How do you rate Russell Peters as a comedian?

Drain Bamage

Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score

Personally he has never really made me laugh out loud. Do you think he is funny? He seems like a cool, smart, super capable guy, and everyone seems to want to be his friend, I just don't think he is very funny...
If you can sit through this without laughing I would say you either have no sense of humor and/or are a Vulcan. I haven't watched his newer stuff, but in his older stuff he's an equal opportunity offender, something that's very rare these days.
Squarely a’ight
One patronizing Conner, one disinterested Jose, and two unimpressed Doms.

He's very good in a kind of toothless sterile way. Every bit of his I've seen has struck me as stand up you can watch with your mom. Lot of silly voices, lot of wacky character stuff, it's the McDonalds of Comedy, but he's VERY good at it.
I mean, there is not a single angle on his face.

All butter.
I remember thinking he was decently funny when I saw some of his clips in 2005 when I would have been about 16.

Has he actually done anything to make anyone laugh since?
I’m indian myself and I think he’s aight

his early stuff came out when I was in college and he was all the rage
His stand up is not elite but it's good enough to not be considered unfunny imo.
I thought he was funny when I first saw him, but I've heard his act hasn't really changed much in the last 20 years
I rate him 5 backflipping GSPs out of 5
gifs incoming

actually this is all I got


Peters I has 1 dynamite special so that’s enough IMO
A guy I used to work with raved about him all the time. Literally would not shut the fuck up about how great he was. Kept pestering me until I finally agreed to watch one of his shows. So I watched one. It was decent. Then he kept telling me to watch this other one. So I did. And it was the exact same shit. I literally thought I was watching the same show again by accident. Then I (stupidly) agreed to watch a 3rd show. I think I made it 15 minutes in before turning it off.

He's basically a one trick pony.
i watched his beginning shit strictly for when he did his indian accent skits/made fun of his dad or when he did asian accent skits.
I liked his chinese vs indian act when i first heard it.

His stand up not so much.
He's a middle if the road comic; not bad but not great either.
Pretty good consistently.

Seen maybe 4 different shows, none were bad.