How many of you actually know how to pronounce the GOAT (Fedor's) name correctly?

Yeah I'm really not a fan of the Fedor transliteration. Especially with it being inconsistent. Dostoyevsky is transliterated to Fyodor.
Been a Dostoevskij's reader since early teenage years, thank to my father's books collection...
I love fedor, but he can't be goat with that record.
Фьодор Емилияненко .As a former eastern block country , Bulgaria is used to russian speaking .
I mean, you didn't really say anything here
Hyodeuro for Korean or Japanese
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I even know how to say his last name properly like a douchebag. Yemelyeaaanenko. With the proper inflection.
However Tito said it during that one fight. That's it, perfectly said.
True story, when I met Fedor at Trump tower for the Fedor vs Tim sylvia affliction pre fight promotional event like 15 years ago (same one I took my avatar pic at), he was surprised that while shaking his hand I was probably the only one that pronounced his name correctly. I always knew it was like saying Theodore but with a Russian accent. He proceeded to release a small reluctant smile while he signed my mma glove

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