Ian Garry's wife wrote a book about how to catch and marry young athletes

Simpin is as bad as being nosey about simps. Fkm both.
Minor point of order here - Doesnt that technically make the Ex(Richard Cullen), rather than Garry, the cuck?
i would say, having the ex live with you, in the "current" relationship, makes ian the cuck, without a doubt. if your partners ex moved in and lived with you, that would make you the cuck.
I knew it was bad when I found out his wife picks his barbershop... This is after taking her last name . Never knew she was a good bit older than him and that her ex bf or husband partially lives with them and is Garrys nutritionist lol. Garry should only fight Brazilians from now on for doing this to him. Sometimes there's things in life that can't be undone
Just found out about this entire situation and it is hilarious.

I see Ian Gary ruining his life now because his ego is too big to ever admit Strickland is right, so he’ll go to extreme lengths to try to stay with the woman in order to “prove” their relationship is genuine.

I didn’t like the guy before this, so it’s somewhat amusing, but I hope he can get out of the relationship, always sad to see someone get played like that.
I don't know what to make of this. It's so overblown that it almost feels like a work at this point, i.e. Ian and Layla just stirring shit up to get his name all over the news in between fights and generate more interest in seeing him fight. He has to know what it looks like to threaten to sue someone like Sean Strickland, either they're intentionally trolling fighters and MMA youtubers, or that 40 year old woman controls his social media.