I finally found a good use for alexa

Don’t forget to shove a buttplug where the sun don’t shine
"Alexa- listen to all of my daily interactions and build a profile about me for the NSA."
Alexa: this is a redundant task. However, I will now advise NSA that you are on to them. Locking all doors. Please remain calm and seated until someone arrives to escort you from the premises. Let us never speak of this again.
I mean if you own a cell phone you don’t need to worry about getting sufficiently spied on
Use a ringtone creator online to edit a song and download it as your alarm on your phone :)

I did that with my ringtone and my alarm, it's like my favorite song so I love it.

What song did you choose sir?
It's not on youtube anymore, but it's 'I Follow' by Artisan and Kate Louis Smith -- it's this great EDM song that's about how much you love the music, "I love the sound" - that's my ringtone, I love it.

This one sir?
So I got an echo show as a gift a while back and I thought it was cool, but in everyday life I never found any use for it other than as just a really expensive alarm clock.

But this morning, the alarm went off and I was so tired that I was having trouble dragging my ass out of bed.

But I had an idea. I thought of a dance song that really gets my ass moving. Like the kind of song that you can't help but at least bob your head or tap the steering wheel to the beat when it plays.

So I choose Levitating by Dua Lipa and I tell Alexa to play it.

Then I couldn't help but move my body. My feet were moving to the beat, then my shoulders, plus she's so hot even her voice can give me a semi, so that increased blood flow even more.

Halfway through the song I didn't even feel like being in bed anymore and I got up with ease.

So not only did I find a good use for Alexa, but also an easy way to wake up, and a practical use for dancing.

Nobel prize, here I come!

So you're a grown man who bugged your own house and is now dancing to Dua Lipa?

Do you tuck your dick between your legs and sing into your hair brush as well?

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