Have you ever slipped down some stairs? be careful!


Silver Belt
Nov 18, 2017
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Holy shit, be careful guys. I just slipped down my stairs because I finally decided to wear some cotton socks inside the pad.... Walked away without a scratch. Could have been bad.

I know I'm clumsy.! but just a reminder to be careful!
My mom fell down teh stairs carrying a glass plate which smashed. Broke her ankle bad but she was more concerned for the dog checking she was ok, as there was smashed glass on the floor with his paws.
Was about to post a thread recommending people walk down stairs in cotton socks. And I would've gotten away with if it weren't for this pesky OP
omg so many times. I nearly broke my ass bone going down our outside stairs and one time at a wedding i fell down a flight of stairs exorcist style, everyone thought i was dead.
I usually slip going up the stairs. Socks on a nice clean rug don't provide much traction.
Oh yeah, Maybe 5 years ago? I had a gap between my lease and being able to get into my new place. My friend and his wife were cool and let me stay in their finished basement roughly a month. So on moving day, literally on my last "final check trip" down the steps, I slipped on the top step, grabbed the railing which only spun my around, lost my grip and did the backward somersault into a slide, and ended up grabbing the railing 1 step from the floor.

My buddy's wife came running and was like "OMG are you ok?" I wasn't hurt at all, it was just crazy. Now periodically it'll come up when we're hanging out and we'll laugh about how I was inches away from them having to move because they wouldn't want to live in a haunted death house.
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Holy shit, be careful guys. I just slipped down my stairs because I finally decided to wear some cotton socks inside the pad.... Walked away without a scratch. Could have been bad.

I know I'm clumsy.! but just a reminder to be careful!
Only when shes pregnant.
Only when shes pregnant.
I fell over while climbing up a flight of stairs recently, I was busy looking at my phone and my foot slipped ...I tried to regain my footing as I fell but my foot slipped again and I fell on my side.

It was very embarrassing but thank God my phone was ok.
When I was in high school I feel down some stairs. I was running to grab something in the basement and the bus was outside and slipped and back and butt surfed all the way down to the bottom.
When I was in high school I feel down some stairs. I was running to grab something in the basement and the bus was outside and slipped and back and butt surfed all the way down to the bottom.
My friend in 9th grade got a referral for falling down the stairs.
They said he did it on purpose to be an ass.
It was true.