Has porn ruined your sex life?

eventually even gay porn.

It's the sole reason that I dated my first man.


As long as you’re not into bestiallity or children, you’re fine with me.
Man, I can't get this fuckin' post right.
Yeah I totally understand why people on here don’t want to let it be known that they’re bi or gay. I’m sure there’s some aggressive guys in the closet too.

The war room can be very messed up.

Yeah, there's much internalized homophobia, insecurity and shame.

It's socioculturally embedded into greater society and evident at the most casual of levels. A lot of closeted, conventionally masculine gay/bi dudes are tragically unaware of the substantial community and subculture that exists for them beneath the surface of a caricatured, flamboyant mainstream they don't relate to (and I sure AF don't). I don't consciously conceal anything, yet nobody can otherwise guess or tell.

You're entirely correct about Grindr and prevalence though, it's kind of hilarious. I recently did a little experiment and posted a screenshot from my account that had received 465 views in a 24 hour span with like 300 direct inquiries between messages and taps. Jesus Christ, bros. <45>

I have a lot of fun trolling the WR.


Fuckton where that came from and it's true, literally based around the celebration of men. It was tangibly interconnected for a hell of a long time before porn or modern sex apps. There was a significant level of nationwide social networking that predates the 1960s liberation movement by decades. It was also gheys who started modern male physical fitness culture.
Reading some of the posts here is mind blowing. I find porn pretty boring tbh
Not so much my sex life but just my life in general. I don't know if porn is to blame or simply my addiction to sex. I lost a job once because I would have sex every morning and show up late.
Wait, there's a video of Randy jacking it out there? How long ago was this? Are we talking GILF Randy or DILF Randy?

Asking for a friend.
haha yup, a few months ago he posted it, its the most watched video on pornhub from Male accounts .
Good luck getting honest answers from anyone who is watching it and being negatively effected by it. Denial is he only way deeply harmful and addictive behavior survives in a person.

Porn is the selfish lazy cheap and exploitative way to have intense sexuality. If you want to have truly intense sexual experiences, fall in love with someone, be 100% faithful to them in mind heart and body and watch the sexuality grow and grow in satisfaction.
I dated my first man.


Same thing happened to me. Was mainly interested in normal porn but then got into fetish porn and trannies and then gay porn. Ended up talking in chat rooms with guys because I was curious and then met one to see what it was like and we did some things. It wasn’t horrible but it didn’t feel right. Had to get with a woman to get it out of my system, and I am not a promiscuous person at all.

After hooking up with the woman the gay thoughts were gone and I felt more like myself. Then a few months later my sleep pattern went bad and I started watching porn at night and then went into a chat room and watched gay porn. I had urges and was curious again and signed up to Grindr. Met two guys in the past couple of weeks at night in their houses but couldn’t bring myself to do anything but chat to them. The first guy was older and I let him hug me before I left and he was kissing my neck and stuff and I just stood there taking it, trying to figure out what the hell I am doing. I knew if I ended up doing anything I would regret it and then I left.

Just chatted with the second guy and then his mother comes home. She didn’t care though. He went to kiss me before I left but I jumped out of the seat.

I’m not exactly repulsed by guys and I can’t consider myself straight at this point, but when I live a healthy life (avoiding too much porn, eating well, sleeping properly, being productive) guys don’t even pop into my mind at all.

Did porn turn me bi? I don’t know. It opened up my sexuality and I have always been open-minded. I seemed to have a lot of clarity after my last couple of meets but then I started watching straight porn a lot and needed something extra to get me off faster so I went to gay porn and the cycle starts again. I deleted Grindr and I don’t want to ever go back on there again.

I think I have the propensity to be attracted to a very certain type of guy, but none of this would of happened to me if it wasn’t for porn. Even after watching gay porn I never really saw guys on the street and felt attraction. I wouldn’t say that it would be impossible for me to meet a guy one day and feel attraction and want to go out with him when my mind isn’t corrupted by porn, but I can’t help but desire a good woman to start a family with when the time is right.

One thing I learnt is that there are way more gay people out there than you would expect. I live in a small area and there was 5 within a 5 minute walking distance. I’m also not very homophobic at all now. Never really was in the first place but all 3 of the guys I met were nice guys and I could never judge them for what they are into.

I don’t have the same level of porn addiction thankfully but it’s a problem for me still. I also love to ruin my life and talking to guys and thinking about having sex with them when you might not even be truly interested in them is pretty self-destructive. I was praying to God for guidance when I went on my last two meets. Sorry for the dear diary but needed to get it out.

Man, you should've just indulged in the 'wrongness' of it all, let them suck your dick and lick your balls or something. A lot of dudes are plenty ok without any reciprocation there (especially on a platform like Grindr) although that's kind of fun too and really not that dramatic.

I guess males aren't supposed to lust over and pleasure other males, but we do and have been since forever. I can't relate much to the awkwardness though, I was already messing around with other boys since middle school days lol. It just came naturally. :confused: :(

Has this thread reached peak homo?

Not even close.


Man, you should've just indulged in the 'wrongness' of it all, let them suck your dick and lick your balls or something. A lot of dudes are plenty ok without any reciprocation there (especially on a platform like Grindr) although that's kind of fun too and really not that dramatic.

I guess males aren't supposed to lust over and pleasure other males, but we do and have been since forever. I can't relate much to the awkwardness though, I was already messing around with other boys since middle school days lol. It just came naturally. :confused: :(

Has this thread reached peak homo?

Not even close.

I just don’t think it’s for me. Since I made that post I have done a better job of avoiding porn and I’ve been much more productive and today was a good day. I haven’t had any sexual thoughts about guys, which normally always came from watching too much porn. Been talking to one of my female friends today who I’m close with and I definitely want a woman in my life when the time is right.

I could go and have sexual fun with guys but I just don’t think that’s who I really am. Sexual interests can change by the day when you’re bi though. I’d still consider myself bisexual. Not sure hooking up with guys is right for me right now personally, and after a few days away from gay thoughts and porn, guys are pretty gross to me today lol.
I just don’t think it’s for me. Since I made that post I have done a better job of avoiding porn and I’ve been much more productive and today was a good day. I haven’t had any sexual thoughts about guys, which normally always came from watching too much porn. Been talking to one of my female friends today who I’m close with and I definitely want a woman in my life when the time is right.

I could go and have sexual fun with guys but I just don’t think that’s who I really am. Sexual interests can change by the day when you’re bi though. I’d still consider myself bisexual. Not sure hooking up with guys is right for me right now personally, and after a few days away from gay thoughts and porn, guys are pretty gross to me today lol.

Hahah, the vast majority of guys are gross everyday. They are also heterosexual. I'm (half) joking but really, there's a very high degree of selectiveness involved. I'm pretty damn gay - like a 4.5 on the OG Kinsey Scale - and yet I've been with more women than men. It's almost solely for the aforementioned reason, weird. Make sure you do find the right broad because they're inherently psychotic and a fucking disaster on long term, live-in basis. Fuck that shit, never again.
Hahah, the vast majority of guys are gross everyday. They are also heterosexual. I'm (half) joking but really, there's a very high degree of selectiveness involved. I'm pretty damn gay - like a 4.5 on the OG Kinsey Scale - and yet I've been with more women than men. It's almost solely for the aforementioned reason, weird. Make sure you do find the right broad because they're inherently psychotic and a fucking disaster on long term, live-in basis. Fuck that shit, never again.
Yes it’s much easier for me to be attracted to a woman. Interesting that you’ve been with a lot more women when you’re a 4. I’m a 2. Yeah I am prepared to have to be patient to find the correct one.
Yes it’s much easier for me to be attracted to a woman. Interesting that you’ve been with a lot more women when you’re a 4. I’m a 2. Yeah I am prepared to have to be patient to find the correct one.

Yeah, it actually doesn't make sense. I guess I relate that to the strength of feelings rather than number of partners. They are stronger for dudes, but have to be of a certain type. It's nothing to bang any average chick, but they're all meh to me and don't occupy my thoughts to the same degree. I'm also glad for that.
Ill be honest... I dont think its good for anybody really. Perhaps in certain situations.. but overall nah. Especially if you are in a committed relationship.
All good here. The only real difference ive noticed is that in order to get off i need some sort of table, a towel, a pool, some oil, yoga stuff, edm, i have to wear a dress, a threat of law enforcement, the "female" needs to be trapped under a coffee table, her husband needs to be on the phone, more yoga stuff and butter.
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Been watching porn for 30 years. Never made me gay and i still bang heaps of girls in thailand all the time never messed up my sex life, it had only enhanced it