against Bibi is a sham. He doesn't have to answer to the ICC. However he will have to answer to the Supreme Court of Israel for any crimes committed against the people and government of Israel.
So South Africa is free to file a case with the ICC against Israel, but also has the right to defy their arrest warrants. So, again I say that the ICC is a bunch of spineless idiots with no real jurisdiction over anybody.

The trial against Bibi is a sham. He doesn't have to answer to the ICC. However he will have to answer to the Supreme Court of Israel for any crimes committed against the people and government of Israel.
They didn't defy the arrest warrant, they asked the court if they can just not arrest putin, which is retarded, court gave the legal answer i imagine, which is no, you signed the statutes, deal with it, so SA started begging putin not to come, and putin ended up not coming so SA isn't made to look bad. it's not like putin came and SA authorities did nothing. he explicitly did not come knowing it will create problems for SA.

Btw, Norway just announced that they will arrest Netanyahu if he comes over there. All EU state also acknowledged, through the high representative of foreign affairs, that they also take note of the arrest warrant, which implies they will do it too if he comes in any EU country.
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Ireland, Spain and Norway recognise Palestinian State​

In coordinated announcements, Ireland and Spain, plus non-EU member Norway have announced that they will recognise Palestine as a state from 28 May. Israel is recalling it Ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo ‘for consultations’. It accused Ireland, long seen as the most pro-Palestinian member of the European Union of undermining its sovereignty and endangering its security.
The Irish Taoiseach, Simon Harris, said he was confident other countries would now follow suit. “This is an historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine," he said, recalling his own country’s struggle for independence. “On January 21 1919, Ireland asked the world to recognise our rights to be an independent state. Our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasising our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rights to self-determination and justice. Today, we use the same language to support the recognition of Palestine as a state”.
Israel has issued a video aimed at the Irish public, claiming that recognising a Palestinian state "will lead to more terrorism" and "jeopardise any prospects for peace"."Ireland, the possibility of recognising a Palestinian state risks turning you into a pawn in the hands of Iran and Hamas. Such a move will only strengthen Hamas and weaken an already dysfunctional Palestinian authority. The fact that Hamas leaders are thanking you should serve as a wake-up call”, it states.
