How tall are you?

5'6. Jesus this thread really does show how short some of us really are. I thought I was the only one

Been doing a lot of cardio lately.

I hope to be 6'0" by the end of the year.

5'8 and I weigh 175lbs at the moment.

I've gained 15 pounds in the past year, but I gym regularly (4-5 times a week).
6’1 ; 205 in shape bit ripped; luscious hair slick back like a grease ball; and a mangnum dong of course
5 5', but walk around with the confidence of a 6' 0 alpha manlet.
Height only matters when you're a kid in school. Height and overall size always saved me from being bullied. Even the most vicious bullies think twice before picking on you, if you're a big guy. I only fought once in 11 years. It's just sad that people are basically animals, they only attack the weakest ones or the small ones. They become civilized when they getting older, but it's still in them in some ways. Sometimes i think that my wife wouldn't fell in love with me, if i was physically shorter and it's bothers me. She probably feels safe in my presence on subconscious level, and i'm afraid to ask her straight

Eh im 5'9 and have been in a lot of fights but i know other dudes round my height who haven't. I'd say it helps that they weren't drunk assholes in hs and college like me. They were drunks but they didn't swing on the first dude to talk shit. Good call on them cuz my hand is still fucked up from breaking it years ago and it healed wrong.

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