Heavyweight Bisping

Either Mohammed is smaller than I thought or Bisping is bigger than I thought.
Gsp was bigger than Bisping.

Gsp owns Usman proven.
Looks ripe for some movie roles.
Bisping was already over 200 pounds when he was a fighter. Now that he isn't burning calories doing MMA full time and is presumably still lifting weights, why wouldn't he look big?

Don't need steroids or "freaky genetics" to look like that...sherdoggers need to get into the gym once in a while.
I met him a few years back , after he retired, and his arms were massive, to the point I was thinking how did this dude make mw
It looks like Brokeback Bisping is taking the stuff he accused so many others of taking when he was active in MMA.
It should be against the rules to post a photo of Belcher without his arm tattoo
He's got it in that pic. I like Belcher and I really like Johnny Cash but I really, really dislike that awful tat.
He's getting tired of his son getting the better of him when they grapple because Callum is actually a long time wrestler, bigger, and younger. Trying to make sure he can still challenge for household dominance.

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