"Hard" is the new Curves for ......

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Haha. Politically incorrect but the truth is... If you're a straight male in the United States (and were not BORN with aids), you're chances of contracting aids are..... Tadaaaa statistically 0%.

I'm pretty sure the study addresses straight males who don't use dirty needles either, but I could be wrong.

Cite the study.
immature tough guys freak out when they find out someone is *gasp* gay at their gym. gays have dealt with this their whole life and get a little apprehensive when lifting around jerks like these. getting a gym designated as a place where gay people wont get ridiculed or harrased is fine by me, i dont see the big deal that someone can have a gym where they can lift and workout and be comfortable with themself
He's pretty right actually.

The gym I go to is a weird joint. In that there is the small cadre of PLers, then a lot of housewives and gay dudes.
Oh you meant real homosexuals and not homosexuals as in guys who would exercise through circuit training with rubber band machines.
Remember, I go to a college gym, where chalk is forbidden, but hair gel is encouraged.
I got my wife to mow the lawn twice in the last three years. After the second time she says she's tired of mowing all the lawn and we should make our driveway bigger so there's less grass to cut... WTF?

Heh...get this: My wife bitches about the vacuum cleaner being "too heavy". I'm like "WTF girl, you're a PERSONAL TRAINER. Christ, look at it like active recovery FFS.
Remember, I go to a college gym, where chalk is forbidden, but hair gel is encouraged.

There's a guy at my gym who leaves hair gel residue all over the fucking benches. He also seems to have an endless supply of Corona t-shirts.
I got my wife to mow the lawn twice in the last three years. After the second time she says she's tired of mowing all the lawn and we should make our driveway bigger so there's less grass to cut... WTF?

My next door neighbor when I was a boy paved over his entire backa nd side lawn. No shit. It was fucking awesome.
I heard that Steve isn't just a member, he also performs the admissions test.
Cite the study.

No. I wrote a paper on the "influence of minorities in American Culture" in college and I read a few studies all citing the same results.

I can't find it, and won't look to find it.

http://www.avert.org/usastatg.htm You can check this out. It includes the "high risk heterosexual contact statistcs.

The studies that I read took into account bisexuality. In most of the "high risk heterosexual contact", the victim was a girl. Nearly all the girls with the disease said that they did not "moniter" their sexual partners, and that they most likely had sex with "bisexual males". Over 70% of them had had group sex as well.

Like I said, I'm not going to dig it all up... If this makes you hate me more Barut, then go ahead.

But I've got to say, you're little "hate posts" that follow all of mine are becoming both annoying and pathetic.
Heh...get this: My wife bitches about the vacuum cleaner being "too heavy". I'm like "WTF girl, you're a PERSONAL TRAINER. Christ, look at it like active recovery FFS.

I've heard the same complaints. I told my wife that she could use a handheld vacuum if that makes it easier :icon_chee

CarnalSalvation said:
My next door neighbor when I was a boy paved over his entire backa nd side lawn. No shit. It was fucking awesome.

LoL, that's great!
You all realize that there is a huge sub-culture of gay guys in the gym? Most of the really gigantic guys (ones who were never real athletes) probably like it up the butt
You all realize that there is a huge sub-culture of gay guys in the gym? Most of the really gigantic guys (ones who were never real athletes) probably like it up the butt

Or not
Haha. Politically incorrect but the truth is... If you're a straight male in the United States (and were not BORN with aids), you're chances of contracting aids are..... Tadaaaa statistically 0%.

I'm pretty sure the study addresses straight males who don't use dirty needles either, but I could be wrong.

*throws condoms away.*
This thread should be locked, thrown into the abyss and stricken from the pages of history.
i'd hate to get a spot from a *** during squats

or even be asked for a spot during squats from a ***
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