Social How come most black people are Democrats?

I'm not sure what debate you think you are making when the RNC chair admitted to and apologized for the southern strategy.

Then there's this:

"I don't know what argument you think you're making when potato. " That is about how strong your response was.
As for the current flock of 18-45 year olds, they know enough history to know which group of people openly says that they're unintelligent. Which group of people tells them that they don't deserve better schools because it won't matter. Which group of people tells them that their culture is un-American. Which group of people ignores their efforts but still calls them irresponsible. The same people who will shit on their music but give props to artists like Johnny Cash and Bruce Springsteen all penned songs criticzing law enforcement at different times in their career.

They know that the people who say and do these things now are the same people who said it to their parents. They're the same people who said it to their grandparents.

See, that's history. When the modern GOP repeats the same talking points as the Nixon era GOP, then 18-45 year olds can talk to their parents and grandparents and learn that the messaging has not changed. That the policy goals have not changed.
Agreed with the part in red. People don't forget
Yeah the RNC chairman apologized because they lost lol

Way to completely ignore the other examples cited.

Famous RNC strategist and campaign consultant explains the southern strategy
RNC chairman apologizes for the southern strategy
You: Southern strategy doesn't exist because a Democrat won the south 43 years ago.

After the Civil Rights movement the Democrats became the party of civil rights and the Republicans started appealing to white supremacy.

Yeah but I think it was before and during the civil rights movements the Republicans embraced segregation while the Democrats sided with equality. Things like welfare, segregation, social security and Medicaid were generally Democrat supported and Republican opposed.
Agreed with the part in red. People don't forget

So you agree that this stuff isn't ancient history.

That if the Biden issue is relevant then every other issue that I mentioned is also relevant? Such as the Southern Strategy - which was contemporary with Biden on bussing.
I'm always surprised at how many people don't know the historical reason for this. And I'm always disappointed by the people who do know the history but try to obfuscate the history anyway.

It's been covered at length in this thread so I'm not adding anything new. But once the GOP committed to the Southern Strategy, they lost the black vote for decades. The thing is that they knew this. They adopted the Strategy specifically because the math at the time told them that there were more white people upset with the Civil Rights Act than black people who would leave the party. It was a straight demographic math issue - gain 100 white anti-integrationists from the Democrats, lose 25 black Republicans.

It wasn't a bad short term strategy. It only fails because the demographics have shifted and the support for segregation disappeared with subsequent generations. A good short term strategy for elections and a poor long term strategy for the nation.

Not to nitpick, but the math was even MORE in their favor than that. I don't think it was even lose 10 black votes for every 100 white votes they'd pick up.

You're right that their inability to pivot gives them a HUGE demographic disadvantage. Biden made BIG gains among white men in 2020 compared to Hillary in 2016. Their main hope is voter disenfranchisement and apathy. But if anything, they're trending towards MORE engagement and turnout...

Not to nitpick, but the math was even MORE in their favor than that. I don't think it was even lose 10 black votes for every 100 white votes they'd pick up.

You're right that their inability to pivot gives them a HUGE demographic disadvantage. Biden made BIG gains among white men in 2020 compared to Hillary in 2016. Their main hope is voter disenfranchisement and apathy. But if anything, they're trending towards MORE engagement and turnout...
Isn't it funny? Neither the GOP or the Dems ran with a message of positivity. They oughta try that for a change.
Only 1 of the 21 Democrats who voted against the civil rights act switched to being a Republican.

The 20 Democrats either remained in office or were replaced by other Democrats for the next two and half decades.

(R) Nixon who's credited with using the "Southern Strategy" LOST the deep south in '68, (D) Jimmy Carter nearly swept the south in '76, then in '92 (D) Clinton won Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia.

There's plenty of debate to be had.
You're very wrong on this. Nixon won the election in 68, He also WON the deep south. Nixon also won in 72 by a very large margin. The GOP probably would have won in 76 if not for the fallout from Watergate which tanked the GOP. But they won in 80, 84, 88. From 1968 through 1992, they only lost 1 Presidential election and the Southern Strategy had a large role to play in that by reducing Democrat strength in the South.

The big issue with the Southern Strategy wasn't just with the politicians. It was with the messaging that the party embraced. The campaigning and the message that they, and other Republicans, utilized drove the wedge between the party and the black community. Black America remembers the painting of black women as welfare queens and all of the other dog whistling politics the GOP employed over those years. Not just at the Presidential level but also in state politics and Congressional politics.
So you agree that this stuff isn't ancient history.

That if the Biden issue is relevant then every other issue that I mentioned is also relevant? Such as the Southern Strategy - which was contemporary with Biden on bussing.
Yes and no. Most people are completely uninformed. I've said many times the first duty of a voter is not to vote, but to be informed. This is why I've lambasted the Democrat lead movement to make voting as easy as possible, including allowing felons and illegals to vote. This whole go out on vote campaign is predicated on getting the naive and uninformed to vote Democrat out of fear. I would hope you don't deny that.
Cause they're being good little boys and girls, that's why.
Yes and no. Most people are completely uninformed. I've said many times the first duty of a voter is not to vote, but to be informed. This is why I've lambasted the Democrat lead movement to make voting as easy as possible, including allowing felons and illegals to vote. This whole go out on vote campaign is predicated on getting the naive and uninformed to vote Democrat out of fear. I would hope you don't deny that.
No, it's not yes and no. You're posting the Biden stuff which is from the late 70s and early 80s as relevant. Well, that entire era is relevant. Biden says or does something in that era, so do others. You weigh out the totality such comments and what they've done about it.

If the first duty of the voter is to be informed then part of the duty is know which party has worked to stop you from voting, from getting better education. Which party actively solicited racists.

You say uninformed but you're really just lying. Because you dismiss any information that you don't like. When people point to information that is relevant to them? You call them naive and uninformed. The irony of calling others uninformed while you actively work to remain ignorant on other perspectives is probably lost on you.

Which is why you keep avoiding simple truths like which party actively embraced racists. That is being informed. Probably the most important baseline piece of information for the black voter is which party says "Racists are welcome here." as their platform. Since that party will fill the other government positions with their appointees.
Yes and no. Most people are completely uninformed. I've said many times the first duty of a voter is not to vote, but to be informed. This is why I've lambasted the Democrat lead movement to make voting as easy as possible, including allowing felons and illegals to vote. This whole go out on vote campaign is predicated on getting the naive and uninformed to vote Democrat out of fear. I would hope you don't deny that.

What's wrong with felons voting? Once you serve your time, you should get your rights back; maybee not all rights, like the right to own firearms, but you should get back the right to vote.
When the military Top brass and elected officials were amneable to changing the names of military bases named after Confederate heroes, Trump stood in the way and threatened to veto the Defense Bill.

Trump’s Confederate Base Veto Threat Imperils Defense Bill
Senator James Inhofe is pressing to jettison a broadly supported requirement to strip the names of Confederate leaders from military bases, a provision the president opposes.

This is more evidence why Trump is a racist / White Nationalist. So why are people surprised Black people don't vote Republican.
You're very wrong on this. Nixon won the election in 68, He also WON the deep south. Nixon also won in 72 by a very large margin. The GOP probably would have won in 76 if not for the fallout from Watergate which tanked the GOP. But they won in 80, 84, 88. From 1968 through 1992, they only lost 1 Presidential election and the Southern Strategy had a large role to play in that by reducing Democrat strength in the South.

The big issue with the Southern Strategy wasn't just with the politicians. It was with the messaging that the party embraced. The campaigning and the message that they, and other Republicans, utilized drove the wedge between the party and the black community. Black America remembers the painting of black women as welfare queens and all of the other dog whistling politics the GOP employed over those years. Not just at the Presidential level but also in state politics and Congressional politics.

No, it's not yes and no. You're posting the Biden stuff which is from the late 70s and early 80s as relevant. Well, that entire era is relevant. Biden says or does something in that era, so do others. You weigh out the totality such comments and what they've done about it.

If the first duty of the voter is to be informed then part of the duty is know which party has worked to stop you from voting, from getting better education. Which party actively solicited racists.

You say uninformed but you're really just lying. Because you dismiss any information that you don't like. When people point to information that is relevant to them? You call them naive and uninformed. The irony of calling others uninformed while you actively work to remain ignorant on other perspectives is probably lost on you.

Which is why you keep avoiding simple truths like which party actively embraced racists. That is being informed. Probably the most important baseline piece of information for the black voter is which party says "Racists are welcome here." as their platform. Since that party will fill the other government positions with their appointees.
Yes a lot of openly racists like Richard Spencer gave strong endorsements for Biden. I'm sure there are racists on the other side as well.

History as shown that both parties have dead bodies buried and have flip flopped on issues over time. One party however ran on principles and the other party used hyperbolic nonsense like shouting Racist and Fascist to everyone who thought outside the plantation.

There are good people on both sides of the aisle. I don't dismiss any information for the simple fact I don't like it, care to give any specific examples? Politicians in general are self serving hypocrites. I don't like Trump but he's the only politician in decades that sacrificed his golden life of idolization with a purpose to make America great again and not a door mat to China and others.

After years of engaging in conversations with diverse groups I've concluded that the party on the left are by and large more likely to think in terms of race, or be flat out racists. We've taken monumental steps backwards in race relations due to false narratives created by the Democrat party and their MSM mouth piece. Biden and Kamala (who formerly imprisoned PoC with great passion) will surely make matters worse.

I choose the side of love for all people.
Isn't it funny? Neither the GOP or the Dems ran with a message of positivity. They oughta try that for a change.

I really don't get what the Democrats were doing this election. They pandered hard to social justice issues while ignoring their most popular policies. You had Florida voting to raise the minimum wage to 15 but they went for Trump. You had multiple red States voting to legalize marijuana. Dems have this written into their platform but won't actually campaign on this stuff.

I think they realized they fucked up since they only recently voted to decriminalize marijuana in the house. They should have been pushing for this years ago.
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Famous RNC strategist and campaign consultant explains the southern strategy
RNC chairman apologizes for the southern strategy
You: Southern strategy doesn't exist because a Democrat won the south 43 years ago.

That's a funny way of saying that you don't know how to read or do basic math.
The fact people cling to Southern Strategy is hilarious

People today don't give a single fuck. If people did, Hispanic people would overwhelmingly vote Republican due to amnesty granted via Reagan and Bush Sr, and Obama was much harsher on immigration.

Fucking Christ you people parrot complete bullshit. It comes down to identity politics. The DNC has expected the black vote and brazenly patronizes black people to vote for them,
Democrats are perceived as easy on crime and generous with welfare.
The answer is very simple and straightforward: Because Democrats buy voters. That's what they do. They pretty much tell you "vote for me and i will give you money". Not "vote for me and i'll try to create the right conditions for you to make money". It's "vote for me and i will give you money". Forgiving the student loans is a great example of it. They pretty much just bought the entire academic demography by saying that.

Given african american's poverty rates, they're very easy to buy. It's like buying a hooker. You just give them money and they're yours. A good portion of them are poor, so you offer them money and they will like you. It's a simple, easy to understand, appealing contract. "Vote for me and you will get loads of free stuff, just because of your color". Does it work? No. Just like winning the lottery often doesn't work. But it's like giving chocolate to a dog. He will eat it because it tastes good and he only cares about having their immediate, most primitive desires fulfilled.

And that's pretty much it. Funny enough, the black community has a lot more in common with conservative values than liberal values. Take away the desire for easy money, and african americans are more conservative than most republicans.

I mean, wtf does the black community have in common with the LGBTOIKEORIE crowd? Go be a transwhatever in a black neighborhood and tell me how tolerant they are.