how evil would you be?

Depends on your definition of evil

I would never harm or wrong good people in any way. But my definition of "good" may be a lot different than someone elses.

If I see someone liter, I'll break both of their kneecaps and arms. If I see someone abuse an animal, I'll kill them. Low class trashy people, I'd make infertile so they can't have children. Rapists and murderers I'd kill. Etc.

Anyone that talks or is distracting during a movie at a theater I wouldn't just kill but would slowly torture.

if someone tailgates I would destroy their vehicle and make them watch. same thing for someone slowpoking the passing lane.

I would basically use somewhat extreme measures to seriously cull the population. The earth and human race would benefit. I would rule with an absolute iron fist. But I think more people would love me and appreciate me than hate me.
"I think more people would love me than hate me if I just kill or torture all the jerks." <--- Implying most people on Earth aren't assholes.
...How evil would I be?


God dam this is a old school reference.

Loved this game as a kid.
hard to tell because my understanding would grow immensely and with the new information and cognitive power I would evaluate my course of action after discovering the secrets of the universe and stuff, if I had to guess I would try to make things better for everyone but then they would ruin it by being how people are and then I would realize its futile which I probably already knew beforehand and then I would go to some isolated place and smoke weed and play video games etc
In that case, nothing I do then will be considered evil, and best believe there would be a lot of sexy stuff.
id guide mankind on a conquest to conquer the stars an go full god emperor status an control from the shadows
I would mostly use my infinite powers to make people leave me the fuck alone.
If you're a god, good and evil really don't apply. The world essentially becomes your etch-a-sketch. Do with it as you will. I'd destroy and create on a daily basis, if I felt that the concept of daily would even be a reality.
I'd be pretty nice most of the time, I'd give all my sherbros beautiful wives with nice, firm butts. However, there are people who piss me off and I know that if I could destroy them with no consequences... that would probably happen.

I have bad days, don't judge.
I'd be pretty nice most of the time, I'd give all my sherbros beautiful wives with nice, firm butts. However, there are people who piss me off and I know that if I could destroy them with no consequences... that would probably happen.

I have bad days, don't judge.

Gonna give you a like, just in case.
Hungary's getting wiped out straight away. Fuck em'.
The first thing I’d do is I’d walk on water to America and punch @mb23100 square in the dick.
Thanks, man. How big would you want your wife's butt? Might as well get a list started, just in case.
Im European so I'll go with a nice athletic one thanks, instead of a thick af abomination
Not evil at all. I'd figure out a way to entertain myself endlessly without doing any real damage.
Sorry, but being evil even when I try my hardest in being so seems impossible for me.
As evidenced in every single RPG I've ever played... I always end up being the good hero helping everybody be the best they can be... even in *evil* runs.
o_O -- that's why the nickname goodgirlkate stuck :rolleyes: