Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

I'm assuming it was a Christian college because that speech was pure cringe.
No, I didn't sound like that at all. You just failed to read my post.

That's weird, because I successfully read this:

"The saddest thing about this to me is that any human being could possibly think a career would be more rewarding than raising kids. That just blows my mind honestly, there's literally not a single career on the planet that's more important than raising children well, loving them deeply, appreciating them and turning them into good human beings."

That is a purely subjective statement, where you are saying that being a parent is THE most rewarding thing a person could do. And yet there are plethora of peoeple who just dont feel that way, and not because they're moral failures, but because they feel a deeper meaning to themselves than just being parents. A calling they had since before they became parents, and still have after their kids are grown, or one they feel necessitates that they cannot commit to parenting. None of which are them f*cking up. In fact I'd argue some of them make terrible parents because they sold this feeling to the idea of being the "good citizen" who merely works a job to pay bills and then lives vicariously through their kids. I see it all the time with the stereotypical "Boxing Dad"...getting their kid's head kicked in because they didnt commit to what they wanted for themselves.
It was a real traditional Catholic school.

Judging by his bizarre speech I would have thought evangelical. Ranting about covid, the president, abortion, and then telling female graduates they should be stay at home moms. Private schools are expensive, real cringe message there. Could have talked about his faith and left the other crap out.
That's weird, because I successfully read this:

"The saddest thing about this to me is that any human being could possibly think a career would be more rewarding than raising kids. That just blows my mind honestly, there's literally not a single career on the planet that's more important than raising children well, loving them deeply, appreciating them and turning them into good human beings."

That is a purely subjective statement, where you are saying that being a parent is THE most rewarding thing a person could do. And yet there are plethora of peoeple who just dont feel that way, and not because they're moral failures, but because they feel a deeper meaning to themselves than just being parents. A calling they had since before they became parents, and still have after their kids are grown, or one they feel necessitates that they cannot commit to parenting. None of which are them f*cking up. In fact I'd argue some of them make terrible parents because they sold this feeling to the idea of being the "good citizen" who merely works a job to pay bills and then lives vicariously through their kids. I see it all the time with the stereotypical "Boxing Dad"...getting their kid's head kicked in because they didnt commit to what they wanted for themselves.
Now do it without lying and post the rest of my post in context or just stop defending your petty ego because you got something wrong and can't let it go.

Either way, this is typical of the war room. You don't read a post carefully. You made some stupid comment and then double down. It's the bottom of the barrel kind of discussion and it's typical. Not just of you but a lot of people here.
I mean some Twitter retards is not "proof" that there is widespread hate toward a person or cause.

The person responsible for doxxing should be fired immediately.

But I'm getting kind of tired of constant victimization stories from all political aisles based on a few tweets. There are always some retard activist on any side tweeting dumb shit.
The guy’s a kicker. He’s the woman in that locker room. Even the punter gets to demand he make him a sandwich.
You dont know football if you think the punter is higher on the pole than the guy netting you points. Ultimately irrelevant as youre correct about them both being women on the team. Just correcting your order.
You dont know football if you think the punter is higher on the pole than the guy netting you points. Ultimately irrelevant as youre correct about them both being women on the team. Just correcting your order.
You sound like the one who doesn’t know football. Kickers are the softest players in the league by far. Most punters can hit/tackle and are expected to when chasing down returners.
I mean some Twitter retards is not "proof" that there is widespread hate toward a person or cause.

The person responsible for doxxing should be fired immediately.

But I'm getting kind of tired of constant victimization stories from all political aisles based on a few tweets. There are always some retard activist on any side tweeting dumb shit.
What about that article from the KC Star posted in the OP?
It has nothing to do with being salty because he praised his wife's willingness to forego her own career to become a homemaker. That has no meaning to me, specifically. What I'm "salty" about is his belittlement of those who choose not to do that as implied by his words. But nice attempt at a spin.

Where did he belittle them?

This is belittlement?

For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

You're calling this belittlement and accusing me of spinning stuff?

Women have absolutely NOT been told any lie that their ONLY chance of fulfillment is a career. What kind of BS is that? Women were told, as a result of the suffrage movement which was their own movement, that they CAN pursue a career without needing to feel some overwhelming guilt of not fulfilling their "divine purpose" as laid out here by Harry Bupkus. They have not been told they are lesser for choosing to be Moms lol There might be some people who say that here and there, but they dobt represent an overall social tone.

Have you been paying attention to how "trad wives" are characterized over the last several years? How they're spoken down to like they're less than some professional woman who is working full-time outside the home?

Of course he would say he is proud of the accomplishment of his Mother and Sister, because he isnt likely to include women who supported him as part of the ones perpetuating "diabolical lies" or whatever, because this speech was a political statement, which is why he highlighted the choice of his wife and neglected to mention the choices of the other two.

Do you seriously think he believes women shouldn't have a career outside the home? I see his comments more in line with how many feel unfulfilled in life when the focus 100% on their career (men included) and that being a parent can often overcome that feeling.

Crowder had his wife in the role of "Mother/kept woman." She did not work. Everything she did revolved around being his wife, the Mother of his children. These views are shared by both Harry and Stephen. Stephen has repeatedly echoed this exact same sentiment as many religious right wingers have, and they are also similarly anti-contraceptive (which Harry mentioned here) and anti-no fault divorce.

That didn't really work out too well for Crowder.

Yes, pre-determination. He spoke on front of women who pursued degrees, belittling the effort.

He spoke in front of women congratulating them on obtaining those same degrees. He wasn't belittling anything. He was imploring them to not be defined by the degree. To become more than a degree.

He is definitely wrong that choosing not to immediately become a Mother, or not to become one at all, is some egregious social lie.

What was it you earlier?

There might be some people who say that here and there, but they dobt represent an overall social tone.

Yeah we're not talking about the alpha-bro oriented stuff he said because the biggest blow-back was the essentialist crap he said about women. But I find it interesting to speak of male presence in the many days a year do the Chiefs go on the road? Why didnt HE sacrifice his football career and take a job that could keep him right down the street? Or better yet why isnt he some kind of programmer or software engineer who could work remotely from the home? Plenty of that stuff going on now.

You think the only positive impact a male can have in the home is if he's there right at 5pm everyday after work? There are plenty of other careers where the mom or dad are gone more than a professional football player.

Oh because it's almost like you can have a career and be a good parent at the same time, regardless of your gender..

Of course you can . . . he didn't say someone couldn't. The message he was sending is as I've mentioned to not let the degree define you. Do not let the promotions (missed or otherwise) define you. They're not anywhere close to as meaningful as the rewards from being a parent.

Look, I have two grown daughters. Both of them have college degrees. I'm not going to support some message that belittles their accomplishments.

Our oldest is getting ready to complete her 4th year working in a microbiology lab and will be married 3 years this September. She and her husband want kids, but they're both still enjoying just being a young married couple. Nobody is telling her (or them) that they have to have a kid within a certain time or they're a failure as a human. Our youngest is finishing up grad school later this year. She wants to be a mom way more than our oldest, but has no immediate plans to have kids until she's worked in her chosen field as a dietician.
You sound like the one who doesn’t know football. Kickers are the softest players in the league by far. Most punters can hit/tackle and are expected to when chasing down returners.
You mean like the kicker on kickoff? Dumbass

Next youll tell me they make more than kickers. Punters are the bottom chief, stop being stupid
I haven't felt the need to, yet. But leaving a negative review is as much free speech as saying ignorant sh*t in public is.

That is a little more nefarious. Trying to fuck with someone's business because you disagree with them on something unrelated is pretty low IMO. Especially when its as frivolous as someone sharing their religious opinions that are not threatening in any way whatsoever.

Some people really need to learn to sack up and understand what is an actual threat to their community versus a difference of opinion.

Harrison Butker is not a problem to anyone. I disagree with his antiquated thoughts and opinions, but the guy probably does a lot more good in his community than bad (e.g. charity, philanthropy).

Pick your fights wisely, people. A lot of energy being wasted on this lol
Eh, the Christians have been pretty adamant about cancelling us atheists forever.
You mean like the kicker on kickoff? Dumbass

Next youll tell me they make more than kickers. Punters are the bottom chief, stop being stupid
You ever see a kicker make a tackle? Like you ever stepped on a field in your life, yet you think you are some authority. Kickers are soft and so are you.
You mean like the kicker on kickoff? Dumbass

Next youll tell me they make more than kickers. Punters are the bottom chief, stop being stupid
Yea he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, kickers win or lose games it's a big deal.

kicker > punters

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