Hip-Hop music

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Just discovered e-dubble today. Lots of samples, many Star Wars references.

Apparently he decided to release a single a week for a year and by week 30 or so he was getting Internet famous and developed an alcohol problem, took some time off in a psych ward, recovered, then continued putting out solid tracks:




why does everyone think the Game sucks??

tries to sound like whoever is on a track with him and at times ppl who aint een rappin no mo. name dropped damn near every rapper ever.

but he doesn't suck.

had one of the best verses of the year


flow is on point but at times n the song the bruh just straight lies on knowin ppl lol. he cheesy but when he wants to he can be pretty decent.
I still like Qtip, Typical Cats, Lupe, Kendrick, The Cool Kids stuff like that

J cole - be free with added verse

lol dave ol ass "know what i mean....know what im sayin" he enjoyed that shit




CASHMONEY have the goods at the mo. Fuck the naysayers:icon_twis
Here's an Aussie track. This dude's voice is so commanding.

Hard beat, dope slow flow, and socially conscious lyrics. Something for everyone.

*AHEM....* So...since yall late again to discussing somethin...

CHALL think bout Kendricks performance on Colbert?

for those that havent seen it:

personally i thought the shit was dope AF. was feelin errything bout it. the lighting, fashion, lyrics, presentation, tha whole shebang. He did his thing. hes pushing hip hop forward. honestly stuff like this is what makes him better than drake. tellin stories, speakin on issues and bein relate-able. dude is #1 currently.

now cole n him need to do dat joint mixtape n set the world ablaze.
Hip hop is so weak now. Nowadays is a time of anything goes, including rapping about sushi and banging hoes ad nauseum.

Back in the day there was a story-telling element and more importantly, a message. It wasn't just an incoherent drunken babble about how hard you are, how much money you got or how many girls you are banging.

Look up some lyrics from Slick Rick, Grandmaster Flash, and Ed Og. The mid 90's were a bit over-rated but it was definitely better than what is out today. You had Notorious BIG - 10 crack commandments on the radio. Now you have obscene drivel from Nicki Minaj.

pretty sad huh? well you get a few jems that slip out like this

lol at Roosters post

What was laugh out loud worthy about my post?

Man ppl here really don't care about discussing hip hop AT ALL but quick as hell to call anything new that comes out trash n quickly return to "but did u hear that big daddy Kane track? What about the new bone thugs song? Yay 90s" so fufu

That's sad.
J Cole did great numbers for releasing an album with no promotion or singles or features. Highest selling rap album this year.
361,000 units. He deserves it hope Jay will take him more seriously now
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