Hillary Explains Loss: Millions of White People Were Upset By Gains Made By Minorities

Is the multi-decade discrimination against Asians and whites at universities part of your so-called "evening the field"?
LOL, white genocide isn't real. Minorities and immigrants aren't in an advantaged position in the US.
Wow, if thats not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.
This thread brought out his true colors, no hiding behind a smug superior intellect anymore. We know who he really is.
She's right about millions of white people being upset about minority success. It is fairly evident to see currently and there is a lot of historical evidence to back her claim as well.

However, I'm not sure that was the determinant factor in her loss. It was a big factor but probably not the determinant one. Certainly her own morally questionable political history dissuaded many people from voting for her and for anyone else in the election.
There's some truth to this. IMO, a large number of middle to lower class White's don't find themselves in a position that they saw their parents in at their age. No savings, retirement plans, pensions. It's not a coincidence that drug, alcohol addiction and suicide is up in that group. They simply don't have what many feel were promised or owed by a economy that left them behind.

Then along comes Trump. His campaign is one big get rich seminar. You know why you aren't working for high wages? (Insert democrats, china, Mexicans). You know who can fix it? Only me. We are going to make America great again. I'm going to bring the big manufacturing jobs back that your father retired from. I'm going to deport the Mexicans that are stealing your jobs. And for people with nothing, they latch on.
How is he the worst president?
How is he not?
Honest question!
He has done nothing and has spent more money on lawyers and security than the wall infrastructure or discretionary spending.
his achievement is pardoning a man who blatantly broke the law and has tortured thousands of inmates and is still facing issues.
Clinton is sending out racist signals? Is the white race under attack Inga?

Not to the point of white genocide or anyhing the level some want to take it to but where there is smoke there is usually fire and it has become pretty acceptable to talk reckless about white folks that would not fly for any other group. The privileged white fragility shit is cancer and white folks are struggling just like everyone else except they are sposed to take it on the chin and not say shit and look what happened.

What we need to be doing is not talking about anyones race or otherness but instead how we are going to make america function again for the majority of americans and i am not seeing a lot of that in either party right now and frankly its exhausting
There's nothing there.

"Oh no, colleges are racist against Whites and Asians!!" That's not a real thing.
It's not a real thing that the Democrat platform supports affirmative action?

Is it not true that the average black person accepted to Harvard would have no chance if he were Asian?
It's not a real thing that the Democrat platform supports affirmative action?

Is it not true that the average black person accepted to Harvard would have no chance if he were Asian?
Of course that's a real thing. I disagree with your framing of it.

I have no idea.
Clinton is sending out racist signals? Is the white race under attack Inga?
1. She engaged in blatant racial stereotyping to explain her loss. It's not insane to point that out. One need not go to the extreme that the entire white race is being attacked to see how commonly racist motives are used to explain the decision making process of white people as if the white population of the US is especially or uniquely racist. It is certainly a form of racism to engage in the kind of racial stereotyping Clinton did. She deserves to be called out for it.

And her wording is key. She didn't say, "You know, millions of white people feel under attack or feel like they are falling behind". Instead, she bluntly says they are bothered by the gains made by others. As if the idea of some black man somewhere getting a job is somehow keeping white people up at night.

2. Do I think the white race is under attack? No. And I haven't thought about it much. I am white, but do not see my race as the major component in my identity.
There's some truth to this. IMO, a large number of middle to lower class White's don't find themselves in a position that they saw their parents in at their age. No savings, retirement plans, pensions. It's not a coincidence that drug, alcohol addiction and suicide is up in that group. They simply don't have what many feel were promised or owed by a economy that left them behind.

Then along comes Trump. His campaign is one big get rich seminar. You know why you aren't working for high wages? (Insert democrats, china, Mexicans). You know who can fix it? Only me. We are going to make America great again. I'm going to bring the big manufacturing jobs back that your father retired from. I'm going to deport the Mexicans that are stealing your jobs. And for people with nothing, they latch on.

and thats the problem with the democrats right there. They just mock ya. Instead they should say you know what you are right us and the republicans sold you out hard told you bullshit while we got rich this is how we did it and this is what we are going to do to stop it. Were sorry we lost our way please help us to fix this shit
There's no chance I'm reading that. I'll make a thread on white fragility later and you can read what I think about the Alt-Reich and all your pathetic troll friends. Toodles.

Wow, you will not even attempt to mount an offense against me. You are that fucking scurred of my internet presence. Have fun living in your curled up into a protective assball from the wicked world AKA reality.

I have to commend you on the most brazen display of cowardice and worthless posting I have seen on here.

There's some truth to this. IMO, a large number of middle to lower class White's don't find themselves in a position that they saw their parents in at their age. No savings, retirement plans, pensions. It's not a coincidence that drug, alcohol addiction and suicide is up in that group. They simply don't have what many feel were promised or owed by a economy that left them behind.

Then along comes Trump. His campaign is one big get rich seminar. You know why you aren't working for high wages? (Insert democrats, china, Mexicans). You know who can fix it? Only me. We are going to make America great again. I'm going to bring the big manufacturing jobs back that your father retired from. I'm going to deport the Mexicans that are stealing your jobs. And for people with nothing, they latch on.
How did you write all that and ignore what Clinton said?

She said those whites are upset that minorities have made gains.
1. She engaged in blatant racial stereotyping to explain her loss. It's not insane to point that out. One need not go to the extreme that the entire white race is being attacked to see how commonly racist motives are used to explain the decision making process of white people as if the white population of the US is especially or uniquely racist. It is certainly a form of racism to engage in the kind of racial stereotyping Clinton did. She deserves to be called out for it.

And her wording is key. She didn't say, "You know, millions of white people feel under attack or feel like they are falling behind". Instead, she bluntly says they are bothered by the gains made by others. As if the idea of some black man somewhere getting a job is somehow keeping white people up at night.

2. Do I think the white race is under attack? No. And I haven't thought about it much. I am white, but do not see my race as the major component in my identity.
It's insane to frame it the way you did. It's also undeniably true that the Alt-Right and millions of white people latched onto Trump because of economic insecurity which manifested as hatred/fear of minorities and immigrants. In a recent Fox News poll 40% of Republicans agreed that minorities are advantaged over whites in the US. The politics of the right for the last 50 years have played on white identity. Now, after 40 years of neoliberal economics, everyone but the very top is worse off, or not better than their parents. @Diamond Jim succinctly explained this in his post in this thread.