Iaquinta's reaction to the decision

Yea I thought so too, Iaquintas got heart and a good loser. He'll be back to kick ass
yeah lol, acting like it was obviously HIM about to win when he heard the first 50-43

Gotta love Al. I hope he doesnt wait 2 years before fighting again.
Al is underrated cause Dana hates him for not sucking up, no money no good fights.
Hopefully his career goes up after this and he will be solid top 10
I freak'n love Al....I was laughing my ass off. I'm glad he went the distance, people are not giving the guy any credit at all, he is a tough dude.
Yeah "the real brooklyn gangster" is gonna be a legend from here on out. If his management can ride the attention he'll have for the next couple days, he could fucking triple his social media following. FN main events, jewelry store endorsements, etc to follow.
He also had a hilarious look on his face at around 1:10 in RD 2. He was exhausted and thinking WTF at the same time. Props to him for making it to a decision after the first 2 rounds.
I think he's way underrated. I think he'd probably beat Nate (and more clearly than the majority decision that Conor got). Too bad he didn't get a full camp to prepare for this.
I've always been a big supporter of Al.

It's strange, but as badly as he lost tonight, he had an impressive performance.

And he really is a great sport, with a great attitude. He deserves a lot of props.
Wonder if he's gonna rage trash a hotel room tonight...
I really think Al reacted like that because of the 50-43s .He knew it was one-sided and wasn't happy that it was.
Poirier and Felder will be title contenders as year folds out (paul- obviously has a few more wins to go and we were robbed of Al- Paul during this whole Charlie foxtrot)
Thought it was weird how he acted like he could be the winner but then acted dejected when Buffer said "and newww" considering both fighters would have been the new champ