How did you discover Santa was fake?

My parents didn't believe in lying to their children.
My had to walk through my room to get to theirs. Their room had the attic in there. I would be asleep at 1am and hearvmy boozed up dad pull out the huge bag of presents and drag it through my room.

I was 17. So Pissed i found out he was fake!!
Some older kids told me (can't remember where). I asked my mom and she reluctantly confirmed it.
My Dad sat me down for a serious chat one day and said:

"Son, Father Christmas isn't real...the presents are from me"

and I said:

"I already knew, do I still get presents?"

Can't remember exactly when I found out, it may have been delayed a while after my brother was convinced he saw Santa's sleigh flying through the sky on Christmas eve.
How did you discover that one of the most important people in your childhood was a lie?

I remember believing in him kindergarten but not in 1st grade. I think my brother told me. I believed in the tooth fairy until like 2nd grade though
Woke up early one night, wasn't really crushed, enjoyed my presents a lot that year
Lol. That's a classic. I need to watch that on Christmas.
it really is one the funniest shows they ever did
they had a warning just before it started if i remember right
As I was growing up I slowly figured out the bull. I finally came to the conclusion that he was fake around 8 or 9.
I stayed awake all night. Cant fool that
Recognized my mothers handwriting on the tags when I was 4 years old, and just put 2 and 2 together. Next day I told another kid in my neighborhood Santa was fake and he started crying. His mother gave me the worst reaming ever.
Recognized my mothers handwriting on the tags when I was 4 years old, and just put 2 and 2 together. Next day I told another kid in my neighborhood Santa was fake and he started crying. His mother gave me the worst reaming ever.

Then you reamed his mother?
Never was Told he was real :)
I was always told he's a fake creature made up by some people with too much free time
My story is boring. I pretty much start to question my mom heavily then pressure her for the answer. She finally confessed. I was 8.

However my sis found out when she was about 5 when she found random receipt of gifts from Santa that my step dad left laying out.

My cousin found out when he was about 6 or 7 while playing trivial game. His parents weren't too happy lol.

My half brother found out on Easter Day when he was looking for eggs in the house. he was trying to look into high place, without thinking, my step dad asked "what are you doing. You know your mom cannot reach that high"
After that, he asked if Santa was fake too which they ended up confessing.
i don't remember ever legitimately believing in santa, so someone must have given me the inside scoop at a young age.
I figured it out myself. C'mon, guys, it's not that hard
I never remember believing in him, so either my parents told me at a very young age or just never told me he was real in the first place.