Honest opinion on khabib

I really dont think he’s doing anything special. I also wrestled in high school, nearly made it to state. And ive watch mma for many many years, since the tournament days. And he’s just a really powerful grappler. He’s been able to pull it off. But u cant honestly think he’s doing some voodoo shit, because there have been fights where he didnt seem as magical as u think. He’s been able to pull it off. How can people even consider him goat, when he’s fought 3 title fights, meanwhile, he gets compared to goats like jones who is a better striker, beaten more proven competition, for MANY more title fights, name 1 dominant champ that khabib beat., porier lost to korean zombie, michael johnson and conor, but when khabib beats him it makes him goat?
Great comment!
Its not a goat conversation. The question was simple. And an honest opinion. That khabib isnt as great as people are already making him out to be. Hell, remember machida era, luke rockhold? Cain? Whenever someone comes along and wins a few with a title, he’s suddenly an all time great.
Yes I get it. You're more interested in talking about how others rate a fighter than talking about a fighter or fighting.

"I don't want to talk about Khabib's fighting ability, game plans, techniques or wins; I want to talk about what others think about Khabib." Yawn.

Again, I apologize for inserting myself into what I consider an idiotic discussion. So by all means, continue without me. Have a nice day.
Wtf? Hes beating the shit out of everyone. This isnt ballet dude.
You need 5 title defenses to even be considered. BJ Penn and Frankie Edgar have both accomplished more at LW. If he beats Ferguson and Kevin/Justin I'll put him up there.

He is the champion of the most stacked weightclass. So that's pretty fucking good.
Ya. So again, you're more interested in talking about how others rate a fighter than talking about a fighter or fighting.

So again, I apologize for inserting myself into what I consider an idiotic discussion. So by all means, continue without me. Have a nice day.
What? Im literally asking you, and others their opinion on his fighting abilities. His skillset and if he’s as good as you and others think he is. You have added 0 to the discussion that you allegedly want to have lol.

I’ll elaborate for you even further
His kicks arent good. Look at great kickers and u see, khabib is missing that entire repitoire.

his boxing, his combos arent good, he lunges in and throws wild to get close, so he can grab u. Am i wrong?

his bottom game, we have yet to see.
Outstruck Conor, Poirier, Johnson, Barboza, RDA, Iaquinta.
Never been outstruck.
I think his standup is pretty decent.
Wtf he didnt outstrike them. He took them down! He roughed them up in the cage.

I think its pretty evident he doesnt have good standup.
I dont hate khabib, and not a conor lover.

but does anyone else think he’s not as good as hes made out to be. People already calling him the goat. But goats like gsp, jones, anderson, fedor, they were all able to fight standing up and on the ground.

Khabib isnt as versatile and his standup isnt that good. Jon jones is much better all around. Khabib is just extremely good at grappling and mauling, but there comes a day when he cant get a guy down and is forced to fight standing up.

Sure he has a long win streak. But his record is like a boxer. With 30 wins or whatever but nobody can name the 25 other opponents they fought. Again, i dont hate him or like conor, just an objective view on his skill set.

please dont be salty n add a gif of him dropping conor as if that is somehow proof.

Being well rounded is essential but, more than that, being able to dictate what ll happen in the fight is the must.
Khabib is not well rounded but he is such a dynamic grappler that it does not matter, he will do what he wants to you anyway.
Jones barely threw one punch in his last (25 min) fight, jones its great wrestling and bright distance management (long legs help), but he is not that well rounded.
Whats so impressive about this?

The wrestler lands a punch while the striker is looking out for the takedown.

We have seen it dozens of times and uh...Conor didn't even go down.
His hand clearly touches the floor which would be a knockdown in boxing. Either way the punch clearly landed with force and affected Conor.
Of course khabib is not as good as Jones. Jones is the best to ever do it, his resume is legendary. Khabib is good but it'd take him half a decade to even come close to what Jon has accomplished, there's no comparison. Khabib is good, there's no doubt, but let him get two or 3 more title defenses. A lot of people forget that Jones is so good he literally doesn't use his wrestling or vicious top game cuz it's such an easy way for him to secure the W, khabib still fights to his strengths while Jones fights to his opponents strengths, they're completely different animals.
His striking isn't that bad folks. It's awkward at times, but effective. People seem to think the guy can't throw a punch because he chooses to take people down instead. I tink a lot of you would be shocked at how well Khabib would do against a lot of his opponents without attempting a single take down.

He's also not a big LW despite what people think. He's weighed about the same or less in the cage than his last 4 opponents including conor. The guy is 5'10" and very lean when in fight shape. Who gives a shit how much he weighs when he's not fighting? It's like saying Roberto Duran was nothing but a middle weight that bullied lightweights in his prime because he got fat in between fights.

And how can you call a guy that's only lost 1 round in MMA in what's arguably the most competitive weight class overrated? It's not like he's out there fighting in regional promotions. He's been fighting in the big leagues for over 7 years now. Add to this that he's not just beating guys, he's literally shutting them out. Complete and total domination.

I will close with this, call me crazy, but I would like his chances even at MW with prime Anderson if he had some time to prepare. If Chael could do what he did to Anderson, I think a blown up Khabib could do better. I also think he holds his own with GSP at 170 in head to head competition. I see him as at least as good of a LW as GSP was a WW, and feel he's a better LW than Anderson was a MW. If he wins a few more fights and destroys Tony, he's got to be in the conversation for Goat status IMO
His striking isn't that bad folks. It's awkward at times, but effective. People seem to think the guy can't throw a punch because he chooses to take people down instead. I tink a lot of you would be shocked at how well Khabib would do against a lot of his opponents without attempting a single take down.

He's also not a big LW despite what people think. He's weighed about the same or less in the cage than his last 4 opponents including conor. The guy is 5'10" and very lean when in fight shape. Who gives a shit how much he weighs when he's not fighting? That's like saying Roberto Duran was nothing but a middle weight that bullied lightweights in his prime because he got fat in between fights.

And how can you call a guy that's only lost 1 round in MMA in what's arguably the most competitive weight class overrated? It's not like he's out there fighting in regional promotions. He's been fighting in the big leagues for over 7 years now. Add to this that he's not just beating guys, he's literally shutting them out. Complete and total domination.

I will close with this, call me crazy, but I would like his chances even at MW with Anderson if he had some time to prepare. If Chael could do what he did to Anderson, I think a blown up Khabib could do better. I also think he holds his own with GSP at 170 in head to head competition. I see him as at least as good of a LW as GSP was a WW, and feel he's a better LW than Anderson was a MW. If he wins a few more fights and destroys Tony, he's got to be in the conversation for Goat status IMO
Khabib would DESTROY Canderson. "You have to give up. I am to be MW champion. I deserve this."
Khabib would DESTROY Canderson. "You have to give up. I am to be MW champion. I deserve this."
I think he would get beat by lots of MW fighters, but Anderson just doesn't do well with that style. He's able to stuff the high level BJJ guys, but anyone that can shoot a great power double and get a hold of his skinny legs can take him down.
there is nothing special when you see videos of Khabib training, he is also doing some movements wrong but somehow he beats the shit out of his opponent every time
Wow, can;t wait for Khabib train werck. That would be glorious. BEST THING HAPPENED TO ME IN MMA
I think he would get beat by lots of MW fighters, but Anderson just doesn't do well with that style. He's able to stuff the high level BJJ guys, but anyone that can shoot a great power double and get a hold of his skinny legs can take him down.
Yeah he should immediatley relinquish after dethroning him like GSP would have if they fought :D
His hand clearly touches the floor which would be a knockdown in boxing. Either way the punch clearly landed with force and affected Conor.

It's bizarre how some people think it wasn't a knockdown

Khabib is like a video game character that has one move that you can spam nonstop and break the game.

Sucks all the point and fun out of the game. Not fun to watch.
I can understand your point of view, but for me it’s very entertaining to watch the look of despair grow on his opponents’ faces as Khabib does his octopus thing to them and they realize that they;re not going to be able to do any of the things they worked on in training.

Castillo asking the ref “are you going to keep letting him do this to me”

Poirier telling his corner, “I can;t keep him off of me”

He obviously isn't the GOAT by accomplishment and probably won't ever be. But purely in terms of skill, his ability to fight everyone the same way every time is amazingly consistent and nobody has been able to stop it yet. Not the most well rounded fighter no, but one of the most dominant.

It's bizarre how some people think it wasn't a knockdown


They're teenagers who are new to combat sports so they have minimal understanding of the rules.

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