How do vegans bulk up in weight?


Oct 29, 2012
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I remember Nick Diaz fighting at a catch weight of 180 lbs a few years ago. How does he gain or even maintain his weight on a vegan diet?

I turned vegan 4 months ago for reasons I won't disclose here. They're not secret, but I don't believe they're pertinent to this discussion. During the last couple of months, my weight has free fallen from 165 to 135lbs (I'm 5'8"). I feel frail and weak, although I eat a lot of calorie and nutrient dense food.

Breakfast: 2 sweet potatoes, 2 tbsp almond butter, 2 tbsp maple syrup

Post-workout smoothie: shelled hemp seeds, chia seeds, banana, 4 berry mix

Lunch: flax seed crackers with avocado, tomatoes and olives

Snack: fruit/nut bar (LaraBar)

Supper: Tempeh, brown rice and greens (kale, spinach or bok-choy)

Dessert: 80% dark chocolate coated with almond butter

2400 calories, 70g protein, 300g carbs, 100g fat

I don't eat legumes because they really upset my stomach, even if I take the time to soak them. :(
And I also avoid supplements, because fuck processed foods.

Fucking eat more then.... how do you even come up with calorie estimates when youre not even listing exact quantities?

Also: "[reasons] not pertinent to this discussion" probably means "I turned vegan for a broad who's still holding out on pussy"
Fucking eat more then.... how do you even come up with calorie estimates when youre not even listing exact quantities?

Meal 1: 2 sweet potatoes + 2 tbsp almond butter + 2 tbsp organic maple syrup

maple syrup: 110 calories, 0g protein, 27g carbs, 0g fat
almond butter: 200 calories, 6g protein, 6g carbs, 16g fat
sweet potatoes: 224 calories, 4g protein, 52g carbs, 0g fat

Meal 2: 2 tbsp chia + 1 cup berries + 1 banana + 1 glass coconut milk

chia: 77 calories, 4g protein, 8g carbs, 6g fat
berries: 70 calories, 1g protein, 16g carbs, 0.5g fat
banana: 105 calories, 1.3g protein, 27g carbs, 0.4g fat
coconut milk: 60 calories, 0.5 g protein, 3g carbs, 5g fat

Meal 3: rice or flax seed crackers + 1 avocado + 1 organic tomatoe + handful olives + 1 tbsp hemp

crackers (per 13 flax): 140 calories, 3g protein, 21g carbs, 5g fat
avocado: 232 calories, 2.9g protein, 11.9g carbs, 20.9g fat
tomato: 22 calories, 1.1g protein, 4.8g carbs, 0.2g fat
olives: 41 calories, 0g protein, 1g carbs, 4g fat
hemp: 90 calories, 5g protein, 2g carbs, 6g fat

Meal 4: LaraBar or Zing Bar

LaraBar: 200 calories, 4g protein, 24g carbs, 10g fat

Meal 5: 110g tempeh + 1/2 cup brown rice + 4 large kale leafs

brown rice: 320 calories, 8g protein, 70g carbs, 2g fat
tempeh: 193 calories, 19g protein, 9g carbs, 11g fat
kale: 33 calories, 2.9 protein, 6g carbs, 0.6g fat

Meal 6: 3 squares dark chocolate + 1 tbsp almond butter

almond butter: 100 calories, 3g protein, 3g carbs, 8g fat
dark chocolate: 160 calories, 2g protein, 10.5g carbs, 12g fat

TOTAL: 2377 calories, 67.7g protein, 302.2g carbs, 107.6g fat
1) Download myfitnesspal
2) Enter your stats + weight gain goal
3) Enter food you eat
4) Enter exercise
5) Adjust eating habits to meet goal
6) Profit
Eat white bread and white rice, more sugar too
-Someone can correct me, but if you don't eat legumes then you're not getting complete proteins

-Maybe 2400 calories isn't enough to create a surplus given your daily activity

-Any chance part of the 30lbs you lost is water weight?
Do teeth all flatten out being they aren't used for their purpose?
isn't lara bars for chicks?> or I am thinking about luna?
When I got braces in January 2013 I gradually started losing weight, I was 175 LB by the way I am just a little over 6ft tall. So anyway by May 2013 I was below 150 LB, I began to eat like a vegan in early June 2013 and fully vegan by mid July 2013 and I quickly was down to 140 LB. I am not trying to gain weight or anything like that, but even on days when I eat alot it seems like I cannot get above 145 LB.
70 grams of protein?

That's your problem right there.
While there's always lots of discussion about exactly how much protein is needed to build muscle, I think it's generally agreed that (for most people) if you're eating under 100g a day it's going to be tougher.
As a vegan he should get at least 100 grams, but protein isnt the issue here.

He's simply not eating enough. Too much "clean" foods, slow digestion and fiber keeps you full
Eat more food. Same as anyone else.
2400 calories isnt shit for packing on weight, especially if you are active. Try 3500 and go from there.
You have very limited options if you're unable to tolerate legumes.

Going vegan is very hard in itself, and being unable to handle the second best protein source they have to offer sucks really badly. Would making the jump to lacto-ovo vegetarian (assuming both are free range/grass fed), or pescetarian, be against your morals? There are many sustainable fish species, such as arctic char, that taste really good and have no ecological ramifications. Just a thought.

That being said: almonds (as mentioned by HH), PB2, quinoa, and more tempeh. Also, eating more calories is in order.

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