Helwani's Show is dying.

this kinda got me interested in his search trends

apparently he truly peaked when he got banned from the ufc in june 2016 and cried on his podcast
they should ban him again for his own good
All those guests are relevant to what's been happening in combat sports recently.

The show is still going strong. I listen every week.
I assume you don't watch WMMA either then mate hahaha.
Still, I support MMA-holes, breath of fresh air in this MMA Youtube game along with Ripped Roofie, Mixed Molly Whoppery, Maurice Spears, Alpaca Thesaurus, La Sueur (for the french speaking people), MMA on point...
The stink of hers down there though dude.... The female host is too stinky.
I don't like his show because of him. It's got fuck all to do with the guests he has. I mean, he could have sanctioned fights on there and I'd still read the play by play. The guy has the presence and draw of a doctor giving you bad news. Maybe less.
I’m sure he can get a job with tmz
Good, maybe he will have more time to be a WWE fangirl like he always wanted in the first place.
Tyson Fury & Dillon Danis are worth watching unless you're a hardcore hater of both. Plus, Ariel is smart. He's staying on good terms with team McGregor so whenever Conor decides to return, he'll get the first booking for an interview (Just like he did before UFC 229)
Seems like a fair lineup, a few recent winners, Reyes who is probably getting in line to fight Jones, not sure who you were expecting to see there TS considering the recent MMA events, has Tyson Fury ffs, dude is a great guest to have on his show imo.
His show just isnt that good. He just has the best guest lineup.

Im pretty sure the mma reporters got canceled because it hasn't been out all month
ever since Ariel went to ESPN i have not watched his show because I never know when its on and dont make an effort to watch it
Who gives a flying fuck what HHH has to say, Look what he did to WWF..