How your body handles hangover?

After my last 3-4 days hangover Im pretty much officially retired from drinking
I'm only good for like once or twice a month to get hammered since I work a lot, and just started getting hangovers in the last few years. These will fix you right up.


My hangovers are random, like i can drink 7 or 8 strong IPAs and wake up the next morning completely fine.. But other days, I can just drink 4 of the same beer and wake up completely destroyed.

My girlfriend doesn't drink much but if we have a night where she's drinking a lot she never gets one.. She's told me she's never really had a hangover, I don't know how it's possible..

I'm 30, and hangovers have always been bad for me, they are absolutely brutal now and completely ruins my whole next day until the time I go to sleep..
Lately, I've been drinking more than ever and haven't had a hangover in weeks.
I don't get hangovers anymore. Back then when I used to drink after feeling like crap I would pop some headache pills eat something and smoke some bud that would cure it ,im glad I I don't drink anymore
Just drink grain alcohol; you'll never get a hangover from it, trust me.
Dude, I didn't even sleep last night and now I'm at work trying to be charming. FML
Back in the day I did bong hits to cure hangovers. My headache would intensify for a bit, but it was smoove sailing after that.
Great after stop drinking beer 2014 and I never drink other alcohols only beer because soccer is boring to watch without beer. Just hope people is not drinking to much and watching world tournament in Russia
At 49, hangovers feel like recovering from minor surgery. I suggest Menudo and horchata.....or a local variant. I had some Korean hangover soup last week that worked well.
Most of the time I can mitigate the worst of it by drinking the right things in the right order, avoiding cheap and nasty booze, drinking plenty of water (electrolyte tablets are also a big help) and eating the right things, then it stays manageable. But occasionally I fuck up and it’s hell on Earth and I can do nothing but lay on the sofa and moan for a day. Went to a polo match a couple of weeks ago, sat in the sun all day, drank a bunch of beers and a shed load of gin, and the aftermath was horrible.

A side question, does anyone else find that, when they are a little bit hungover, they get really deviant? If you know what I’m saying..?
Never got them until I turned 30. I'd always drain a Gatorade before i went to bed and slept a couple of extra hours. Now they're so bad its not even worth it
Completely randomly. I should have felt like death yesterday but was ok. And that's after a dozen beers and more ryes. Other times I'll feel like utter crap from 4 beers. One of lifes great mysteries.
At 49, hangovers feel like recovering from minor surgery. I suggest Menudo and horchata.....or a local variant. I had some Korean hangover soup last week that worked well.

Nothing reminds that I’m getting older than a hangover. Other then perhaps the very rare occasions when I get the opportunity to have sex for a third consecutive day and I start thinking it feels like it’s too much hard work...
If I really go hard and don't eat or drink much water my hangover can be absolutely brutal and last 3 days. I try to smoke weed when I'm out drinking as that usually puts me to bed earlier, rather than being on a blackout rager for 5 hours and waking up to unexplained damage all over my body.
I've had two really bad hangovers both in my 20s:

First one, my Mexican brethren decided to get me twisted on Black Opals which is like a mixture of 4 or 5 different alcohols. I had like 6 of these on a near empty stomach. I paid the price heavily the next day. My mom had asked to borrow money for gas the following and I didn't even remember talking to her about it until she told me.

Second time, my white brethren (I pride myself on having a diverse group of friends) dared me to drink a bottle of Jack and Southern Comfort. With the pride of the black race on the line, I did shot after shot of both them shits and was hungover like a mug when I had to do a 12 hour shift the next day. My co worker laughed at me laying on the work couch not wanting to open my eyes to the light.

I wised up when I hit my 30s. Made sure I had some food in my stomach before drinking anything and to have plenty of water and Gatorade in the fridge. But I don't drink a tenth as much as I used to. So now I stick with a little bit of fresh homegrown to get me buzzed. And a few beers from time to time.

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