How old were you

started posting on sherdog in 1999
u didnt have to register at that time
only like 16 posters
i'll be 50 this week :(
22 and some change for my original account in 07.
Crazy how times fly past ya aint it guys? I still feel like me being 17 was just yesterday. :(
37. I'm 52 as of right now and have only had this one account.
22 allegedly, in a past life perhaps.
Joined at 28 but discovered and started lurking at 24.
About 24 for my first account. I turned 24 that calendar year, but not sure if it was before or after my birthday. I'm 40 now.
Older than a lot of you right now. 32
Wow, i never realized how many 40s and 50s we got here. Is Fingercuff the only middle aged lady sherdogger?