Hillary interviewed about Lewinsky. Says Bill should not have resigned.

Hillary needs to get out there more and campaign for democrats before the midterm. It would give republicans a boost.
The whole Hollywood #metoo movement is about producers having power over actresses.
But the President and a 22 year old intern?

Nope. He's a liberal, it's all good. According to effing wife.
Isn't Hollywood full of liberals. Isn't Weinstein a big time Democrat funder.
She pursued him. There is no evidence to show he pressured her to submit , or else he would have her fired.
Isn't Hollywood full of liberals. Isn't Weinstein a big time Democrat funder.
She pursued him. There is no evidence to show he pressured her to submit , or else he would have her fired.

The fact that he was a married President of the United States of America and she was a 22 year old intern is part of the point of the Hollywood #metoo movement.

A toxic masculine man in power apparently has so much control over women that he can make them willingly give in to sex, but it's really rape.
I don't know what any of those terms mean and never heard them used as slang in the 80s. But I looked up boofing on urbandictionary.com and one of the many definitions posted pre-Kavanaugh was flatulence. Seriously, have you even tried to google "boofing"? Or do you just know in your bones the guy was lying? As for Devil's Triangle, it's been established that there was indeed a drinking game at Kavanaugh's high school by that name:

Stay in Canada. You have no relationship to the East Coast US in the 80's as I do. This guy's definition of DT and boofing are pure bullshit.

But maybe you accept that "Devil's Triangle" was a drinking game invented at Georgetown and only played exclusively by the local residents. Or that it would make sense for a kid in high school to write "Have you farted yet?" in a yearbook. Like farting for the first time is an achievement one may not yet have experienced by 12th grade.

You're a sad shill.