I Just Had An MRI

I had an MRI once when I was 20 years old for my shoulder. An odd experience, quite different than CT scans, which I’ve had four of for my kidney stones.

I go in for 2 CT Scans on Monday, those used to give me a bit of anxiety when I slid into the machine cause I always imagine the machine coming alive and the metal spinning part dropping down and chopping my guts into bloody meat filled ribbons like in an awesome 80's slasher flick
Now, that sounds like paradise after the hell i went through yesterday lol
Consider this chair


That was a freaking nightmare LoL
I thought I had one before but I guess I was thinking of a CT Scan, this was a million times scarier
I was legit having a claustrophobic anxiety attack stuck in that tiny ass tube for 15 minutes of pure hell

The wall was only like two inches from my face and that shit triggered my darkest fears hella hard

When I was a little kid I used to have nightmares that I was trapped in a tube just like that and it would give me anxiety attacks while I was sleeping
This brought all that memories back

I legit had to keep calming myself down and reminding me that it was only 15 times and just keep your eyes closed and it would start working but then the loud ass alarm sound that was squealing my ear drums deaf the whole time i was in there would quiet for a second so I would peek my eyes open and see the wall of death closing in on me again and my anxiety would be off to the races once more

Fuck waterboarding, you wanna torture a terrorist put him in an MRI machine


I had to go thru the same thing when I had my brain scanned (which is a CT a think).. but anyway I had to go all the way into a machine like that. Maybe they use the same one for MRI’s.. but anyway I thought it was going to be worse but I ended up being ok.. I was in there for 45 minutes. The noises it makes are annoying as hell for sure
Won't they give you ativan or valium if you tell them you have anxiety for the MRI?
They are super uncomfortable. When the tech gave me a remote with a panic button on it to stop my first thought was what kind of a pussy would panic, your just lying there.

Then they slide you into it and fire it up and its the loudest goddamn machine man ever made, table is uncomfortable and you are completely out of control.

You can't move, you couldnt sit up or get out of the nightmare tube if you wanted to. Just have to sit there enduring an awful thing waiting for someone to have the decency to shut the fucking thing off and slide you out of the goddamned metal trap you willingly put yourself in.

I definitely understood why there is a panic button, I'm sure lots of people have completely lost thier shit in those louder than god tubes.
i'm getting a panic attack reading this lol

you can cheat and try and close your eyes, but the worst part is you KNOW you're stuffed inside there because when you get shoved all the way up in the back, there's no sound of air inside that would normally fool you into thinking it's open space. you KNOW you're a stuffed sardine and by the time they use their fake air thingy that pumps air in there it's already too late....claustrophobia already at max.
i've used the tight ones and an open one. open ones are amazing.

They already did from googling the type of MRI OP had seems to be getting phased out. They had to make larger MRI machines probably due to BBW in the U.S,mexico,china and England.


Forget magnetic fields, these are gravitational beings
I have to have one next week and it will be mt third or fourth. It's not bad if you close your eyes before you get in the tube that way you don't realizr how small the tube is. Next time just tell them when it is scheduled that you had issues and you will get some valium to take beforehand.
Yeah you are correct.
While even if with good insurance carefully read ALL contract text ....especially so called clauses section....everything....
for real, i got a buddy who's mom was in an old folks home, the home is trying to take his home now. what kind of world do we live in?

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