Has a male fighter ever been dropped and stopped by a weaker punch than Malkouns jab against Petroski?

As people already pointed out, it was the hip. But to answer the question, Cerrone did drop Barboza with kind of a step-off jab.

Has to have one of the worst chins in UFC. Thats an awkward spot to land and can mess up equilibrium but bro was in Sea World for minutes. Many thought it was a fix and didnt know WTF happened. Wiki still lists win as a soccer kick to the body lmao

Could be a neck injury, he did dive and got hip to neck.
Didn't Matt Schnell get KO'd by a sparring level one-two recently?
It was his hip but yeah I had no clue what was going on at first haha.. I had to watch the reply many times, that was one of the weirdest endings ever in UFC. I legit had no idea what was happening watching it live lol.
What? I swear cashiers and plumbers know everything about fighting.
Petroski wasn't knocked out by a punch though. He KO'd him self because when he shot for the takedown he failed to get his head to the side and jammed his head/neck hard as hell. Weird KO for sure. Can't really remember anyone KOing them selves like that before either lol
I have done the same thing in training a few times. I have shot in for a takedown and my head either hit their knee or their hip and it almost rocked me. Happened once in MMA sparring, once in wrestling, once in BJJ. The most embarrassing was when it happened when we were just drilling takedowns. I shot in so hard that time and I think I hit his knee like an idiot.
He jammed his neck awkwardly on Malkouns hip. It was more clear on the replay on the broadcast. Now that I watch it back in the GIF TS posted I duno though. His reaction is super weird, looks like a poor attempt to pretend to be hurt. His last fight was weird too, he took an extremely short notice fight against Perrira and got steamrolled in 30 seconds. Maybe something fishy is going on. Where there's smoke there's fire. Never betting on a fight Petroski is involved in again.