How come everytime I go to a convenience store ....


Steel Belt
Sep 5, 2012
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....I walk up to the register the attendant is standing at, set my shit down, and they say "I can help you over here" and they walk to the other register. So now I have to pick my shit up and carry it over. I swear this happens more often than not and it drives me absolutely nuts. Just happened to me at the airport. Why? Why? WHY????? You couldn't have let me know before I set my shit down? I mean you were literally watching me do it. I'm beginning to think these people are just fucking with me. No one can be that incompetent. Fuck.

End rant
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I look at the register or whatever device they have to see if it's lit, if it's not I'll just stand there with my arms full of shit awkwardly until they are like "....are you all set?" Then I realize I've looked like a retard for 2 minutes standing there staring at them like I don't know how this dance works
Theyre letting you know who the alpha is
Just walk up to the register point at it and say "IS THIS THING ON!?!?"
Next time it happens, fill the store with uppercuts.
I also like the cashiers who do not say a word to you. No greeting, no simple ‘hello’. I like to walk up to the register and just stare blankly back at them.
There should be no shortage of Sherdog posters, currently employed as C-store clerks, to clear up what is likely a misconception.
They arent signed into that register.
Just kill yourself.

Making a thread about it is the pussy’s way out.
@EatMyShorts would interpret that as the clerk flirting with him and obsess over her for the rest of the week.
Hahahaha!!! That made me laugh. Yes, your misery, made me laugh!!! Sorry.
Say you left wallet in car and burn rubber out of there