Hepburn Method?


Green Belt
Mar 20, 2016
Reaction score
Has anyone used the Hepburn method in conjunction with their grappling/striking training?
I've used it but not in combination with martial arts training. Depending on application it can be a lot of really heavy work that require loads of food and as much rest as possible.
Thanks for the response.

I've been using his A program (8x2 working up to 8x3) and while I've noticed an increase in appetite, my energy levels are great.

I guess I'll see what happens when I begin training...

Thanks again.
On paper it looks really good. I'd be really interested in seeing someone make a good go at this.
If I ever go back to weightlifting, I'll pretty exclusively be doing EDT, Strossen/McRoberts/Christy's 20 rep squats and the Hepburn Method. Nothing else, just cycle between these routines. Maybe Pavel's Bear routine now and then.