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Hit things, lift things, drink beer.



Serratus anterior wall slides, pec stretch, banded lat stretch, banded dislocates, band behind-the-neck Y press, push-ups on bands, bottoms-up press

Neutral-grip chin-ups:
BW x 6
+10kg x 5, 5, 4, 4 reps
BW x 7

Military press:
30kg x 8
40kg x 6
45kg x 6 x 4

Face pulls:
23.5 x 12 x 4

DB incline press:
20kg x 12 x 4

Muay Thai:

Elbow has recovered enough to train again (again), so popped down for a 6:30 class. As it turns out, I was the only one actually in the class, so just ran through some drills for a good while with the guy who was supposed to be taking it. 5 different drills done for 3-minute rounds each. Partner A drills for the first round, then partner B for the second round for all 5 drills, so 10 rounds all up. It was good to get something going again, and the dude who was taking the class said it was good that at least he had another fighter to work with.

Muay Thai:

Sparring class tonight. Warmed up with bag work and shadow boxing, then 10 x 3-minute rounds of sparring, changing partners every couple of rounds. The lungs still aren't where I'd like them to be, but I held on better than last time. Had some good rounds, got dusted up by one of the OGs of the NZ Muay Thai scene which was great. After sparring, finished with 3 x 3-minute rounds of clinching. Good stuff. Good fun. I definitely need to bring a drink bottle with me.


LISS run, fasted. 7.45km, total time 42:49. Average pace 5:45/km. Definitely still unfit, but improving slowly. Felt good to get a slightly longer route done today. Looking forward to having my new watch turn up so I can get more data during my runs.

Muay Thai:

Nice basic class tonight. Warmed up with bag work and shadow boxing for a bit, then into pad rounds. 5 x 3-minute rounds on the pads, all drilling different techniques off the teep, which suits me perfectly. I held for the first 5 rounds, then hit afterwards. Good, technical session, moderate output which suits my fitness levels nicely at the moment.


T-spine wall rotations, bottoms-up KB press, banded pec stretch, banded lat stretch, walking lunge w/ sprinter's pose, single-leg RDL, hip airplanes, high-plank pull-through

DB snatch:
26kg x 5/side
30kg x 4/side x 3

DB bench:
26kg x 8 x 4

Chin-ups (neutral grip):
BW x 8, 7, 6, 5, 7

Gym was busy as shite this morning. Had plans to get in and do hang cleans, squats, bench, good mornings, and chin-ups, but when I got in the racks were so busy that I decided to sub hang cleans with DB snatches. Racks still busy after, so decided instead of squatting first, I'd bench, and swap that for DB bench. Racks still busy after that? Guess we do chin-ups now. All racks still taken and gym has only gotten busier after that? Fuck this, I'm going home.

Training is becoming a better habit again, so looking to switch back to 2 x whole-body strength sessions each week. Might have to go back to doing strength work at the gym on the way to work each morning, as opposed to the gym near my house and just take my training gear with me again. Gym near my house isn't bad, but fuck me does it fill up in the mornings.

Muay Thai:

Sparring night. Warmed up with about 10 minutes of shadow boxing, then gear on. Usual format of 10 x 3-minute rounds, 40 seconds rest, 2 rounds with the same partner and then switch. First couple of guys I sparred were quite good- one is transitioning to Muay Thai from an ITF TKD background, and the other is a long and lanky Thai stylist who fought just last week. Definitely improved since the last time I sparred Shai before he fought, where I was so gassed that all I could do was hang on and try stay alive. After the 10 rounds of sparring, some clinching, which I'm always very happy and comfortable with. Good to show some people a few tricks for hand and head/arm placement. Finished with 50 sit-ups, 50 side crunches each side, and 50 supermans. Slowly getting fitter, even if still chonk.


LISS, fasted. 7.46km, 44:25 total, average split 5:57/km. Started off slow for the first couple of kms due to a sore toe from sparring last night- feels bruised or sprained, may have caught an elbow or something. Felt better as the run went though, and pace generally improved as the run went on. Finished last 500m at a 4:37/km pace. Jesus Christ I need to get better at running again. Ugh.

Muay Thai:

Went in tonight for just some pad rounds. Warmed up, shadow, then 5 x 3-minute pad rounds with a 45 second break between each round. I hit first, then my partner's turn. He's a good pad holder, just with a slightly different rhythm/flow to me. First time doing freestyle pads in months, and the fitness showed it. It'll be good to work together more as we get more used to each other's style. It will be good. Looking forward to developing more as I go. Definitely thinking that changing gyms was a good decision at this point. I haven't felt this good about just training in a long time.


LISS distance run. 14.9km, total time 1:32:42, average split 6:15/km. As the run went on, the average split pace per km dropped down- asides from on a long-ass uphill stretch which killed me. Still, happy to have managed to crank out the distance. Saturday mornings might now apparently be for long runs. We'll see how we go. Fingers crossed it will help shift a little weight.

Muay Thai:

Sparrign tonight. 3 x 3-minute rounds of shadow boxing to warm up. From there, 10 x 3-minute rounds of sparring. Worked with a newer guy, as well as a couple of the fighters who are prepping for fights soon, including someone competing in the 80kg King in the Ring 8-man tournament. Short break, then into clinch rounds. Finished with sets of running knees and teeps on the bag, then some core work. Easy. Good. Fun. Yeah yeah cool beans.
A couple of very busy weekends later, and we're back.


Muay Thai:

Sparring at Jai tonight. Tee made this session about intensity. I skipped for 5 or 10 minutes before class, and then the warm up was 3 minutes of running lengths of the mat, 3 minutes of jogging around the edges of it with a sprint along one length, a minute of walking knees, then alternating 1 minute of bag work with 1 minute of shadow boxing at high intensity. We worked in pairs for this last bit, one person either shadowing or hitting the bag, and during change-over between, whoever was shadow boxing spent 30 seconds giving body shots to the person who had just been on the bag. Sparring was then 10 rounds total, doing 2 rounds with one partner, first round being freestyle sparring, second round being just clinch sparring. Tee told us to do hard sparring, so hard sparring it was. If it was fast, light and technical sparring with high output, some of these fit young guys would have left me for dead, but fortunately hard sparring means I can bully people in the body until they slow down a bit and not feel too bad about it. Finished the session with 30 power single kicks each leg, 100 knees, 50 sit-ups, and 30 push-ups. Fitness absolutely felt back to square one again.


LISS run in the morning. 14.42km, total time 1:24:55, average split 5:53/km. Started off feeling not too bad, but was a grind for the last few km, especially the uphill from 10-12km in. Tried to just keep things tidy and consistent. Probably my last run with no HR data for a good while.

Muay Thai:

Pad session in the early evening. Warmed up with shadow and a good bit of stretching and mobility after the morning's session. Solid session starting back into doing things right, although I was pretty far from relaxed for a lot of it, but that will come back with doing more regular pad sessions again.


Warmed up with serratus anterior wall slides, banded lat and pec stretches, t-spine wall windmills, walking lunges w/sprinter's pose, hip airplanes, bottoms-up KB presses, and KB windmills.

Hang power clean/front squat/hang full clean/split jerk:
40kg x 2
60kg x 1 x 2
70kg x 1 x 4

70kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 4
140kg x 5

Was planning on a bit more, but had to skip out and head home early. First session back (again) post-covid (again). Hardest time I can remember having with getting 70kg overhead.


Cardio, stead-state. Apparently my lungs left me entirely during my most recent bout of covid. 5.69km, 3%:46 total, average pace 6:17/km. The whole run felt like an absolute slog - after first short uphill climb, HR never recovered back down to where I wanted to be working; was sitting at a range of about 170ish for most of the run thereafter, and that was while going as slow as I could without turning into just a walk. Might take a bit to get some sort of aerobic base back.
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Muay Thai:

PT session on the pads with my S&C coach, Steve. I warmed up with some stetching and mobility work, then shadow boxing, and a little play spar with no shin pads/gloves. 6 x 3-minute rounds on the pads, getting some base technique laid down again, focusing on staying relaxed, loose, and powerful. Again, sucks to be building back from square one again, but here we are. Session over all felt really good though. Steve spent 6 years living and training in Thailand, and has worked with a lot of really high-level Thais. Having a good knowledge of the game, as well as a really good eye for biomechanics makes him a great padholder. Looking forward to getting into shape again soon and being able to push the sessions that much harder.

Muay Thai:

6:30 session tonight. Warmed up with a round of skipping, and then 2 rounds of shadow boxing. From there, 5 x 4-minute rounds of freestyle pads. Paired up with a guy who was slightly less experienced than me and coached him through a few things, both for holding and hitting. I hit first, 4 rounds on Thai pads, one round on focus mitts, then held for him for the same. Finished the session with 4 minutes of power kicks- 20 seconds left, 10s rest, 20s right, 10s rest x 4. Felt like a good session mostly. Gym was ultra humid and sticky tonight- I think I set a new personal record for volume sweated out in a session.

Muay Thai:

First session of the year. Warmed up with 3 minutes of skipping, 3 minutes of shadow, 3 minutes of skipping, then 3 minutes of shadow again. After that, a couple of rounds on the heavy bag, then 3 rounds of freestyle pads. Finished with a small bit of ab work. Old man got no lungs, but we're back in it, I guess. Let's get this bread. Here's to hopefully a year of not being written of with illness, and drinking less/more responsibly so that I don't put myself out with injuries again.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with a 4.9km run. Run included an uphill section about halfway through. HR spiked to 188 at the top of it, and then didn't come down too far from there- spent the rest of the run very easily sitting over 170bpm. That'll teach me to go run with fighters who are actually fit. Back at the gym and wraps on and into light bag work for a few rounds to stay loose and work on a couple of basics. After that, another 3 x 3-minute pad rounds. Session done. My goose is cooked. I miss being fit. Definitely feeling like changing gyms was a good decision though - I've missed having a proper fight gym, where the culture is based around turning up and just doing work, and helping each other out. Going to keep working on finding consistency and hitting my stride, and then getting matched once I've got a good rhythm going.
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Muay Thai:

Warmed up with the same run today, but slightly extended out. Run today felt much, much better than yesterday. 5.3km, total time 30:57, average split 5:53/km. Max heart rate on the hill this time was 179bpm, with an average of 162 across the run as a whole. Back to the gym, wraps on, a few rounds of bag work to stay loose, and then a rest before class. Started off with a round of skipping, then dynamic stretches, then shadow. Focus tonight was low kicks, just working basics across a few different drills. After technical drills, some fitness/power rounds on the bags, 20 seconds of low kicks, run to the back, 10 reps of a different exercise each round, and then wait for your turn to kick again with the next leg. Good little 8-minute burner. Finished with 1 minute of sit-ups and a 1-minute plank.