Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Mr Holmes

6F 3D 3D 33
Dec 8, 2013
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He recently gave a speech thats causing a lot of the usual suspects to melt down.

"The devout Christian family backed Butker urging women to embrace their “most important titles of all: homemaker,” as he suggested. The speech also took aim the the LGBTQ community, IVF, and abortion rights."

Imagine the horror of such thought crimes. You can listen to it here:

So now he's being slandered:

Some are suggesting he be fired and replaced with a female kicker.

For poetic justice after Harrison Butker’s Neanderthal outburst — and because the pipeline of talent is real — the Kansas City Chiefs’ next kicker should be a woman. This is not a joke. It’s not unrealistic. And it would be good for business. Just ask the University of Manitoba how ticket sales were last year. Millions of American parents who’ve had daughters in soccer over the last 30 years can attest to the fact that girls can kick.


To make matters worse an official twitter account for KC tweeted out his location. I can only assume this was let people know where they can find him for harassment.

On a positive note, this prompted the AG to open an investigation to see if public funds were being used to discriminate against him.
Anyone who cares what an actor, musician, or athlete thinks about politics has a smooth brain. We get comfort from listening to music that reinforces our ideas--these people aren't thought leaders. They are as dumb as everyone else.
To make matters worse an official twitter account for KC tweeted out his location. I can only assume this was let people know where they can find him for harassment.

I don't like doxxing and think it should be a crime, but I took this as them saying "he doesn't live here" as opposed to pointing people to go harass him. I also, assume, that NFL homes are already publicly disclosed because people eat that shit up.
Yeah with all the fringe politics from the left in commencement speeches. Its the one from the right that NFL cancels. Fuck Roger no balls Goodell .

Libs are all for Free speech.......... if you agree an are in line with them . If your not your a fascist, racist, n just all around terrible person that needs to be cancelled. Idiots
You guys are lucky.
Everyday i check if Messi or Ronaldo came out with some Deus Vult shit and it never happens :( .
That is a diference between mature athletes who dont need anybody approval amd them american athletes. I always womdered how messi and ronaldo are so happy and contened with tjeir fame that they never ever had a urge to listen to them self talk or urge to.say something so tommorow everybody would know their opinions and views
I don't agree with his sentiments but the people trying to cancel him are weird.

Not like he killed someone - people have different opinions, people should learn to live with that reality.

Agree... and for some reason they always leave out that he was speaking to a CATHOLIC school, and was given a huge round of applause.
I posted a news oped calling for him to be fired.
Oh I don't doubt that there's plenty of jabronis out there calling for his job, but the guy I quoted said that the NFL was trying to cancel. The one tweet says that the NFL "condemned" his speech, but I didn't know if they had done anything else.

I never saw the league comment on this, but if it's just a standard "____ does not represent the views of the league" then I can't really blame them for that.