I'd rather see Rock VS Brock for Wrestlemania, than Rock VS Reigns.


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Its amazing to think that Rock VS Brock only happened once, at Summerslam '02, and it was a great match. Both men were in their physical primes, and Rock was selling Lesnar's strength by bouncing in and out of the ring.

If you haven't rewatched the match in a while, I wholeheartedly recommend it.

While Reigns has been the heel champ for far far longer than anyone expected, I don't think a specialized 50+ year old part-timer like Rock (if he's even part time) - after only having 3 matches in 20 years - should be the one to dethrone him. Whomever has that privilege should be the new babyface of the company for the next generation, not a relic of the Attitude Era.

That said, if it is Rock/Reigns at Wrestlemania Reigns is probably going to win. Call it a gut feeling but Rock wouldn't selfishly kill the momentum of his own cousin having the longest title run in modern wrestling history.

So... Lesnar knows how to play the heel very well to Rock's babyface, and I think that's the match to make... one more time... 20+ years later, two of the biggest names in the last 30 years of wrestling going at it.

Whats your thoughts?
Good idea?
Good idea but probably not gonna happen?
May happen for Wrestlemania 41, but not for 40?
Bad idea?
Bad idea unless Rock signs a long-term contract? (Which may happen with the bankroll this TKO merger may have?)
It depends how it's booked. Roman is legit now, and not the guy they were forcing into the top spot for so long. Lesnar on the other hand, has dropped a bit. He's still very good and dependable, but his aura has taken a hit ever since he started smiling and wearing cowboy hats. Roman is arguably a bigger bad at this point, and given his relationship to The Rock, it makes sense and would be a lot easier to book an interesting angle with them, that could also carry over and help Roman even more. Brock would just seem like a main event spectacle of the part timers, and wouldn't have much long term gains.
Cody vs. Romans at Wrestlemania
WWE should finish the story
Honestly, no interest in the Rock wrestling at all.

As a somewhat lapsed fan, I popped for Austin's return, but wouldn't bother with the Rock.
Lol did The Rock come back to WWE because Black Adam was a flop, XFL will be a flop (again), and the writer's strike is happening and all his deals are on hold?
Lol did The Rock come back to WWE because Black Adam was a flop, XFL will be a flop (again), and the writer's strike is happening and all his deals are on hold?

Yep, also he's in his early 50s now.

If he was ever going to make a return for one last arc, like he did with Cena a decade ago, his time would be limited and still look like he did in his prime.
Rock treats WWE like a side chick, he's only there because of the Hollyweird stuff going on now
Lol did The Rock come back to WWE because Black Adam was a flop, XFL will be a flop (again), and the writer's strike is happening and all his deals are on hold?
The Rock has made 1 appearance on Smackdown, I don't think that really qualifies as being "back".
Rock vs Roman ... Bloodline Civil War will break Wrestle Mania records

Brock works too stiff. If I were the rock I wouldn't risk working with him and getting hurt. Too much money to lose if he were to miss a big project or film.
Rock vs Roman is literally what the whole "Head of the Table" thing has been building too. There's nothing bigger than that.
Lol did The Rock come back to WWE because Black Adam was a flop, XFL will be a flop (again), and the writer's strike is happening and all his deals are on hold?
The Rock has appeared on Smackdown 1 time, I don't know if that qualifies "as coming back".