Has Metal become Incel Music?

Metal is more outsider music than anything, but the different subgenres attract different types of people.
Nope I think the metal scene has way more girls into it these days compared to when I grew up. When I first started going to metal shows in the early 2000s it was usually a sausage fest. Seems to be pretty close to 50 50 these days.

That being said if your over 35 and still play in a metal band it doesn't quite have the charm that it does when you were in your 20s when it comes to female attention.
Glam Metal chads stay winning

Lol. Makeup-free KISS. Vinnie Vincent can play a mean guitar.
I don't think incels are the new nerds. Incels are associated with misogyny and hatred of women. They have a sense of entitlement. Nerds didn't cry when they couldn't get a date. And they didn't go on shooting rampages because they got turned down. Instead, nerds just made their own woman. Nerds have value. Incels are just pathetic.

No, but fucking Disturbed Down With the Sickness? In 2024? The fuck. I revisit some stuff I don't really like from that era from time to time, but that one's aged so badly.
Yeah not a diss at disturbed, just the perception of metal music.

My Favorite Disturbed song:

Just wondering if over the years, metal has developed a reputation and has become associated with Incels?

Funny story:

Was at the gym and the local Personal Trainer pulled in a total baddie as a personal client.
After finishing up with the warm-ups and aerobics-stuff, he took her over to do some weight-training.
She then asked for some music to help pump her up for the weight-training portion of the routine.

Dude decides to play Disturbed, not a bad choice, but he plays her the unedited version of "Down with the Sickness."
All is going fine until the song hits the infamous verse in the unedited version;
She just goes completely wide-eyed and walks out the gym (Took everything I had not to burst out laughing.)

Disturbed is not metal

Put down the rap my dude

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